ecoTrain Question Of The Week: "What changes would you like to see happen after Covid19"
If there is a word I would use to describe COVID19 it would be CHANGE! Our lives have already changed immeasurably since last month, but the changes are not yet complete. We are in the eye of the storm, and when the dust settles we will have to put our lives and our world back together again, only in a different way. We can't go back to the way things were, because it is gone. The only way is forward, which is a great thing, and an incredible opportunity for change. Not only are we seeing outward change, but having all this time on our hands has meant that we have also seen a great change happening deep in our hearts and minds. The world is unified, whatever the circumstances, and together we all sit in virtual silence, for as long as it takes for this first wave to pass.
There are so many things that are going to change, from fundamental ways of doing business, to the majority of our population working from home. Big Business was never that comfortable with this idea before, but now all that has changed. With so many millions of people suddenly unemployed we have to ask , what will we all do? Maybe a good way to answer that question is to ask, what changes would you like to see in this world, and in your world.
This week's question is a time for us to plant seeds, for you and others to see. Just what will our new world look like in a few years? How much of our daily life will the internet take up, will we still be glued to our devices. Will food production be dramatically reduced, with only seasonal fruit and vegetables available to most? Will it come to pass that in 2022 you could be arrested for eating a banana in winter time in London? Will our phones become mandatory, and track our every movement. Will people start leaving cities because they can no longer server so many people?
There are so many possibilities, but this week I ask you to CHOOSE, which possibility you would like to see happen, and what role you might play in that process. Let's us together see what our collective thoughts are on this very important topic! I look very forward to reading your posts!
"Q. What changes would you like to see happen after Covid19
We welcome everyone to join us and post your answer to this QOTW.
Your answer can be a written post, a video, or any way you wish to express yourself.
You can post anytime from now until Monday April 27th
You must Subscribe and Post to the ecoTrain Community to post.

Please also post a link to your post in the comments so that I will be sure to find it and add it to the weekly tie-up post.

We welcome everyone to join us and post your answer to this QOTW.
Your answer can be a written post, a video, or any way you wish to express yourself.
You can post anytime from now until Monday April 27th
You must Subscribe and Post to the ecoTrain Community to post.
Please also post a link to your post in the comments so that I will be sure to find it and add it to the weekly tie-up post.

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ecoTrain QOTW: "What changes would you like to see happen after Covid19"