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in Deep Dives4 years ago

It's Super Tuesday; 15 states will be casting their votes in the primary elections today, except for the people who took advantage of the opportunity to vote early. And on the eve before this pivotal day, the outlook has changed drastically; the Democratic party establishment have chosen their candidate and are all in for Joe Biden and against Bernie Sanders.


Image by GPA Photo Archive - source: Flickr

Quickly, before I start this post, I need to say something. I don't know what happened to my post yesterday; I made a promise to post once every day, and I didn't miss yesterday. Something obviously went wrong though, as it got far less votes than usual; when I checked, the post was way down the list in the #deepdives community where they are normally listed chronologically, but this post was beneath the blog I posted 2 days ago... So, I didn't break my promise and you can still read it if you want: Lessons From Jaws. Now, on with today's post :-)

After Joe Biden's spectacular win in South Carolina three days ago, the first to drop out was Tom Steyer, one of the two billionaires running. I actually believe his motivations to do so are genuine and obvious: he's already spent more than 20 million dollars on this endeavor and there's just no way he'll come out winning, not even close. But then you had Klobuchar and Buttigieg drop out as well, both of whom consistently made the case that they were best suited to take on the moderate mantle, that they were able to consolidate the part of the voter-base that just wanted a return to normalcy, a return to the pre-Trump era, politics as usual. Buttigieg had some success in Iowa, Klobuchar finished a surprising third in New Hampshire; they both had some ground to stand on to make the claim of uniting the party, while Biden disappointed in the first three states. This would give the party establishment a reason to give one of them, Klobuchar or Buttigieg, the nomination in a brokered convention, especially when it became clear that Bloomberg can't hold his own on a debate stage.

But then cane Biden's massive win in South Carolina, with both Klobuchar and Buttigieg not being able to pick up enough of the black votes there; besides Biden, Sanders was the only other candidate to reach the threshold needed to get any delegates at all. It's been reported that Obama called Buttigieg and "suggested" he put his weight behind Biden, and here we see how much power Obama still has within the Democratic party; Buttigieg now endorses Biden, as well as Klobuchar and a slew of Democratic party elites as well. Obama suggested last year that he would become involved in the primaries if there was a threat of Bernie Sanders becoming the nominee; he now delivered on that promise at the very last moment. If it wasn't already abundantly clear, the gloves are off now; we have a true referendum on money in politics, a true class war of the people against the establishment, a choice between democracy and corporatism. Asked to react to this blatant turn of events, to react to the entire party turning against him, Sanders replied that he's not surprised at all, which is not surprising at all.

The Choice Between Biden And Bernie Is Obvious

Within the space of 48 hours the polling map has changed significantly due to these developments; where Sanders had a clear lead in 13 of the 15 states before, now it's down to 8 of the 15 states, and now Biden is predicted to have a chance of winning the all important state of Texas. With Elizabeth Warren staying in this race with the sole objective of sabotaging Sanders' chances, leeching delegates away from him without herself having any chance at all to win, California isn't the clean-sweep for Bernie anymore as it was projected in the polls before yesterday's events. The Democrats even reached out to Beto O'Rourke to come out and endorse Biden, which he promptly did of course. It's kind of amazing that the DNC has this much leverage; even the Republicans were unable to effectively organize the party against Trump in 2016...

I've said it before and I'll repeat it here; with so many votes not going to Sanders, I'm constantly amazed how many people clearly don't have a clue about what's at stake here, how many people unwittingly vote against their own interests. Everybody in the middle class and below knows how much they've been screwed over by the neoliberal status quo, how little politics has done for them, so it's a mystery to me how they keep voting for the same politics over and over again. South Carolina showed that crystal clear. That state is more than 50% African American and they gave a massive win to the candidate who gave them the policies, the 1994 crime bill to be more specific, that incarcerate young black men disproportionately, the man that gave them the bankruptcy bill that piled on student loan debts, the man that repeatedly campaigned to cut social security and medicate. Why? Biden lied about getting arrested in South Africa on his way to meet Nelson Mandela, he lied for years about his political activism, his son is implied in corruption scandals; this man has a snowball's chance in hell of winning against Trump. Why choose him?

We know why; it's because the Democratic party establishment would rather lose against Trump with Biden, than win against Trump with Sanders. They fear Sanders more than they fear Trump, and so they should; their course of action is totally understandable, even if it goes against everything that's just, fair or reasonable, we know they're all in there for their own self interest. What I'm amazed about is how there are still so much voters who fall for the same bullshit lies that have been fed to them for more than a half century. If a lie is repeated often enough, it becomes the truth. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, and people are obviously scared of a revolution. Anyhow, tonight we'll be seeing the first results and it's going to be interesting to see what happens. We won't see the final results for a while though, as states play by different rules and the counting of votes will continue for a week at least. Klobuchar, in her speech to endorse Biden, said: "It is time for a president that will bring decency and dignity back to the White House!" In closing I'll complete that sentence for her, no charge: "It is time for a president that will bring decency and dignity and corporatism and corruption and voter-suppression back to the White House, so we must nominee someone who will surely be demolished by Trump in the general elections!" That's the truth of the matter and they all know it. A vote for Warren is a vote for Trump. A vote for Biden is a vote for Trump. There is no way back to "normalcy." It's really "Bernie or bust," and that's not Sanders'doing; that's the result of desperately hanging on to the status quo for decades, creating the circumstances that got us Trump in the first place.

Krystal and Saagar: Is Obama behind the stop Bernie movement

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and reading my posts dear reader, I appreciate that a lot :-) If you like my content, please consider leaving a comment, upvote or resteem. I'll be back here tomorrow and sincerely hope you'll join me. Until then, keep steeming!

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@zyx066, there has been a lot going down on the blockchain in the last few days. To keep it short, let's call it Steem politics. Part Of the reason why your last post received far fewer votes, is because the auto voting feature that many steemians use has been disabled for the moment, until it's all sorted out. I can't give you a time frame on it, but You will notice it when everything returns to normal. Let's hope so anyway.

Thanks so much for the update my friend; guess I didn't keep up with those developments while I was engrossed with the primaries... :-(

The Steem blockchain is currently being attacked by a central authority in order to take control of the witnesses. If you are not managing your witness votes, please consider setting @berniesanders as your witness voting proxy by clicking here to help restore the decentralization of Steem.

Thanks for letting me know; I'll dive deeper into it.

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