The Coronavirus Pan(dem)ic Part 4: Corona, Cold, Flu and The Seasonal Clue

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Before we get into the materials I have for today. I’d like to thank @deepdives for bringing me on as an independent writer and content contributor to their community. I hope to be a great additional force in their efforts to grow on this platform.


If you haven’t read my previous coverage of Coronavirus. Please check out those posts as well.

The Coronavirus Pan(dem)ic Part 1: SARS 2.0 & Predictive Pandemic Programming

The Coronavirus Pan(dem)ic Part 2: The “Not For Broadcast” Post

The Coronavirus Pan(dem)ic Part 3: Covid-19 and The “Infodemic” of Misinformation

Hello dear friends, I hope all of you are in good health during this cold and flu ‘season’. Ya know, that season that occurs at the same time as they start administering flu shots.

Normie Nori: 🙎‍♀️ Why VenomnymouS, they give out those shots because that’s the time of year when those viruses are circulating through the populations. It’s a way to prevent the spread of these illnesses to vulnerable people.

Really? Are you sure it’s not the flu vaccine itself, that’s circulating these viruses through people and that’s why they fit a seasonal pattern as they do?

Normie Nori: 💁‍♀️ But, my doctor says vaccines save lives.

Flu vaccines are highly ineffective, because A. The vaccine strains they pick to administer may not match the influenza strain that’s circulating for that year. That’s going on premise that these are ‘wild’ influenza viruses.

B. The vaccine itself in general is largely ineffective, full of health damaging ingredients and often make you more vulnerable to infection. Especially, to non-influenza viruses.

Normie Nori:🙍‍♀️ ......

Okay, that’s enough silly role-playing. Take a bow Normie Nori!

Normie Nori : 🙇‍♀️

Speaking of role-playing. I’ve seen a few recent bits out of the msm (shocker, I know! 🙄) surrounding the coronavirus or covid-19 as they seem to only sometimes refer to it as.

I’m talking about the coughing fits that have gone ‘viral’ as of late. Let’s take a look at few I’ve seen so far, as I am sure there will continue to be more in the near future.

“Coronavirus Quarantine Survivor Keeps Coughing on TV”

This really seems like a stunt to me. The coughing fits is silly and pathetic. The dad’s obsession with the water bottle, like he was suppose to take a sip from his (Asian looking) daughter’s bottle and give it back to her. The whole act is a mess to watch.

“Pope Francis taken ill as coronavirus sweeps Italy”

The Pope had cold like symptoms the day after his big speech addressing coronavirus. What a coincidence right?

Now I get that the pope is an old dude, so getting sick is perfectly plausible. However, real or not the timing of this is what’s in question. That’s all.

“HILARIOUS: Italian Anchor Coughs Repeatedly while Reporting on Coronavirus”

My friend @fakenewsreport caught this Italian broadcast. The TV anchor trying her best to cough during her broadcast. Now, if you don’t know, Italy was the first of the western countries to get hit with the massive quarantines like they have up in China. Certainly something I want to talk about in my next post, but I digress.

“'I have coronavirus': Iranian deputy health minister reveals results”

Last we have an Iranian official who’s not coughing, but sweating a lot...maybe? It’s hard to tell, you can’t see the sweat, but he wipes his face frequently throughout.

Now supposedly he has the coronavirus at the time of the speech, however why is he out in public doing a speech? Why is no one masked? Literally no preventative measures taken here. Is it a script or just stupidity? You can probably guess which way I’m thinking about it.

That’s all I wanted to show you for that. Why it’s important is because these are the type of mainstream shenanigans they use to push fear of the virus. Why would they have to do that? Why couldn’t they just show regular people with the friggin virus?

Well it’s simple, it’s not scary. Statistics are scary. They love to throw those numbers at us! 10,000, 20,000... 70,000 and now it’s like 90,000, mostly out of China. Oh, dear. Surely not nearly 100 k infected out of a population of like 8 billion right? I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a mere drop in the ocean to me.

When you factor in the recovery and death rate, it’s really insignificant, like a 98% survival rate.

Here’s a graphic from a WHO’s ‘situation report’ (March third)


Oh, wait. Something’s not quite right.


Clinically diagnosed? Oh, right! Gimme a second and I’ll grab something from downstairs.


Here we go!



Any questions?


Kidding aside. I’m not surprised at all that they would do this type of diagnosing. Another virus you may have heard of Influenza (that’s often compared to this outbreak as being deadlier in comparison (we’ll address that is a sec). Only about 12% of cases are lab confirmed for influenza strains.

This means the rest of influenza cases are ‘clinically diagnosed’. Not with a ct scan mind you, but by doctor examination. Which is impossible for a doctor to know if your have the flu just by looking at you, because cold and flu viruses have identical symptoms.



Truth about flu deaths.

"The fact is, no one knows how many people die after being infected with the flu virus. The death estimates are not based on body counts, lab tests or autopsies."

"I think people may have the misconception that every person who dies from the flu is somehow counted somewhere, and they're not," Gardam said."

"The "2,000 to 8,000" numbers are based on computer models — a statistical guess that comes out of the end of a mathematical formula that makes a range of assumptions about death and flu."

"They're tossing it into a big computer and they're churning out estimates," Gardam said as he scribbled numbers on a white board to show me how the models work."

"One model counts all respiratory and circulatory deaths — that's death from heart and lung failure — as flu deaths."

"Another model assumes that every extra death that happens in the winter is a flu death. At the risk of oversimplifying, this is the basic formula of that model: winter deaths (minus) summer deaths = death by flu virus."

"That includes winter deaths from slippery sidewalks, snowy roads, freezing temperatures, plus all the winter heart failure, lung failure and deaths from cancer. In the language of the computer model, all excess mortality in winter is considered "death by flu"

"The model extrapolates that the flu virus will cause more deaths across all causes, including "disorders of the nervous system," stroke and "disorders of the digestive system." Which means that according to the model, flu causes 33 more "accidental falls" every year, 18 more "accidental poisonings," and 68 more deaths from "psychotic conditions." But what does flu have to do with deaths from accidental poisonings or accidental falls?"

"There are no real figures on deaths from influenza. They don't collect that information," he said. "So if they don't collect that information, how do they know it's a threat? And if they don't collect that information, how do they know that their policies will work? This is called faith-based medicine, not evidence-based medicine."

"We see lots of people coming in with upper respiratory infections and we don't know what causes it. Sometimes if they are really sick, we'll test for influenza. We rarely test for anything else."

"Cause-of-death statistics are based solely on the underlying cause of death [internationally defined] as 'the disease or injury which initiated the train of events leading directly to death,'" explains the National Center for Health Statistics. Because the flu was rarely an "underlying cause of death," the CDC created the sound-alike term, "influenza-associated death."

"Using this new, loose definition, CDC's computer models could tally people who died of a heart ailment or other causes after having the flu. As William Thompson of the CDC's National Immunization Program admitted, influenza-associated mortality is "a statistical association ... I don't know that we would say that it's the underlying cause of death."

"The CDC's decision to play up flu deaths dates back a decade, when it realized the public wasn't following its advice on the flu vaccine. During the 2003 flu season "the manufacturers were telling us that they weren't receiving a lot of orders for vaccine,"Dr. Glen Nowak, associate director for communications at CDC's National Immunization Program, told National Public Radio. "It really did look like we needed to do something to encourage people to get a flu shot."

"The CDC unabashedly decided to create a mass market for the flu vaccine by enlisting the media into panicking the public. An obedient and unquestioning media obliged by hyping the numbers, and 10 years later it is obliging still."

These excerpts and more can be found here Link

My whole point with the flu deaths stats, is that if they can so blatantly exaggerate the number of influenza infections and deaths. What makes you think they are honest about this coronavirus? What, because it’s new? Well, I’ve already shown flaws in testing in china, so clearly the numbers are fudged in some ways for sure, but there’s much more to this thing than just the numbers.

The Outbreak of many names






Oh and here’s one within the truther circles

LoL Kobe virus.

Well, that’s not confusing at all. Have you ever seen a disease referred to by so many different names in the media like this before? I can understand maybe 2 names like h1n1 also known as swine flu, but 5 different names for one virus? That’s just confusing for the sake of confusion.

It’s the name of the game, create as much confusion, and fear and panic as possible in order to control the narrative. Anyways you get the point with that.

What is a coronavirus?


Ahh a common cold virus. With major symptoms you say? Very interesting.


Wait, I don’t get how they are different? SARS causes both upper and lower respiratory tract infections, but then all coronavirus can cause pneumonia? What’s pneumonia?


Ahh, it’s a lower respiratory tract infection. So basically there really is no difference.




Right, when did this ‘coronavirus’ start? At the beginning of the flu/cold season in China.

Seasonal flus and April Fools





A new seasonal virus? Maybe, just maybe there’s nothing new about this virus.

Remember, it’s cold and flu season right now. China’s season runs from December to March





Oh, just another one of those coincidences of course. Nothing suspicious here.


Would you look at that? The common cold (33) is the CDC’s disease of the week right now. You’d think with the Coronavirus making it’s impact on the US this week it would be the disease of the week... Unless the Coronavirus really is the common cold this whole time and they just made up the whole origin story.

Creating a bunch of predictive programming over the years (because they had this planned for a long), making sure it would all be found by conspiracy theorists. Knowing full well there would be a strong reaction that they could then point to and use as a reason to control the flow information in order to prevent any further crazy conspiracies and ‘misinformation’ from “spreading faster than the virus itself.”

Nah, everything is exactly as told to us by the CDC and the common cold just wanted to be disease of the week more than coronavirus, I guess.

Okay, so what does the CDC have to say about our little disease of the week?


According to what computer model? So the cold is responsible for you staying home. It also can be deadly If you have a weakened immunity. Yet, flu is the big killer even though they have no proof of that and “it’s near impossible” to tell the difference between cold and flu without a lab test.


Right! Where have I heard that recently. Ah here!

Right and...


Normie Nori: 💁‍♀️ These are just common sense things, you’re blowing them up to be more than they are.

Yes, these are common sense things. OBVIOUSLY! However, it’s not just that. Actually, what’s being blown up is the disease itself, and now that they have your attention. Things like public affection can be destroyed, along with what makes us human. Our human kindness is an interference in the eyes of the cold, power hungry elites.

Now do please be quiet Normie Nori. I have just a little bit more to show before I can wrap this up.


Age groups and pandemic fails




Okay, so very high among elderly with pre-existing health problems.

Well, I can’t compare coronavirus to the common cold because every death is assumed to be flu related. So we’ll see what the CDC says about those most vulnerable to influenza.


Quite similar, wouldn’t you say?



No global deaths of children? That’s very interesting. Now this really could just mean like they said about kids having so much exposure to germs, maybe there’s more to the story.

One thing is for sure, this virus is very much like your run-of-the-mill cold/flu that’s being blown way out of proportion!

We think about pandemics as this big scary thing and it is to an extent. However, things are a lot different in this modern time of hygiene and common sense measures to reduce spread of a disease.

They try so hard to scare us in the media, even go so far as to release a pandemic documentary on Netflix right as the coronavirus breaks out (purely coincidence of course). Yeah, previous pandemics killed a lot of people. However, many more survived these pandemics and populations rebounded quickly.

I think that honestly, this virus is not a legitimate threat to humanity. This is another one of their big scares in order to achieve many of their global and local objectives.

However, if this post doesn’t convince you, or you just want to air on the side of caution (which I recommend you do regardless of what I have shown). My best advice to you in preparing for a pandemic in fortifying your immune system. This is vital when dealing with an viral or bacterial infection.

This was demonstrated best by the scientist Illya Metchnikoff.



That’s it for part 4. I thank you from the bottom of this post, for your time and attention. I hope you’ll join me again when part 5 is release. Thanks again and until next time.

Reporting from the BRAVE NEW WORLD, I am...



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