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RE: Jigsaw Pieces Part Two: The Burn cycle & The Reformation Of The Social Order

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

Also, think of who controls the Matrix (mind) and in the N.T. it was said that it is the domain of Satan/Yahweh in Gnosticism. And then look at the world mind today and see who has colonized it: Judaism and its demented children all saying Yahweh is good. About 4-billion people (damn Satan sure is lousy at his job); Marx who colonized half of the earth; Ayn Rand whose thoughts are ubiquitous in D.C. and world financial centers...Add to that the media and who it promotes and one has the near-total colonization of the 'mind' upon the earth...


Hello my friend, hope you've been keeping well? Yes, I think it's wise to keep an open mind on such matters which is why I drew a distinction between some of my thoughts in this part, and the research-based aspects of the first. Equally, the posts I've listed below go some way to explaining firstly the intent and secondly the modern framework/architecture that appears to be bringing said intention to fruition. When you fast forward a few years and bring an artificially intelligent quantum powered machine learning algorithm into the equation, in the right (wrong hands) you could have a scientifically refined level of collective thought/propaganda ghetto that exists both beyond the comprehension and awareness of the average person. Indeed when I look around at the increasingly dogmatic nature of social media echo chambers and the back and forth arguments that take place between them, I observe that repetition reigns supreme, people rallying around and repeating certain ideas, studies (that appear to validate their belief whilst refusing to acknowledge the validity of opposing studies) labels, meme's and internalising them as their own perspective.

I can't see this being rolled back anytime soon, people appear to increasingly crave perceptual conformity over originality, yes to varying degrees this has always been the case for it speaks to the survival mechanisms of our tribal heritage .. but I feel a future cutting edge artificially intelligent machine learning system, could (if created to do so) use this psychological heritage to its advantage and draw people into digital thought tribes with relative ease, in many ways, this is simply an evolution of what is already occurring. We have to remember how centralised many aspects of the net is becoming and (as per the below posts) who is behind this attempt to control what information we can consume, Imagine a learning system already pre-programmed with the sum of all psychological knowledge. As people increasingly become cocooned within these dogmatic digital padded cells, they also become increasingly hostile to opposing viewpoints, and thus can become nudged towards the extremes of their belief systems/ideologies. I also observe that the control system wants to vastly reduce the population, and that the evil we visit upon one another we do (albeit from a manipulated state of being) of our own volition and to ourselves, indeed this system already appears very adept at pitting us against each other, introducing ideas, whispering in ears, nurturing our worst virtues, and creating the fertile grounds for them to flourish.

Equally, in terms of a hive mind .. I've come to an awareness that many people want self-proclaimed "experts" to do their thinking for them, to focus on the relative trivialities of life and content to hand away their imagination and let other people define their reality. If you had such a system that was marketed with 100% accuracy I feel a majority of people would follow its every word. That doesn't necessarily mean everyone would think the same about everything., certainly not in matters of trivia, but you could create certain thought commonalities that if you challenged them would be akin to saying the grass is pink. Individuality within the home, friend environments, collectivised thought ghetto's/ideologies, with common threads that connect them all and feed a centralised belief system. I will explain it much better when I have a chance to sit down and iron it all out! :)

In terms of an A.I God, again I observe that this is what they're moving towards.

1: Omniscient = The power to know everything
2: Omnipotent = Godlike power and authority
3: Omnipresent = The ability to be everywhere at the same time

In terms of the old world/new world control models perhaps we could view it as an attempt to move us away from and invert the natural law of the one true God. First step, control through fear, then as some of the evil attributed to this system is deliberately brought into the light, use the momentum of our rejection to weaponise of our desire for liberation that (through the manipulation of our freewill) brings us into an inverted state of being. Our quest for liberation evolving to become our prison, ain't that an oxymoron. ;)

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