What to do if the concentration has decreased? Symptoms and causes.

in Steem Education4 years ago

Have we ever had trouble concentrating? It can be reduced in both adults and children. In this article, you will learn everything about concentration problems: what it is and why they arise, what are the signs, symptoms and also the possible causes of low concentration of attention. Should I be concerned about this?


The concentration of attention can decrease in people of any age, this is a fairly common problem. In children, this is manifested in the deterioration of grades and overall school performance.

In adults, work capacity decreases and a change in concentration of attention can affect family life and, in general, negatively affect daily life.

It can even interrupt our social, work, etc. relationships. Therefore, it is extremely important to take the necessary steps in time to resolve concentration problems and improve mindfulness.

What are the problems with concentration?


Concentration is the ability to effectively focus our attention on the task at hand. Also, with a good concentration of attention, we can block various distractions, for example, strange sounds or even our own thoughts.

When the level of concentration is optimal, it is easier for us to do the job, we make fewer mistakes and spend less time doing it, we remember information better.

Problems with concentration, decreased concentration of attention is the inability to focus and focus on the desired stimulus. At the same time, we can be distracted by noise, the sound of a mobile phone, various thoughts, etc., as a result of which we stop completing the task.

The level of human concentration depends on the following factors:


  • Commitment.
  • Interest in the task.
  • Ability to fulfill it
  • Physical and emotional state
  • Adequate conditions with a minimum of distractions.

Under these conditions, it is much easier for the brain to focus on important stimuli and to block all other unwanted stimuli and distracting thoughts.

Causes of attention problems


It is very important to understand why concentration is altered, since in some cases, first of all, it is necessary to treat the root cause of this problem.

  • Fatigue and emotional stress can lead to poor concentration. Situations that cause stress.

  • Hormonal changes, for example, during menopause or pregnancy, can affect our cognitive function.

  • Concentration problems are associated with certain physical and psychological disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

  • Lack of sleep and lack of rest. When we don't give our brain enough and necessary rest due to lack of time or stress, it works worse. Lack of sleep is one of the most obvious causes of concentration problems. Learn more about the dangers and consequences of insomnia.

  • Poor diet can also be a cause of decreased attention span. Hunger is a very unpleasant sensation in the body, with the help of which our body warns us of a lack of nutrients and energy. This sensation will completely absorb our cognitive resources, not allowing us to focus on anything else. Nutrient deficiencies also interfere with proper brain function.

  • Excessive anxiety We are all aware that if we are very concerned about something, it is difficult for us to focus on other things. This generally goes away. However, there are people who constantly experience increased anxiety and excessive anxiety, which does not allow them to focus on something else.

  • Physical pain. Concentration decreases with prolonged physical pain when we are injured or suffer from chronic pain or fibromyalgia.

  • Medications and drugs. Some drugs can affect concentration and attention. Drugs interfere with brain function and cognitive abilities, and attention is the most affected.

  • The environment in which we work can also harm our attention. In the presence of a large number of distractions: noise, people, devices, etc. - Most likely, we will start to get distracted and lose concentration.

Our individual ability to focus is higher than other people, just as some people are more "flexible" than others. However, this does not mean that concentration cannot be developed. Concentration as a muscle, you can also train.



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