in whalepower4 years ago


Hai teman-teman steemean di seluruh dunia apa kabar, semoga kita selalu sehat dan rendah hati dalam kegiatan kita.

Hari ini saya sangat membutuhkan masukan dan bimbingan dari teman-teman untuk mengoreksi pekerjaan saya baik dari segi bahasa, penggunaan kata-kata yang tidak cocok atau ada konten yang tidak pantas karena saya ingin menerbitkan buku yang saya beri judul "KETIKA BUMI MENANGIS".

Buku ini juga akan diterbitkan dalam dua bahasa, Indonesia dan Inggris, jadi saya mohon saran dan masukan dari teman-teman untuk kesempurnaan Buku ini.


Negara konspirasi menghajatkan kemakmuran rakyatnya yang bersifat basa basi, rakyat selalu menjadi objek politik yang rutin. Wilayah geografis sangat jelas tetapi wilyah geografis hak politik rakyatnya dalam kondisi remang remang.

Kata-kata "keadilan" sebagai ikatan rakyat dengan negara bernilai ambiguitas dan inkonsistensi. Sementara kalimat sosial yang beradab merupakan fitrah individu dalam setiap negara yang membentuk republik.

Negara muncul karena kebutuhan kolektivitas manusia dengan manusia lain. Secara alamiah manusia terkondisi pada kemampuan bakat dan kognitif yang berbeda-beda dan juga dalam pekerjaan. Atau negara ibarat organ tubuh manusia yang memiliki keunggulan masing-masing.

Ketika negara sering terjebak dalam teori konspirasi maka fungsi tubuh negara menjadi lemah dan lumpuh. Fungsi tangan negara untuk memegang amanah digantikan dengan kaki untuk menendang amanah. Fungsi mata negara untuk melihat kebenaran, digantikan dengan telinga pekak negara untuk mendengarkan kebenaran. Begitulah kilas balik wujud negara konspirasi dan basa basi.

Akumulasi perbuatan baik yang ikhlas bukan pujian tapi kebahagian internal eksternal manusia yang bersifat intuitif.

Seluruh kanal-kanal rahmat Tuhan tercurah langsung pada orang yang gemar beramal ikhlas. Bagaikan samudra tanpa riak dan gelombang serta tanpa badai, perahu nikmat berlayar bebas menuju hamba-hamba yang haqqul yakin dengan ganjaran surga dari Tuhan.

Dan ketika perbuatan baik mencapai kematangan esensinya, pintu supranatural Tuhan terbuka lebar. Manusia bebas mengkonsumsi segala minuman dan makanan dalam gudang tuhan tanpa pernah merasa kenyang dan bosan.

Berbeda dengan segala menu makanan produk manusia yang cepat kenyang dan cepat bosan, enak dipandang, jemu dibuang. Karena itu, sudah seharusnya, manusia tidak boleh bosan dan enggan berbuat kebaikan.

Dan akumulasi segala perbuatan jahat manusia adalah hidup dengan penuh penderitaan meskipun harta melimpah ruah, sering tumpah dijalan raya kehidupan.

Manusia sering bersuka ria dengan kejahatan, karena kejahatan adalah nikmat internal yang terkondisi, seolah anugerah tuhan , padahal pemberian Setan yang terkutuk. Ketika kejahatan mencapai kematangan nya, postur kejahatan akan telanjang bagi manusia, pada saat itu manusia manyadari segala kesalahannya.


Hi steemean friends all over the world how are you, hopefully we are always healthy and humble in our activities.

Today I really need input and guidance from friends to correct my work both in terms of language, use of words that do not match or there is inappropriate content because I want to publish a book that I titled "WHEN EARTH CRYING".

This book will also be published in two languages, Indonesian and English, so I beg for your advice and input from friends for the perfection of this Book.


The conspiracy state emphasizes the prosperity of its people, which is only lip service, the people are always the object of routine politics. The geographical area is very clear but the geographical area of ​​people's political rights is in a grim condition.

The word "justice" as a people's bond with the state deserves ambiguity and inconsistency. Whereas civilized social sentences are individual traits in each country that make up the republic.

The state arises because of the need for human collectivity with other humans. Humans are naturally conditioned on various abilities and cognitive abilities and also at work. Or countries such as human organs that have their respective advantages.

When the state is often trapped in conspiracy theories, the state's bodily functions become weak and paralyzed. The function of the state hand to hold the mandate is replaced with the foot to kick the mandate. The function of the eyes of the state to see the truth is replaced by the ears of the deaf to hear the truth. This is a flashback of conspiracy forms and lip service.

Accumulated good deeds that are not sincere compliments but internal and external happiness of intuitive human nature.

All channels of God's grace flow directly to those who love charity. Like an ocean without ripples and waves and without storms, the ship supports free shipping to servants who believe in heaven's rewards from God.

And when good works reach their essential maturity, the invisible door of God is wide open. Humans are free to consume all drinks and food in God's warehouse without ever feeling full and bored.

In contrast to all food menus, human products are quickly full and easily bored, pleasing to the eye, tired of being thrown away. Therefore, as it should, humans should not be bored and are reluctant to do good deeds.

And the accumulation of evil deeds of all humans live with great suffering even though their wealth is abundant, often spilling on the highway of life.

Humans often rejoice with evil, because evil is a conditioned internal pleasure, as if it were a gift from God, apparently a gift from Satan. When evil reaches its maturity, evil posture will be naked to humans, at that time many people realize all their mistakes.

Best Regard



Good morning @muftii.

I pray to God that poverty disappear, that all human beings have enough food and water and that peace and justice reign.

Have a happy and productive new week!

hi @mllg

may we all be free from poverty.
assemble upstream
swam to shore
get sick first
having fun

Keep writing about interesting topics.

thank you friend for your support and encouragement


Hello, dear @Muftii!! This post has great strength and I agreed in every one of your points. I think we must open our eyes on this recent crisis and all the people accountable for the problems and dead of the common people that we are seeing right now. I pray always for a better future!

Knitrias will come to your post to solve the question you made me on FB, excuse the delay, she will assist you!!

Best wishes for life and projects, @Muftii!!

Knitrias Project
@tipu curate !trdo

hi @leveuf you finally came, i'm so happy. That post must be corrected by friends because I want to print a book, thank you for the encouragement you gave. let's write the world with a pen🌎✍️

Thank you @Muftii!! I did comment with the answer to your FB question on your next post!! Sorry for the delay!
It's great you are making your book project, I wish you the best! I think @Rashia is a very good writer, and she is English speaking, probably she can help!!

thank you friend, it turns out that @rashia is a good writer, @rashia please look at my work, both in terms of language or kalaimat, please correct me. thank you

Sorry, I forgot the time today. I did not mean to ignore you or anything. I will read it now. 🥰

You guys praise me too much hehe

Okay i am going on my laptop so i can do this right. But i have to tell you some phrasing is hard for me to comprehend. I did grow up in germany, i sometimes get advice on phrasing from my mom.. lol

Hi @rashia
thank you, I will receive good feedback for this content.
I am very grateful if you do

Yes!! She is talented and a great person!! :)
Best wishes, @Muftii!!

Pelukan untuk nya🤗🌹

Many hugs for you!!

@Knitrias, that caused me to write the longest comment ever, hahahahaha. In Word it was actually as long as my posts usually are, but it was fun and I hope it really helps :P

I've read it!!
Now you are feeling the esteem.
Thank you @Rashia!!

I recommend to not vote or comment on these accounts @Muftii, they are programmed answers (bots), not real people. There will be no response from them.

oh like that yeah, really i don't know. thank you friend for the information. a warm hug for you

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