Food dishes in Aceh

in whalepower4 years ago


Food dishes of an area are of course in accordance with the customs and culture of the local population. On this occasion I would like to discuss about how to serve in my area, namely Aceh. Usually these dishes are found in some communities who still uphold local customs, especially in the countryside.

Hidangan makanan suatu daerah tentu saja sesuai dengan adat istiadat dan budaya penduduk setempat. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membahas tentang cara menghidang di daerah saya yaitu Aceh. Biasanya menu hidangan seperti ini ditemukan pada sebagian masyarakat yang masih menjunjung adat setempat terutama di pedesaan.

The food is usually arranged in a place called hidang. In a plot usually composed of several plates consisting of various kinds of food. The food is placed on the floor of the house that has been spread out with a mat. guests will sit cross-legged together to eat a meal. Food dishes look very tasty and appetizing.

Makanan biasanya disusun dalam suatu tempat yang disebut hidang. Dalam satu hidang biasanya disusun atas beberapa piring yang terdiri dari berbagai macam makanan. Makanan tersebut diletakkan di lantai rumah yang telah digelar dengan tikar. Para tamu akan duduk bersila secara bersama-sama untuk menyantap hidangan. Hidangan makanan terlihat sangat lezat dan menggugah selera.


The guests will enjoy food in the form of rice, meat, fish, vegetables, eggs by hand. To wash hands, hand washing water is provided which is placed in a hand washing bowl. Aceh's special foods usually contain a lot of spices and have a very delicious spicy taste. That is all my posts this time may be useful and greetings.

Para tamu akan menikmati makanan yang berupa nasi , daging, ikan, sayuran, telur dengan menggunakan tangan. Untuk mencuci tangan disediakan air cuci tangan yang diletakkan pada sebuah mangkuk cuci tangan. Makanan khas aceh biasanya mengandung banyak rempah dan mempunyai cita rasa pedas yang sangat lezat. Sekian postingan saya kali ini semoga bermanfaat dan salam.


Hi my friend @elianaelisma,
The dish looks amazing and delicious.
Lately I have not had a strong appetite to eat, but I would surely eat a meal that looks like this no matter what.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful post with us.

Have a great day miss.

Hi my dear, Jake .. thank u for the nice comment .. I think you should immediately find a sweetheart who will cook delicious dishes for you. And I think your taste will come out when you eat a meal cooked by your love. Have a nice day, Jake.

How did you know I would like a sweetheart like this?
You always pay close attention and say such nice things.
Thank you my friend, have a nice day.

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