My Entry: Campus Connect Weekly Contest - Week 17 - Challenges As A Student On Your Campus
As I scrolled through my newsfeed on Facebook some days ago, I came across this post in a public group and I had to make a comment too. This post earned a lot of reactions from other Nigerian students and this got me thinking.
Almost all student in the world has some challenges especially in areas that pertain to their academics. The other remaining population who are not experiencing any problems are either studying in a utopian university somewhere out of the world or school is not passing through them. For every Nigerian Student, there are some unique problems they MUST encounter. These general problems have become compulsory courses that have been recognized by the tertiary body. They have been given course codes and titles. The good news is that nobody fails these courses. That is because no carryover is allowed.
No leave, no Transfer!
For every Nigerian Student especially those in Federal and State-owned universities, it is fallacious to determine when you will be completing a course of study as this course teaches you how to count the years you spend studying ONE COURSE better. Have you ever wondered why 4x = 8 in algebra?
Your ability to be the leader of tomorrow is determined by how well you can manage the limited resources you have today throughout a semester. From a distance, one will applaud upcoming leaders on their ability to manage ten to fifteen thousand naira monthly. Do you know that a well appetizing meal for most students is garri with groundnut? The most nourishing is garri with milk, sugar, fish and bread. Now you know, please celebrate the grace only most Nigerian students can have.UNI 323: THE QUEST FOR A CERTIFICATE
A large number of students no longer pursue knowledge but rather there is a marathon race for what a student called "The Magnificent Cardboard Paper". An average student is aware of the already large labour market and the slim chances to get a well-paying job immediately after completing their studies.
As a student, I can relate to the challenges mentioned above but I still have my challenges too. These include:
- Coping With The Pattern Of Teaching
I usually wished that lecturers could give more assignments after every class. Contrary to popular beliefs by other students, I have realized that this will help me as a student to understand each topic better.
- Class Size
Learning with a large class size has more pros than cons. From my observation, I can only study better with a smaller class size where the lecturers can carry everyone alone than with a multitude.
These and many more are my challenges as a student. I believe that there are so many students who can relate to this too.
Thanks so much for sharing your campus challenges with us here, continue to be active in our community, we appreciate your effort 💕
Thank you☺️