Campus Connect Engagement Contest Week 1- The Role of Virtual Learning In Universities Around The World by @ukpono

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)



The educational system in the 21st-century world is slowly taking a new course. This is because learning is no longer limited to a physical setting, but can take place virtually anywhere as long as there is functionally electronic communication equipment, a strong internet connection, a steady power supply, an instructor well vested with knowledge on a particular area and most importantly, an audience willing to learn. In recent times, some tertiary institutions around the world have adopted virtual learning alongside the conventional way of learning. Before now, the belief was that this method of learning was incorporated into the educational system to aid some students staying far from the campus, workers, business owners, stay-at-home or nursing moms acquire an education from the comfort of their homes. However, with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, this style of learning grew more popular among scholars at all levels of education.

The pattern of virtual learning differs depending on the course, platform or choice of the learner. For online learning platforms and universities like Coursera, YouTube, BYU pathway, Udemy and NOUN, students have to download the ecourseware videos and materials available from the website and then study them in their free time. Google search can be considered to be a part of virtual learning too. On the other hand, some virtual learners usually have fixed classes and so participants are expected to connect through apps like Zoom, WhatsApp, Duo or Google meet. Just like every other thing on the face of the earth, virtual learning has its pros and cons.

On the brighter side, virtually learning enables students to study at their own pace, as well as, go about their careers and other activities unperturbed. Distance is never a barrier as both participants (students and lecturers) can connect from anywhere. It would have been considered to be an ideal form of learning, but a close study will reveal that it has more challenges than the conventional way of learning. Virtual learning requires a lot of discipline, especially when it comes to time management. It also means that there will be an increase in screen time. When this happens, people will tend to spend more time with their electronic gadgets rather than with fellow humans. You don't want to imagine what the world will be if this lifestyle is normalized.

Although this pedagogical method is widely popular in advanced countries, most public varsities in "supposed" third-world countries like Nigeria are yet to incorporate virtual learning into their education system. Reasons are predicated on the fact that most students and lecturers do not have access to personal computers or good smartphones, and if they do, then they have to worry about climbing a tall udara tree or mast to have a strong internet connection. For those who are not at the mercy of Globacom service providers, they are fated to purchase exorbitant data subscriptions monthly or better still, be denied access to the school's WiFi or the computer even when they are made to pay a little substantial amount called ICT fees every semester. One will think that they are participating in the WiFi osusu created for their grandchildren. To crown it all, there is the electricity supply company that provides an almost steady power supply for the haves while the have-nots have to burn their generators daily. Adopting virtual learning in a public university in Nigeria is almost impossible except these problems are fixed.

My experiences with Coursera and YouTube have given me a gleam of the benefits and challenges of online learning. At the moment, the traditional way of learning seems suitable for most public universities in Nigeria. But I know you can't wait to attend each class dressed in a suit, tie and briefs. No one will know, right? That's what makes virtual learning even more fun. Lol.

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