Campus tales: fictional story by @starshipsfly

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

Hello guys welcome to my blog. I will be sharing a fictional story of what an average University student faced in school. Enjoy😘

It was a Tuesday morning, 7:30 to be exact, I was still in bed. Last night was a hectic one as I went for night reading session in preparation for the exams the coming week.I stayed up all night studying because this exams, carry fire. The lecturers have already informed us that there will be no mercy this time around.
I have a class by 8 am this morning and waking up by 7:30 means I have signed up for war. Worst part is, I didn't even wake up on my own, my roommate had to wake me up which is to tell you that I still feel sleepy.
I quickly had my birth, manage to apply small cream, dressed up and grabbed a few slices of bread and raced down to the lecture hall.

Just at the entrance, students were wiggling there way into the lecture hall.I stood in front of what seemed like a swam of bees and I was ready to give up on attending this class. I suddenly felt motivated and threw my self into the crowd.maybe because I'm slim, I managed to wriggle myself into the Hall successfully but not without my hair being tattered by other students struggling to make their way in.
Ahh, relieve, I finally made my way in and even got a sit. It's not easy at all. Educational system in this country is really bad. The hall capacity is not enough for the number of students attending the class. Kai, Ave really suffered o. I only had few slices of bread for breakfast and I used up the strength in struggling to get in to the class, it's well.

Luckily, the class was quite interesting so I didn't find it hard to focus. Hunger has been wiring me in class and interrupting in the flow of what the lecturer was saying to my brain.
The time is 10 am, this never ending lecture has finally come to an end. Thank God o.
I only spent the next 10 minutes in the hall because the course rep had something important to say, what it is I can't tell because I wasn't listening.
The next class is around 2 pm, which means I have premium 4 hours to do whatever I want to do.

I rushed back to the hostel with my remaining strength, I could feel my intestines twisting.
Ahh, God just blessed me with this my roommate, just as if she knew how hungry I would be, she was about to dish out the MTN rice she had just finished cooking as I came in. I ate the food like a hungry lion, the food was really hot but I guess I have refrigerator installed in my mouth because I took in the rice even though it was hot. That's to tell you the extent of hunger I was going through.
I started gisting my roommate what I went through in the morning to attend class, how my wig was removed in my struggle to get in, we laughed about everything.
Chinelo is her name. She has been a real source of support to me right from day one. Currently, I don't have much food stuff get me by for the week but Chinelo had been cooking from her own pocket for a week now. When I explained to her that I didn't have enough provision to get me by for the week and the money I had, I wanted to use to get some important books, she understood me and has been cooking from her own pocket frequently this days. I just wonder how I would have survived this period without her. Normally I wasn't supposed to be broke like this but something happened last week.

I had called my parents for money last week which they sent to me. The money was mainly for my upkeep and for my accommodation. Not too long after I received the money, I had gone to the bursary department and made payment for my hostel space and was even issued a receipt. But after two days, I was asked to leave my hostel space as my name was not in the database. I brought the receipt given to me after payment to show as proof of payment but it was not relevant because my name was not in the database. I was really stranded, infact I was shocked. Later it was resolved that since it a mistake made by the bursar, that I will pay half the money then the rest be covered by the bursary department. I had no choice but to pay for my accommodation again, I can't sleep in the streets . I couldn't even call my parents to let them because am sure am going to hurt thier feelings by asking for another money for accommodation, things are really hard so there is no way I can impose another burden on them. It so hard for me to admit it but I have been duped by this University.

This single mistake really pulled down my finances, the money that was meant for my upkeep has been used to replace for the money those corrupt officials took without accounting for it.

This is just one of my many tales in campus. This is just the example of the things an average student in this country goes through in the university.

Purely #fiction

The image was edited with the ™Canva app

 3 years ago 

Absolutely @starshipsfly Nigeria Education really need to be refurbished. Thanks for sharing this fictional story with us. But you need to work on your markdown style, it will make your post to look attractive. Continue sharing your quality contents with us here, we appreciate you 💕

 3 years ago 

I really appreciate your encouragement and advice. Thank you for visiting my blog

 3 years ago 

You're welcome 🤗

 3 years ago 

I almost felt pity for a 'you' that is just fiction. Good write up. Love how you made the protagonist so real and typical. Keep it up dear. I enjoyed reading this.

 3 years ago 

Am really glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for visiting my blog

 3 years ago 

A typical university experience. You took my mind down memory lane.
Nice story, I anticipate more

 3 years ago 

Am glad that you took your time to go through the story. Thank you for visiting my blog, I really appreciate.

 3 years ago 

You are a writer
You have it installed in you 💪

 3 years ago 

Am really flattered by this 🙈
Thank you for your encouragement and for visiting my blog

 3 years ago 

Yu welcome dear

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