Healthy Eating in Campus 60% payout to @campusconnectng

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

NB: This picture was edited by me using Logo maker pro

It is quite true that are often pressed of Time due to alot of stress, which may affect how they feed(eat). this stress can cause them to make skipping meals a habit, which is a very bad habit.healthy eating is very important to students especially those on campus due to they are not at home where they can be taken care of properly and feed by their parents,so if a student should feed properly especially home cooked food ,it will enhance the body and help them feel better,and also cope With stress and perform better in academic and athletic field . although some may have it or feel that Is hard to achieve it but coming to think of it it only just hard to get it started.
so here are some tips on how to eat healthy on campus for busy and free students.

1)always make sure to have a good breakfast no matter how small it is very necessary because studies has shown that skipping breakfast detect one from scholastic Achievement .even though there is no time try to have at least bread and will help boost you for the day.

2)if situation of a very busy campus life have made us turn to fast food, please we should endeavor to choose wisely.we should not just eat anything and anywhere,we ought to be careful cause our health is out wealth.

3) make sure to always have a healthy snack on hand always,due to how busy we are and how some lecturers may be inconsiderate at time and fix lecture without considering the time,it is advised to always have a healthy snack by your if possibly you get hungry during lectures you can just grab one and eat.

4)make sure to eat plenty of food rich in calcium
Studies has shown that people in their early twenties need to be up stores of calcium in their bodies to prevent osteoporosis later in their life.

NBthis picture was edited by me by using Logo maker pro

5)if you need to lose weight,do it properly and sensibly.starvation and diets that offer a quick fix usually backfire and are we all ought to be careful. Exercise is best .

6)learn to reduce alot of sugar intake
Taking of sugar is advisable but when it is too much causes a problem in the body.

7)avoid taking alot of alcohol

8)drink alot of water

Thanks for reading

NB all images used are edited by me

 3 years ago 

The importance of eating healthy cannot be overemphasized. Thanks for sharing this with us. I highly recommend.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

You're right. Starvation is not the answer to losing weight. When we starve, we force our body to breakdown already stored energy in form of glycogen, fatty acids and proteins in extreme cases. When we eventually feed after prolonged starvation, our body produces all those enzymes for fat synthesis at a very fast rate thus leading to accumulation of fat rather than body building and energy production.

In essence, starvation is not healthy. Your post is very educative friend.

I appreciate the fact that you designed those yourself, I hope to seee more beautiful designs in your subsequent posts.

Steem on!

 3 years ago 


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