"Which is the best platform for entrepreneurs? "

in Steem Entrepreneurslast month

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Anytime the word Entrepreneur is mentioned, people take their mind to big firms and private corporate bodies. But the reality is that entrepreneur is anyone that takes their boldness to start his or her enterprise whether big or small. Sometimes to get the proposed customers to patronize your brand is usually stressing. That’s when a different perspective named social media comes into effect. The question is which social media platform. Let’s answer the question in this article.

For me, the social media platform that I can always recommend entrepreneurs is Facebook. Facebook is known round the world to be the most popular platform. If a survey is carried out, nine out of ten randomly selected people has an account on Facebook. Why I recommend to entrepreneurs is the wider range of audience to the person involved. People of all age grades are reported to be on Facebook, so that settle it.


Which is the best platform for entrepreneurs and why?

The advantages of using Facebook as an advertising tool includes:

  • Wider range of prospective customers: Facebook is reported to have the largest users in the social media ecosystem. This alone is a strong advantage because these population contains prospective customers to your enterprise. Also, we should know that this population contains people of all age grades.
  • Presence of pubic and private messaging: This feature can be an advantage for entrepreneur. Anything they list their products for sale, the prospective customers can have two distinct ways of communicating to the seller. He or she can do it through public comments where others can see or privately which is between the two parties.


Advantages of using Social Media for Business

Its disadvantages include:

  • Impersonation of accounts: it happens when an hackers or cyber thieves decide to clone the entrepreneur’s page to divert traffic. If any situation like that happens, the original person should report to Facebook immediately.
  • Fake middlemen


Disadvantages of using Social Media for Business

Business in social media is simple when done in a right way. On Facebook, the entrepreneur should open a page for the business enterprise. From there, he or she can advertise the business brand displaying the goods on the page. Another way is to run the advertisement on a group with likeminded people which might become prospective customers. With these guidelines, business on Facebook platform can be successful.

How to do business using social media if you are an entrepreneur

For me, I’ll say that any legitimate business can be profitable on social media. The fact is that these products has the potential of finding their respective prospective on the social media platform.

I invite @bossj23, @johnmitchel and @vudeme123 to this contest.

What business do you think are profitable using social media?