STEEM KINDNESS FOR BETTERLIFE - Provide economic empowerment assistance to Micro "Cek Dar" businesses that lack working capital.

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)

25% of payout is donated for @steemkindness.

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Steem Kindness provides assistance to Micro Entrepreneur, Mrs. Mahnidar or better known as Cek Dar, having her address at Gp Baro Village, Syamtalira Bayu District, North Aceh Regency. This activity went well and smoothly. The handover was handed over directly by the Steem Entrepreneurs Leader @harferri who was accompanied by Moderators @tucsond, @subkiusman and also Steemians from various regions in North Aceh Regency. Cek Dar has a business in making traditional Acehnese cakes. She lacks capital to run the business.





This aid delivery activity was also participated by Steemian friends who support this program such as: @f2i5, @aril.hatake, @akmal1, @afrizalbinalka, @fajrulakmal99, @jcorner, @fikar22, and others. Thanks You so much for Support all of you.



The handover activity was on Saturday, three days ago. Prior to the submission of this assistance, @harferri and @subkiusman had already conducted a Micro Business Feasibility Survey from Mrs. Mahnidar. The assistance provided by @steemkindness is in the form of equipment for making cakes, such as stoves, mixers, ovens and cake-making ingredients such as flour, sugar, oil and other items.







The following is the assistance we provide for Mrs. Cek Dar :
  • 1 Unit of Dough Mixer
  • 1 Unit Electric Oven
  • 1 Unit Gas Stove
  • 1 Set Regulator Hose
  • 1 Sack of Flour Triangle
  • 4 Kilograms of Sugar
  • 2 Kilograms of Cooking Oil


We from the Steem Entrepreneurs Community have Social and charity programs through @steemkindness. From the funds collected we will distribute aid through programs that we have programmed such as : to help empower the economy for micro entrepreneurs who lack venture capital, with the aim of "encouraging family economic growth the poor who lack working capital, the program to improve the nutritional status of school-age children and the Program for education & training for new entrepreneurs. This program has been planned since 2 months ago and we have done it before


CC : @stephenkendal , @pennsif , @greenman , Thanks you so much for your support our activity to PromoSteem .



Steem EntrepreneursTeam


This was our activity when we handed over economic empowerment assistance to "Cek Dar" as a Micro-Entrepreneur who lacked working capital in the business of making traditional Acehnese cakes. Thanks You to the Steemian Friends who is visited and support my post. Greetings from me to all Friend of Steemit. Keep doing your best.

Steem Entrepreneurs For Better Life

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Steem Entrepreneurs - Logo2.jpeg

 3 years ago 

Semoga bantuan peralatan dari Steem Kindness Program bermanfaat bagi seluruh pelaku usaha mikro untuk pengembangan usaha dan meningkatkan ekonomi rumah tangga.

Steem for Love, Steem For Better Life #steemkindness

InsyaAllah, pasti sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka. Alhamdulillah dengan adanya bantuan dari kawan2 Steemian lewat #steemkindness program ini sangat membantu bagi usaha2 Micro spt Cek Dar. Semoga dengan bantuan ini mereka bisa meningkatkan perekonomian mereka.

Great job sir

Thanks you for your support...👍😊

ur welcome sir

Mantap.. Semoga selalu sukses

Aamiin. Terimakasih atas dukungan nya...👍😊

This is absolutely incredible.

Well done.

If I was to Sponsor @steemkindness and gave the Project a 100 #Steem payment, how would you spend the money?


Thank You so much for Your Great Support to us Sir,

For Your sponsorship offer to Us @steemkindness , We will spend on programs to help and distribute school equipment for underprivileged elementary school children, such as notebooks, pencils, pens, rulers, erasers and others. We will print the packaging bag with the SK Logo and the @steemkindness Logo there.
What is Your opinion...?

This sounds like an absolutely awesome idea and something that I would love to support.

I will put together a Sponsorship Offer and share it with shortly.

Looking forward to supporting your campaign.


We're so glad You liked our idea to help underprivileged elementary school children. Thanks You for Your Kindness Sir.

Best Regards
@steemkindness Team : @harferri, @tucsond, @subkiusman

 3 years ago (edited)

Thanks a lot sir @stephenkendal, we really appreciate it ..



Dear Sir, as my report, that we have implemented a program of assistance from you to provide assistance to the children of poor and underprivileged students. Thank you for your help. Hope you are always in good health.

Thank you Mr. @stephenkendal for the support of the STEEM KINDNESS for Better Life program..

Cc : @harferri @tucsond @subkiusman
#promosteem #club5050 #charity #empowerment

Subhanallah... Program yang sangat mulia... Membantu sesama makhluk Allah... Semoga kita semua dalam lindungan Allah SWT... Jaya terus sahabat steemians semuanya

Alhamdulillah, Terima Kasih atas Doanya.

Saleum Meu turi bang @tucsond ,,, lon dari Lhokseumawe

 3 years ago 

Mantap... sungguh sebuah kerja nyata, bukan hanya sekedar cerita di masyarakat 👍👍👍

Alhamdulillah. Terima Kasih atas dukungan Spirit Bang Radjasalman, semoga bantuan ini bisa bermanfaat kepada mereka.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, sucses terus program sosial
@steemkindness terus menjadi energi untuk negeri

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