Support #burnsteem25 [Contest] Season 4 - Use of technology in marketing business products/service by @steemtopus..


Hello, it is good to be back here, yeah. Three months ago, i wrote about the use of technology in promoting business. It is a well-detailed article which will benefit you alongside this one. I hope you have always enjoyed reading from me.

Marketing is a business. It is not rocket science, but it has its unique challenges.

Today's marketing world cannot ignore the constant changes in consumer behaviour and needs.

Technology has become an important part of marketing strategies, as well as being able to provide you with information about your customers and competitors so that you can better understand their needs.

To implement effective marketing strategies in business, people have considered using technology such as digital marketing tools or programs like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads or even online shopping carts like Shopify or WooCommerce.

These are all ways that you can market your products and services online without having to hire an expensive consultant or agency.

They also allow for easy tracking so that you know exactly where people come from when they visit your website/shop on the internet etcetera et cetera.

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services.

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services. It includes research to determine customer needs; developing a unique product or service; identifying possible markets; choosing a strategy to reach those markets; producing the product or service; distributing it through various channels.

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Technology has increased its role in marketing.

Technology has increased its role in marketing. For example, television commercials can no longer be filmed using simple cameras and a production crew. Instead, they require the use of computers and other high-tech equipment that make it easier for advertisers to create sophisticated ads with special effects.

Computer-generated imaging (CGI) is another technology that has revolutionized the way businesses market their products or services through new technologies such as animatronics and robotics. CGI allows companies to create lifelike images of animals or people without having them actually exist in real life!

Websites have become increasingly popular over time because they allow people all over the world access information about products/services quickly - which makes them easier for customers to find out more about what you offer before making any purchase decisions themselves.

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Marketing technology includes

  • Graphic design applications: these include Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign, among others.

  • Email management tools: Constant Contact and MailChimp (a platform for sending emails).

  • Content management systems: WordPress (a free blogging platform).

  • Social media tools: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; as well as other social networks such as LinkedIn or Pinterest.

  • Data mining applications: Google Analytics helps you collect data about your website traffic, which will give you access to all kinds of insights about how people interact with your site. It also allows you to create reports that show the behaviour of specific visitors over time so that you can optimize future pages based on what worked best during those visits! These types of reports are invaluable when looking at long-term trends across different platforms like Facebook vs Twitter vs Instagram.

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Ranking your website pages high on the search engine result pages for better visibility.

Conclusion: The use of technology in marketing is essential to business success

Technology has increased the speed of marketing, increased the reach of marketing, and improved the quality of marketing by improving the efficiency at which it can be done. It has also helped reduce costs for companies who use it effectively in their business operations.,4.5415393,12z


Team Steem Entrepreneurs


cc @pennsif | @disconnect

My name is Akanbi-Muhammad Saheed, a final year student of University of Ilorin. For the past few months now I've been learning about crypto, getting to know valuable people on steemit, creating contents, supporting and helping this community to grow bigger. It is my ultimate plan to build a solid reach and engagement on Steemit.



Hello @steemtopus, your post cannot be upvoted because you don't belongs to any #club. You should try as much as possible to power up atleast half of your earnings to meet up with any club status


@the-gorilla, what should i do bro?

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