Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 - Water is another name for life.

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

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Assalamu Alaikum everyone. Today I'm going to be participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 in the Steem Entrepreneurs community. In which the importance of water is said and the main point is that Learn to appreciate a drop of water. Today I will share my opinion on this subject with you. So, let's begin.

What is the function of water in life?

Water is a vital element for life. No living thing can live without water. Plants survive and produce their own food by absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. Animals on the other hand cannot make their own food like plants. They eat plant fruits, leaves and grains as food. Water acts as a medium for the digestion of animal food. We also need water to maintain the correct body temperature. Without water, plant and animal cells are lifeless. In other words, if there was no water, the existence of plants and animals would have disappeared on earth.


Also, water plays a very important role in our life. Given in point form below :

  • Every living thing needs water to survive, be it plants or animals.
  • 60-70% of human body's composition is water.
  • The functions of water to create nutrients in different parts of our body are undeniable.
  • Water plays an important role in digesting food or keeping the digestive system running.
  • Water works very well in maintaining the normal body temperature.

In short, there is no substitute for water in our life to carry out any biological work since the living organism. So we say. Water is another name for life.


How do you describe the value of a drop of water?

I think that water is one of the regulators of nature that God has enriched rivers as sources in nature. I know how much a drop of water is worth? Because the river has spread influence on people's life and livelihood, education and culture and economy in Bangladesh. As a result, our nature and environment are also affected. As the reservoirs are being filled day by day, factories and factories are being constructed. Because of that, we will suffer from water shortage. And for this we will pay a heavy price in the future.


Meanwhile, the World Health Organization has said in a report that millions of children die every year in the world because of drinking contaminated water. They don't get enough water either. So the quantity and quality of water is decreasing very fast in the world which is very sad.

Even water analysts have opined that within the next four decades, the amount of groundwater in our world will decrease drastically, resulting in severe water shortages. Also, most of the water is being wasted due to excess water usage in our daily life. So all of us should understand the value of every drop of water. We need to prevent water wastage to prevent impending water scarcity. Awareness has to be increased.


What is the availability of fresh water in your area?

The availability of clean water in my area is fair. Because many times clean water can not be supplied. So sometimes my daily work problems. Although the government of Bangladesh has ensured the availability of water to almost all the citizens of Dhaka, there are still many people who do not have clean water.

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-24 at 5.02.17 PM.jpeg

Water purifier in my house.

I use several methods to make my household water safe. For example, I boil the water for consumption or I consume water through a water purifier. Yes, I and my family drink the water supplied in my area to first purify it.

If the Dhaka water supply company Wasa said the water supplied is very pure and can be consumed directly from the tap. But I then boil the water to make it safe for drinking. There is no health risk.



Just as regular watering is good for health, it is also important to ensure that every drop of water is pure. Also, as we should understand the importance of water in our life, it is also our duty to prevent its wastage. Only then we can lead our life healthy and well.


I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99 , @goodybest , @harferri , @wilmer1988 , @simonnwigwe, @waterjoe & @irawandedy to participate in this contest. Click here to go to the contest link.

Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.





Saludos amiga
El agua es el liquido vital para la vida, sin ella no seria posible la existencia de los seres vivos, pues nuestra tierra esta constituida por ella.

Hay lugares donde hay escasez y el acceso es limitado, muchos personas y niños mueren a diario por una gota de agua o por esta estar contaminada por los efectos de las grandes industrias que arrojan sus desperdicios desmedidamente contaminando el agua, y nosotros también somos parte de esta problemática al arrojar basura o hacer mal uso del agua usándola de manera desmedida, es lamentable, pero tener que concienciarnos hacia el uso correcto de nuestro recurso vital para la vida, como lo es el agua.

Gracias por compartir con nosotros la importancia, beneficios y reflexiones acerca del agua.

Me despido deseándote muchas bendiciones.

 last year 

Greetings my friend
Very impressive entry and very well explained about the importance of water in our life.
I wish you very good luck for the contest ☺️
Kindly visit my post 😁

 last year 

El agua es muy necesaria para la vida humana amiga aunque hay muchas parte en el mundo que sufren por no tener suficiente agua y más cuando impacta a la humanidad ese es un líquido el cual debemos cuidar para no ser perjudicados.

Es lamentable ver cómo hay personas que le dan un mal uso al agua como hay otros que lo que hacen es mantener la contaminación sin importar el daño que hacen.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

 last year 

You are right my friend, for this we should increase awareness about water misuse. Then the water shortage will be removed to a certain extent.

Thank you for visiting friend.

 last year 

So many benefits of water, countless, thank you for sharing

 last year 

Yes water is a vital element for life. No wonder a greater percentage of our body contains water.

I am excited to see that in your area, the water supplied is pure. I wish I can say that for my own area. I congratulate your water supply company.

Success in this contest

Your post is very nice and have learn something from it which means even if I get a purify water I can still boil it before consuming thanks wish you the best.

 last year 

Interesting discussion @shiftitamanna. Let alone living things, even dead creatures need water. Let's leave healthy and abundant water for future generations.

We should appreciate the fact that we have access to fresh and clean water, because in many countries it is difficult to access, which makes me very sad.

Están prevenidos en tu hogar con ese purificador. Muy preciso tu escrito, fue agradable leer tu publicación. Saludos amiguita shiftitamaná.

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