My Dream Business - Phlexy Haircut and Boutique Shop (20% to Steemkindness)

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)

Hello family,
I trust you are doing great.

First of all I will send my kind regards to the noble leaders of this special community more especially @harferri for giving us such opportunity to express our views with regards to the future business plans we have in our minds.

As most of us are aware, the world wealthiest persons such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and etc are entrepreneurs who love what they do and refused to be dependent on the government for their success.

Entrepreneurs are moderate risk takers and they see and seize opportunities where others don't which in turn increase their wealth.

With this in mind, I will like to share
a clear description of the business I will like to initiate in the near future which will serve as my job and aid me to be financially independent.

iMarkup_20211012_091205.jpgimages downloaded from Google and edited with iMarkup

A clear description of the business I intend to initiate in the future (My dream business)

I will like to open a modernized Unisex Barber shop with a Boutique.

Although I am a tertiary student for now, this idea keeps popping up in my head of which I can't let it die because I have the passion and I love art as well.
Barbering is more or less like an art and boutique too is a great business which serves as a good source of income because fashion never dies.

The business would serve as a source of employment (job) to some of the interested and hard-working people in my community.

I will employ apprentice and other highly skilled barbers and sale personel who will help me when I am around and takeover the business whenever I am not around because there is a higher probability I will add other businesses to the barber and boutique as times goes.
One essential thing I have learned on the part of successful entrepreneurs is that, they always engage themselves in multiple businesses which help to boost their businesses and income level.

My business products

I will be selling hair cosmetic products because they will be needed by customers more especially in the barber aspect.
I will also be into the sales of unisex perfumes, fashion shoes, clothes, belts and caps of which would be handled in the boutique.

Market and target consumers

My target will be on the general public, more especially on the celebrities and footballers.
Most people (from children to adults) love to look good and confident by having nice haircuts and wearing something elegant.
In every community there are people who shave their hair at the barber shop and there are also people who love fashion so this would be a big opportunity for me.
Therefore people from all walks of life will serve as my source of market, more especially those in my community.

I will extend more branches of the business to other parts of the country as the business progress.

The Budget plan for my business converted to SBD

To be engaged in a barber and boutique business would certainly demand some amount of funds to start. I wouldn't want to split up the budget because there are many things to purchase from the unset, therefore I will make my proposed budget very simple.

I will approximately need Gh ¢25,000 which is equivalent to SBD 535.53 for the shop itself, barbering equipments, hair cosmetics, goods for the boutique and the advertisement for the business.

iMarkup_20211012_093154.jpgscreenshot from the CoinMarketCap app

I don't necessarily need to have a huge sum of money before starting the business so the above mentioned amount will help me set up the business.
I will fund the business at the starting stage from my personal savings and a loan from the bank just in case my resources don't meet the minimum requirements.

The location of my intended business

The location of my business would be closer to a road side and it would also be in a populated area in order to have enough or many customers.
The main branch would be based in Ghana, Accra-Circle and other branches would be extended to other parts of the country as the business grows.

Description of how I can integrate my business with STEEM in Promo-Steem activities.

It will be easy for me as a barber and boutique shop owner to integrate my business with STEEM in Promo-Steem activities because, I will encourage my customers to pay in either Steem or SBD which would come at a discount price as compared to payment in the local currency (Gh Cedi)
I will print steemit banners and paste them in the shop and I and my work team will also be regularly wearing customized Promo Steem T. Shirts and apron.
During working hours I will be educating my clients on how steemit works and all the good things about it since most of them will be curious after seeing the banners and flyers all over the shop.
Not alone will I be engaging in Promo-Steem activities but I will also be promoting my business on steemit so that interested steemians can patronize my services.


Rational beings who are well determine and craving for success always plan their future which in turn go into their favor.
The idea to plan and work towards the achievement of our dream businesses is a great step which would help to eliminate poverty and set us free from financial constraints.
We don't need to always depend on the government before we will become useful and better individuals in our societies.
Therefore we should do something better with our inherent and learned skills in order to become great achievers in life.

Thank you and stay safe.

This is my first post in the community so therefore I will post my Achievement-1 link here as the community rules requires.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for parcipating in the " Tell Us, Your Dream Business" Contest ...

Good luck @phylexygee

Thank you Sir

 3 years ago 

Bisnis yang bagus dengan konsep yang sederhana dan target pasar yang jelas.. bagaimana cara mengintegrasikan bisnis yang terlihat sederhana namun sangat efektif untuk promo steem.. Semoga bisnis impian Anda menjadi kenyataan dan semoga STEEM dapat membantu mewujudkannya. .. semoga harimu menyenangkan @phylexygee

Thank you Sir.
I appreciate your submission.

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