Business Etiquette series 2 episode2 Introduction and Handshakes|| Workplace Etiquette

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago (edited)


Introductions and handshakes:

Introductions pave the way for respectful interactions. The ability to introduce people correctly just takes a little knowledge and practise. Failing to make proper business introductions makes one look unprofessional, so how do we make introductions? Or rather, what's the protocol for introductions?
When you about make introductions, it is important that you first determine which person has the higher rank. The higher rank in business is usually about titles, not age. Be sure you know the correct names and titles or the people you're introducing. When making introductions, people of lesser authority are usually introduced to people with greater authority. It is good to add a minor background information on the people you're introducing as this is a good starting point for conversation between two people who have just met. No matter the seniority status or gender a person who is seated should always stand up when being introduced. Although the person to whom one is being introduced usually extends their hand first but both parties will extend their hands at the same time.
Take note of this, the client or the customer is usually considered to have the higher authority.


So how do we make introductions?
When you want to introduce someone, know who the key person is, as I said previously who has the higher rank? When you have determined who has a higher rank. You see the name of the key person, mention the name of the other person and say something about him or her. Example: let us assume you want to introduce a customer to your Managing Director and maybe you are the salesperson. The customer has a higher rank in this situation so what you're doing is that you're introducing your MD to the customer. So what do you say? Mr or Mrs customer, I would like to introduce Mr or Mrs MD to you. Mr MD has led this organisation for the past ten years and during his leadership the organisation has seen tremendous growth. Mr MD please meet Mrs customer. Mrs customer is one of our biggest customer, she is one of the people that gives us our greatest revenue, Mrs customer has been our customer for over 5 years and she's one of our top customers. She gives us over 10% of our revenue. I happen to know that both of you like the same football team, ManU. Now from there they might shake hands or they might start to talk about ManU and the match that happened yesterday. You have done your job by introducing them and they will take the conversation from there. Remember that the client or customer holds the greater authority in any organisation.
Self introductions: Most of the time, you might not have the privilege of someone introducing you, you might meet a business partner or a client and you have to introduce yourself to your client. Most successful business relationships would usually begin with a proper introduction and a handshake. When you're introducing yourself to someone else, give your first and last name. Don't call yourself by your titles, Mrs Doctor, Professor although titles such as Mr or Mrs or Miss are signs of respect, you can give them to others, but not to yourself. Next, add a little information about yourself on your job. That helps start the conversation. When you first meet someone else, please refer to that person by his or her title and last name. For example Mr. John, Mr Bassey. Do not call people by their first names until they have invited you to use their first names. Getting names right when you're being introduced, please listen very carefully and try to memorise the name of the person you are being introduced to, use the persons name at the first available opportunity. If your name is mispronounced, wait until the introductions are over and then point out the mistake in a very nice way. If you forget the name of the person you are being introduced to, please don't lie about it or pretend that you know the name. You can always say something like. I remember our last meeting at so so so and so, please can you remind me of your name again? I had a memory lapse. It is important to admit than to pretend that you know the person's name, it might come back to bite you later.


A good and firm handshake connotes confidence, poise, competence, bonds, and welcome. A limp handshake, on the other hand, exposes a lack of warmth, confidence, and charm. Remember that the introduction and the handshake are critical first steps in any business relationship. When you are shaking hands always shake hands with your right hand even if you're left-handed. Handshakes should be brief and accompanied by his smile. When you're shaking hands, look at the person you are shaking directly in the eye and use words such as how do you do? Am pleased to meet you. Do not squeeze another person hand as this may cause discomfort and if one person is wearing a sharp jewellery, it might hurt the person. Please remember that some cultures and religion may not offer their hands due to their beliefs. A smile and a nod is enough in this situation.


How do you give a good handshake?
In order to give a good handshake you must rise from a seated position. It is considered rude to be seated while you're shaking someone, so rise from a seated position, make a V with your thumb and your forefinger extend your arm across your body, grab the other person hand, but when grabbing the other person's hand make sure it's not too hard or too weak.

Also make sure your hands are not sweaty or damp, make eye contact with a person and smile continue the handshake for two or three seconds.

Link to episode 1
Continue the gist in episode 3
Click for episode 4


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