Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 - Time is money

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year (edited)
Note: 25% reward set to @null


Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 - Time is money

Hello friends everyone

On this occasion I would like to participate in a special contest in my beloved community and hope to be able to provide good reviews and be easily accepted by steemians with the theme "time is money"

Here are some reviews that I have to explain in detail about this theme and hope to hit the nail on the mark

In this case, I also invite friends to @lingkar-photo @khaidir @yaumilahya

Is the term "time is money" appropriate?, explain your reasons.


Talking about money is indeed very interesting and everyone will take part in this discussion, but in my opinion the theme of the time is money is right but not in general, but all of this has its own problems and cannot unite, so this word is right in the position of traders and entrepreneurs at this time of working the rest of the time is a good future we do now then the answer must be good later and all of that we will see the results of our current efforts and efforts

Time is money, actually it will be born when we work, don't force it in life later, it will be competitive with prices. If this trait has become a habit, it will be difficult to create good public relations and see each other there while those who need us will just go to waste.

Money actually doesn't promise us happiness and comfort because many people are rich but look poor even poorer than the poor and don't provide comfort as proof that many of our brothers are not comfortable with their wealth even though they sleep on the most expensive sofa but don't sleep well poor people sleep on it anywhere, I feel comfortable with this. It turns out that money is not everything, but right now I can't do anything

How do you value time?


To appreciate time, I am used to managing time from morning to evening starting from taking care of the household, shop bikq, community, worship and also working on the steemit platform, this I have done well and according to the available time, hopefully all of this is really useful

How to manage your time to stay productive in Steemit in the past week?


In the last week I tried to adapt my time well on the steemit platform in my gap serving customers even though in the last week I was busy but still working to produce the latest posts

The right time to be active on my steemit platform is uncertain because in the morning and evening and even at night I'm at the shop so I'm in a gap and have time to work directly making posts and supporting several other steemian


@harferriPioneers - Admin
@steempreneurshipKurator - Admin




 last year 

El dinero, por supuesto, no es lo más importante en la vida, pero nada en este mundo parece que se haga sin dinero. No se trata de hacerse rico ni de dedicar cada minuto de la existencia a la producción de dinero, pero sí es necesario comprender que para sobrellevar una vida digna hacen falta los bienes materiales. Éxitos, amigo. Saludos...

 last year 

Proper advice thanks for visiting

 last year 

Hi brother @itikna09, Please review the link that you inserted in the image that you present in your post.

 last year 

Siap bapak mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan

 last year 
Hola amigo, feliz día 🤗 es un gusto saludarte, el tiempo es un elemento realmente valioso el cual debemos apreciar e invertir sabiamente.

Y, aunque el dinero es muy importante en nuestras vidas pues no lo es todo y también tomar tiempo para disfrutar, descansar y recrearnos es importante.

Muchos éxitos. Saludos y bendiciones.

 last year 

Thank you very much for visiting

Your suggestion is spot on

 last year 

Selamat datang sobat @itikna09.. Terimakasih banyak telah berbagi informasi yang berguna.
Sangat penting untuk menghargai waktu agar sukses dimasa depan..
Semoga beruntung my brother 👌

 last year 

Terima kasih banyak atas motivasi nya

Jangan kasih kendor 💪💯

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