Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 - Time is Money

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year


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This is an interesting topic that describes a steemian's understanding of time and money, two words that have an important meaning in human life. Thanks to @kouba01 for inviting me to be part of this Topic, then I would like to invite my other colleagues like @patjewell, @heriadi and @afrizalbinalka to share their views on this topic.

1. Is the term "time is money" appropriate?, explain your reasons.

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The expression Time is money has various meanings, all depending on the author's orientation in describing aspects that can be used as examples, and so do I.

I see this expression only as a symbol, meaning associating money as an important part of the life process, because to be able to live well requires good finances to meet life's needs. So money is an important part of life.

I agree with this saying, that everyone should be able to appreciate the time they have as best as possible, use it productively and have value throughout their life. What has happened so far is inversely proportional to the implied meaning of this expression.

People only focus on their work to continue to collect as much money as possible, they don't realize the essence of life, that money is only a means to make ends meet. While using time wiser to rest, exercise, time for family, and worship, is far more important than constantly working.

Eventually, they are enslaved by money, unknowingly experiencing the biggest loss in their lives, losing their happiness and even the worst things. This is really worrying.

2. How do you value time?

Respecting time can be done with good life management, and maintaining a balance between primary and tertiary needs.

As a government employee, social creature, religious community and father of 2 children. Time management is the most important part that must be owned. I have to be able to work professionally by following the rules that have been set and using the best possible time to complete work without having to be distracted by other agendas.

Taking the time to interact in the environment where I live, we have a positive culture by nurturing each other in the midst of society and attending various activities as long as they don't interfere with other main agendas.

In my opinion, worship is the key to human success, worship is the key to everyone's discipline, if you want to see someone's discipline, look at how he worships. Worship also forms the character for humans to appreciate time as an important part of life.

3. How to manage your time to stay productive in Steemit in the past week?

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User productivity can be seen by utilizing existing potential, utilizing existing space on the sidelines of other activities. I am a Steem Representative, and community admin, have a family, and a steady job in the real world and also need enough rest. But I keep trying my best to stay active and make a significant contribution to the community.

As a government employee, of course, you don't have a heavy workload every day, I choose to use this time to interact on the platform, my level of interaction is quite high, in the last 7 days I have tried to build interaction in the form of general comments and verification with 107 more.

Then take advantage of relaxing time, almost every night I spend time on the platform, I take advantage of this time when I'm among steemians, I don't have to use a laptop but by using a smartphone, I also continue to make good contributions.

The conclusion is that everyone uses time positively to fill every need as best as possible through a priority scale, making time the most valuable part of life because the balance between money, worship, family and happiness is the true meaning.

Indonesia, May 01, 2023

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 last year 

With how busy you are, I do hope you find the time to rest.

Kind regards friend. Wish you the best of luck.

 last year 

Thank you for the input, I have tried very well and realized that health is the most important element that is much more valuable than money.

So rest is a priority that should not be neglected.

Thank you buddy...

waktu adalah aset yang sangat berharga dan harus dikelola dengan baik,Setiap orang memiliki waktu yang sama banyaknya dalam sehari dan cara kita memanfaatkannya akan menentukan sejauh mana kita bisa mencapai tujuan kita

 last year 

Yoha... Benar sekali... Yang dibutuhkan adalah manajemen waktu. Semua berada ditangan kita, kita yang memutuskan, kita yang merencanakan dan tuhan yang menentukan mana yang terbaik

 last year 

Time plays an important role in human life, it is also very valuable because time cannot be repeated. By appreciating time, many good lessons that humans get in this life. Thank you for reviewing it comprehensively. Hopefully useful.

Before we verify, we remind you to visit other contestants' posts and engage with relevant and meaningful comments. Best of luck, brother @irawandedy

Status club#club100
Verified userYES
Tag #steemexclusiveYES
Support #burnsteem25YES
CSI voting21.8 ( 1.32 % self, 295 upvotes, 193 accounts, last 7d )
Verification date
May 01, 2023

Determination of Club Status :

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 last year (edited)

Thank you for the feedback sir... I continue to try to interact with fellow engagement participants and other participants.

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 17.11.35.png

 last year 


How nicely you explained the theme, no doubt the money is important for material needs and to live well. Without money i guess life is tough. The time definitely is one if the precious things and we have to care about it as time doesn't wait for anyone.

Your conclusion is obviously right we should do best use of time in life.

I wish you success in the contest

 last year 

I'm sure you will be able to describe well each point. Thanks for the positive comments

 last year 

Ini proses yang luar biasa, sehingga kami-kami bisa belajar banyak, sehingga tidak menghabiskan waktu dengan pecuma alias sia-sia. Bisa mengatur waktu menjadi bagian itu adalah sebuah proses yang terus menerus harus kita lakukan, agar kita bisa menjaga waktu untuk kerja, ibadah dan keluarga seperti Bang @irawandedy sebutkan itu...

 last year 

Terimakasih bang sudah meninggalkan pesan positif disini, sebuah semangat bagi saya untuk terus berkontribusi secara aktif di topik lainnya nanti.

Salam saya untuk keluarga, saya di Aceh Utara

 last year 

People only focus on their work to continue to collect as much money as possible, they don't realize the essence of life, that money is only a means to make ends meet.

I gree with you we have to give time to body take rest as well as work, thanks for sharing such good article. All the best

 last year 

Thank buddy... Let's succeed together by managing the best time possible

I know you are one user who manages time a lot. Truth be told- time is important, money is Important but everything needs to take its place at the right time. The bottom line is "How productive it is?"'

I appreciate the fact that you included worship and family as one of the productive ways to manage our time..., it would be wise to analyse how well we spend each 24 hours of our lives.

 last year 

yes, of course, sometimes productivity cannot be measured in a short period of time, it takes a continuous process to assess it.
I have become one of the happiest people in this life, because I have 1 thing, Grateful... that is the key to my happiness and I am able to manage my time well

 last year 

The finest method for valuing time is time management. Congratulations on a job well done; good luck in the competition.

 last year 

Thank you for leaving me enthusiastic to continue to grow and develop on the platform. This is an important motivation that I should put to good use

 last year 

You are welcome.

 last year 

the equivalent of the term time is money is a form of depiction of the importance of time in this life. the use of this time depends on the nature of a person where and how to place it

 last year 

In time, your post is very nicely presented. You are right, worship is the key to human success, worship is the key to everyone's discipline. I accept it. If we ask God for something, He gives it in time. But we have to pay for our time. Know the value of time and work with time. So good luck to you.

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