Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 - Learn to appreciate a drop of water


Hello stemian friends, allow me to take part in this contest, a very interesting thing to discuss about water, this is my first post here, I want to join this community and paste my Achievement 1 link at the end of this post.



•What is the function of water in life?

Talking about water, this is a general need for all living things on earth. Maybe without water, living things cannot survive and will die for a long time. I have read that humans can only survive 8 days 21 without water, this triggers us to always consume water around 3 liters a day, all our body's needs are based on water, 60% of body fluids come from water, therefore the function of water plays a very important role in life.

water is very important especially for humans apart from being a need for water it can also foster a sense of passion for the body, lack of water means a problem for health, maybe everyone loses their mind when thirst comes, you could say water is a mandatory need for humans, maybe this is a glimpse of me about the function of water for life.


•how do we describe the value of a drop of water?

A drop of water may be very valuable when we are thirsty, we cannot imagine if we are in a village without clean water because water is a primary need, I take the example when people are sick when they are thirsty they are only given drops of water that touch their tongues, this is not to quench thirst but to wet their tongues, therefore a drop of water is still very precious, may we be kept away from the scarcity of water so that we can live healthily, because humans cannot be separated from water.


•How is the availability of clean water in your area?

The availability of water in my area is still abundant and safe and secure, perhaps the amount of scarcity is almost non-existent. We must be grateful because we are still given clean and suitable water for daily consumption, even though the water is not as clear as the water in the mountains, at least the water here is still available. Water can be consumed by cooking it first.

where we live near the sea there are several wells where the water tastes salty but the house is close to the sea, usually the water can be taken from the neighbor's well, there are also some who buy gallons of water, the point is that we can still collect water from the well each other's homes, therefore we can use water as needed because remembering that there are some places that lack clean water for their daily consumption, being grateful is better.

We can also take available water from a public drilled well in the middle of the village. Usually, public water can be used for cooking because it is arguably clearer than some of our well water.

Here I will invite 3 of my friends to join this challenge @nasrol @sayuti20 @cicisaja


Achievement 1 LINK


 last year 

Welcome to the Steemit Engagement Challenge - S9W2 and thank you for taking part in the environmental campaign to raise awareness of steemit users and the world community, especially regarding efforts to prevent a global water crisis through the contest : Learn to appreciate a drop of water.

Before we verify, we remind you to visit other contestants' posts and engage with relevant and meaningful comments. Best of luck, brother @ferifelanai

Status club#club5050
Verified userYES
Tag #steemexclusiveYES
Support #burnsteem25NO
CSI voting[ ? ] ( 100.00 % self, 1 upvotes, 1 accounts, last 7d )
Verification date
April 28, 2023

Determination of Club Status :

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

Thank you for the greeting, I have only been active again for a few days, I will provide support and comments for this community, hopefully it will be fast, verified..

 last year 

I totally agree with you that water is a general need for all human and without water, living things cannot survive. It therefore mean that water is life. Lack of water really mean a problem to the health, it can cause a lot of health problems like high body temperature, constipation, shocker etc.
It is good to know that availability of water in your area is abundant and safe and secure.
I wish you success in your entry.

thank you, I hope that in your place the availability of water is fine

 last year 

El agua es el vital liquido que necesitamos indispensablemente en todos los ámbitos de nuestras vidas, valorarla adecuadamente es lo mínimo que podemos hacer. Exito en tu gran entrada!

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