Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 - Time is moneysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year

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Hello everyone around the world.

Warm greetings from me to all of you. Came here to perfect my participation in the S9W3 steemit engagement Challenge.

Big hugs and thousands of thanks to all the steemit families who have participated in the Week 3 contest theme that we present. Our great appreciation for the great welcome from all platform users.

Time is money. In this context, we have to understand many things. Don't waste opportunities, Don't procrastinate on work, Will always value time in living the wheel of life, Of course there are many other things that we need to pay attention to in order to make the most of our time.

In the Qur'an also Allah mentions about people who lose because of wasting time. Until Allah swears by time.

(3)وَٱلْعَصْرِ(1) إِنَّ ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ لَفِى خُسْرٍ(2) إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ
QS. Al-'Asr (1-3)

This letter contains an explanation of the nature of the advantages and disadvantages in life, as well as a warning about the importance of the time that is lived by humans.Ref

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Is the term "time is money" appropriate? Explain your reasons.

In my personal opinion, It fits very well and is very appropriate.
My assumption is this, In some places, delaying time is a loss. The example I want to describe here is. A Muslim, It is recommended to perform prayers at the beginning of time. That will get a reward which I liken to a kind of huge monetary reward. But if it is done at the end of the time Even if the suggestion is not prohibited by law, but has the effect of reducing the reward obtained.

In real life. I describe in us working on the #steemit platform. There have been times when we postponed a publication which in fact we could do today, Maybe for reasons not getting support from SC01 or SC02 so we thought it was not the right time. It would miss the opportunity to get support that sometimes these days are our opportunities. And it will continue to happen because we have wasted one chance. For the second or third time even for the umpteenth time, It will continue to be repeated for the same reason.

Gambar oleh Thomas Breher dari Pixabay

How do you value time?

I'm not a person who is good at managing time, but I really appreciate the one second of time that I spend. For me, Time is my life. So I have to make the most of it. Maybe now is the time when I have more time to do something meaningful for myself and for many people. We cannot deny that one day this opportunity will disappear. With various obstacles that make sense to everyone. With pain, or with anything that makes me unable to do something as time goes by. These are the times when I maximize the use of time and it's time to value time.

Every day I work my regular job as the owner and operator of a shop. Of course good service is more important. But I have to be able to do something else at the same time without compromising what is required of my regular job. Not forgetting enough time to rest either. With confidence I will do well, Because I believe and believe that I have time to do everything well.

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Gambar oleh Nile dari Pixabay

How to manage your time to stay productive in Steemit last week?

One of my luck is being among the lucky people who know the steemit platform. Since getting to know this platform, my time management feels more focused. In the past, a lot of free time in the routine activities that I mentioned above was wasted. Wasted on other social media which is actually not useful and not profitable. Far different from what I'm experiencing now. A second of free time means a lot to me to greet, read and support other users in the community.

About managing time to stay productive on Steemit last week, This is more interesting. That's the time to take place Steemit engagement challenge session 9 week 2. The steem entrepreneur community is one of the communities that are there. I am also one of the Team who is still active in the community. My observation shows that the most participants in the week 2 engagement challenge are dominated by this community. I divided a lot of time to stay productive in steemit last week with many things. In addition to the three things I have mentioned above. I am also active in publicizing the cross-community engagement Challenge contest that runs it. But I can also set a time to actively support and verify the posts of participants participating in engagement contests in the community where I work. One thing I want to say here in this good timing, I love and enjoy my work. So that I can use a little free time for this platform, it is happiness and satisfaction for me.

Advice to friends, Arrange proper and good time management for something beautiful.And remember that "time is money"
Thank you very much for reading my post, I invite @irene1983, @elrazi, @josepha and @muzack1 and @abilafatih.

One good news about our efforts to maximize service to session 9 challenge participants. We have collaborated with steem representatives for the growth of our community and platform.

Announcement : Steem Entrepreneurs Team Collaboration with Steem Representative (@patjewell)


We invite you to support @pennsif.witness for growth across the whole platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high-yield developments with the resources available.

Click here

Many thanks to @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 for their thoroughness and hard work in distributing meaningful support to the contestants.

Cc : @pennsif @stephenkendal @harferri @f2i5 @afrizalbinalka

Open opportunities for useful contributions and collaborations with steem power delegates for community development.

Please select one from the link :

Thank you to all stemians who have supported and encouraged us to work hard to advance the Community and STEEM to reach wider people.

Best regards


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Faisal Us
Faisal Us

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 last year 

Waktu lebih berharga dari uang, uang bisa dicari, waktu tak akan kembali

Kata-kata yang lebih hebat yang pernah saya dengar.

Terimakasih sudah hadir dan dukungan nya

 last year 

Wasting an opportunity when the time has come is very bad. Every time we spend money, we can use it to do greater things and earn money from it. No time should be wasted on doing unrelated things. Indeed, time is money. Thank you so much for inviting me. Best of luck to you.

Exactly right. That's what we mean bro Thank you for being present in the beautiful comments column

 last year 

Waktu adalah nafas yang berharga bagi setiap umat manusia. Dan uang memang bukan segalanya, tapi segalanya butuh uang.
Tidak ada waktu tanpa butuh uang
Terima kasih @f2i5 telah membagikan postingan berkualitas ini, semoga sukses 👌

Lebih hebat dari yang saya duga.

Terimakasih sudah berkunjung dengan komentar yang baik

 last year 

Mantap, sebuah perumpamaan yang mudah dipahami. Orang akan mudah memahami jika "fahala" diibaratkan sebagai uang walaupun sebenarnya fahala gak dapat dinilai dengan uang.

Sukses terus buat kamu 💪💪

Terimakasih sudah memberikan sesuatu yang lebih berarti dalam kolom komentar ini kanda.

Sukses untuk anda kanda.

 last year 

Sama-sama 🤗

 last year 

Wow! What a nice post.
I read.. and read.. and read!
Time is a wonderful thing. It can stay with you or it can run away with you. It is when it runs away that you are in trouble as catching up is not easy. This happens to all of us.
As for Steemit, I know the hours you guys must have put in this last week. Truly amazing and I applaud you for it.
PS: Always time for a cup of coffee with the boys (•ิ‿•ิ)

I read..and read..and read!

That's what always makes me salute you. Thank you for reading my publication.

There's always time for coffee with the boys (•ิ‿•ิ)

Ha ha. That will always be confirmed mom.


May your days be blessed.

 last year 

Awh! That little one! That is a tiny tot.
It is always nice when daddy can spoil the family.
Thank you, blessings to you also my friend!

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @harferri, member of team #2 at 55%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 06/05/2023


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