Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 - Time is moneysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year (edited)

Greetings Everyone. I am Asad Fazal from Pakistan. I hope dear members of Steem Entrepreneurs community are doing well and enjoying life by the grace of Allah Almighty. Today I'm here to take part in another interesting topic of SEC Season9 Week3 contest. The topic is "Time is Money" and it is true time is actually money if we use it wisely. So let's talk about it without wasting any second.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 - Time is money.gif

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Is the term "time is money" appropriate?, explain your reasons.

We all are now in modern times and things are changing every second. With the development of new technologies, the things are getting expensive and the old ones coming under budget. But still for everything we need money. But the fact is to earn money we have to use our minutes that is time.

One of my teacher Sunny Ali who is a famous Amazon FBA, Wholesale and Private label expert said, sell your minutes. It means we sell our time our precious minutes to earn money. So in my view, time is really money if we spend it wisely and not waste it in useless things or being in bed for no reasons.

Let me give you example here. An average person's life is 65-70 years and if we are spending 8 hours daily just for sleep than we are spending 21.6 years of our life just for sleep. Can you imagine 21.6 years of sleeping. Doesn't it look a waste to you? If not for you but it is for me a huge waste.

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Image taken from Pexels

In this world, the successful billionaires said they are working 12-14 hours daily and are sleeping between 5-6 hours maximum. They all look active why? Because they use their time wisely. If you are sleep late at night and expecting to wake up early in the morning then you are wrong. Allah Almighty has created night for rest and morning for work and successful people follow this.

Now you can see why time is said to be money. Why each minute is very important for us. We can't just waste two third of our daily life in a waste and only do 8 hours of work and in that we do chit chat and social scrolling. So for me time is very important as it is money if used perfectly.

How do you value time?

Time is a thing that if passes you can't get it back no matter how much money you spend. So we all must value time and not waste it in useless activities that will not benefit you in any way. I want to be honest, I have wasted a lot of time by doing nothing. It was after my breakup and during my relationship.

I belong to a middle class family and was looking for shortcuts to earn quick money to show my bank balance to my lover's family. But in reality by going to shortcuts, I was wasting a lot of time and in the end she got married to high salary guy. After my breakup I wasted a lot of time because I was not mentally present in work.

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Image taken from Pexels

Still I am not that much focusing on time and sometimes waste a little time by scrolling on fb or sleeping 2-3 hours more than 8 hours. Since last week, I have decided to not waste a single minute now and only focus on work because time is short and I have to succeed in my life. I have to reach my goals which I wanted to before.

So now I am valuing my time and without schedule, I am working hard on Steemit as well as on my websites to grow them and be successful just like my SEO batchmates.

How have you managed your time to stay productive in Steemit in the past week?

On Steemit, I have no schedule because I publish post whenever I get time to write a detailed post. But if I talk about last week, then I worked here in the morning to afternoon time and also come online in the night to engage with other Steemians. Steemit has become part of my life and you will not believe I am using it a lot.

Last month, I was a little busy in the Holy Month Ramadan and then 3 days of Eid-ul-Fitr. But now as I got free, now I am focusing on publishing quality content on Steemit by taking part in Steemit Engagement Challenges and Diary games. I am also using my time to improve my engagement on Steemit that you can see in the screenshot below.


In past, because I was not engaging with other users, I was not making new friends. But since I started engaging with other Steemians, they are not interacting with me. I am spending my time here to stay productive is by posting quality content by doing proper research and engaging with dear Steemians in different communities.

This has helped me to come close to my SP target that is 10,000SP till December 2023. I am also thinking to buy some Steem because I know it is getting hard for me to reach 10,000SP till December. But still I am spending my time to reach that level.

Thank You For Reading

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This is all from me for the "Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 - Time is money". I invite @samminator, @preye2, @malikusman1, @simonnwigwe, and @lavanyalakshman to participate in this contest.

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Visit my Profile at @chasad75-min.jpg

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 last year 

So in my view, time is really money if we spend it wisely and not waste it in useless things or being in bed for no reasons.

I agree with you that time is a very precious thing, it is a rare commodity that cannot be bought. We should all enjoy every second we have and make sure it's not wasted. Time is the primary factor in the success of any task you decide to undertake, whether academic or practical.

 last year 

Thank you for taking time reading my content. Yes time is very important and once wasted, we can't get it back. So we should use it wisely

 last year 

Anda telah menjalani hari-hari sibuk di bulan Ramadhan lalu. Tetapi sekarang anda telah kembali untuk berpartisipasi. Ini adalah langkah yang bijak dalam menghargai waktu. Memanfaatkan waktu sebaik mungkin dan berharap itu akan membawa anda pada puncak kesuksesan.
Salam my brother 🙏

 last year 

Walikum Asalam brother.
Terima kasih atas komentarmu. Saya menghargai :)

 last year 

I agree with your statement, I see time management and understanding opportunities as the foundation for achieving success.

It doesn't have much benefit to waste a lot of time that obviously doesn't have potential, but reading opportunities and using less time actually has better results.

Time and opportunity management are indicators that synergize and support each other to be more productive. Just how to increase self-potential to be better

 last year 

Thank you friend for reading my content and sharing your view. Yes time needs to be managed properly to be successful and to enjoy your life both together.

 last year (edited)

Exelente entrada en el concurso amigo te felicito porque definitivamente comprendes mejor que muchos lo importante que es el tiempo para nuestra vida y si los sabemos usar sacamos el mejor provecho.

 last year 

Gracias amigo por este valioso comentario y leer mi contenido. Yo aprecio :)

 last year 

Dear Brother:
I appreciate your post description because your are correct the time is very precious. Your decision is also appreciable that your thought not to wasting time in useless activities.

Wish you good Luck

 last year 

Thank you Sister for sharing your valuable feedback on my post. I appreciate :)

Great 💪 your entry is top notch i agree with your statements, with understanding of time management help to take advantage of opportunities that can help in achieving great success.

 last year 

Thank you friend for this lovely comment. I appreciate :)

Heres a free vote on behalf of @se-witness.

 last year 

Thank you :)

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