Steemit Engagement Challenge 4: How many hours I have spent on Steemit in the last week | 20% to @steemkidness

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago (edited)
Greetings to every member of the @steempreneurship community and to people of Steemit in general. It has been 4 weeks since the Steemit Engagement Challenge started and I am very excited so far how it is going. Today, I will be sharing with us how I have managed my time amidst my busy schedule last week and was still productive on Steemit.

It is a very good contest idea from the @steempreneurship community because it gives us all the opportunity to learn about others time management methods and how they have found time within their busy schedule to be productive on Steemit.
Please sit back and enjoy reading the rest of this post.

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Time, the most precious asset in the world, some would say. I cannot agree less, time is extremely valuable once gone, cannot be retrieved. It doesn't wait for nobody. No matter what happens to someone either extremely good or extremely bad the clock keeps on ticking, time goes on. It is for this reason we all have to be time conscious and make sure we are making the most of every ticking second.

Most of us here on Steemit have other things to do aside making content here and satisfying all these things that we've got going on, is our top priority. It can only be achieved with good planning and wiliness to follow up.
So, I totally get why the @steempreneurship community has gone with this contest idea. We can all learn from each other's time management technique and maybe adopt someone else's.

How I managed my time over the past week in between my busy schedule with work and other activities but still productive with Steemit.

On the Steemit platform, there are users that depend solely on their payout as their source of income, some users like me only do Steemit part time as a side source of income while still learning or pursuing other career goals.

I am a third-year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student at a university in my country and also an aspiring Software Engineer. I mix achieving a successful career in both fields with being active on Steemit and I must say right away it has not been easy at all. Especially when I first started on Steemit, I had my time so messed up, it is either I am lagging behind at school or was not active enough on Steemit. There was a time I even had to drop Steemit and focus on building both career fields I have chosen.

After giving it enough thought and when the Steemit Engagement Challenge started, I decided to become more active on Steemit once again but this time with a well-planned out time management to help me be up and running with other aspects of my life too.

Since the Steemit Engagement Challenge started some weeks back, I have been very active on Steemit participating in the challenge and here is how I manage my time and still have hours left to spend on Steemit using last week as a case study.

I am currently running my SIWES program which is mandatory for every third-year university student. I go to my SIWES center every weekday from 9am and close by 4pm. On getting home, I freshen up eat and then start planning how to go about the contest I want to work on for the day.

I start by reading through the contest instructions and guidelines of course. After I have gotten my draft and outline ready, I then begin to Steem my post. Depending on what is required of me to do in the contest, I usually spend roughly about 3-4 hours to successfully post my entry. It might seem much but as someone who likes to perfect his craft, I spend this much time to make the post ready for publishing.


Last week, I published 3 posts all of them were exclusive to this on-going challenge. It might not seem much but I had a lot to make up for, giving the fact that the last week and the week before last, I spent most of my time entering all seven of the contests, I had to make up for outstanding tasks.

On weekends when I do not go to my SIWES center, I made sure I am done with all my entries before 12 noon, I take about the same time I do on weekdays too but on weekends I am usually done with Steemit tasks before noon.

I also do take time out to read other Steemians post and comment my say on it. This also is time consuming but it is what we have to do and I do this before and after I submit my entry for the day. I spend approximately 30 minutes doing this.
Last week, I read through a lot of posts and commented on them, also upvoted some.

I definitely respect those who dedicate most of their time to creating content on steemit and using their payout as their source of income, because it is mostly these people that give us content to read when we are surfing Steemit. People like me on the other hand, I do Steem part time but been spending a whole lot of time lately. I do surf steemit in my free time, I have my favourite communities where I go to have fun and gain more knowledge.

I do explore the @crypto-academy community to learn and engage in Crypto, this community too, the @steempreneurship community is another community I do surf, gaining quality business information. Other communities I do explore are the @steemfoods, @steemalive community etc.

Breaking down how many hours I spent on steemit weekly;

7(7 × 4 hours)28

So, roughly I spend ~ 28 hours on Steemit since the contest began.

Time management is a very crucial part of one's life, if one has a lot going in life and does not plan their time well the person will end up not achieving what he/she is meant to, which will affect the next day's work and so on leading to really terrible consequences that the person did not even expect could happen.
It is for this reason I try as much as possible to avoid procrastination and plan my day well and also follow up with my plan.

One way I do manage my time is to plan ahead every task I intend to do including Steemit contests. I would consciously or subconsciously be thinking on what to write/post as I go about my other activities in the day, so when I am ready to start steeming I would be well prepared.

Benefits of the Steemit Engagement Challenge

Personally, I would say the idea of this challenge is a great one not only for we Steemians but also for the communities involved. I have gained a lot reading other Steemians post and commenting to compliment them or share my own view.
Also, the contests ensures that we Steemians are not short of contents to post, making us very active and earning at the same time.
These are the major benefits we Steemians enjoy, I believe. On the other hand, communities involved benefit in terms of massive growth as their inactive members became active plus other non-members became a member and started posting contents in these communities.

Suggestions to improve this challenge in the next period

Despite agreeing with a lot of the rules and how the contest is going so far, I do still have some suggestions I want to make that I think would make the contest better and more pleasing for both we users and communities alike.

  1. I would prefer we are able to post as many entries per day as possible in the different communities involved. The reason for this suggestion I made is so that I can use the whole weekdays to focus on my other businesses but also taking time to read and comment on others post and use the weekend when I would have more free time to focus on preparing and publishing my entries.

  2. I would also suggest the 7 communities selected are rotated so as to compensate other communities who wants to participate too ensuring their growth and development.

That is it guys, I hope you enjoyed your read and learn from my time management technique.
Thanks for reading, catch you in the next one.

I would like to invite my friends;
@ngoenyi to participate in this contest and share with us their time management technique.

20% to @steemkidness

 2 years ago 

I would prefer we are able to post as many entries in the different communities involved as possible

Do you mean one entry per day shouldn't be there ?

Nice post anyways .

Yeah, that is what I mean. Corrected.

Thanks for pointing it out, I really appreciate.

 2 years ago 

I too think it shouldn't be there so that we can post as per our convience but the reason for keeping it is toaimtaim the consistency. If you are willing to participate than you have to post everyday and that strengthen your consistency. That also promote sound interaction because we need to interact with others each day . So the sanctity of the platforms is upheld.

Yeah I totally understand all of this.
Thanks for the explanation.

The time spent on the platform is a good one, at-least you are trying combining a lot to be stable here and those hours you’ve spent counts alot
Best of luck
Steem on

Thanks jare, I’m trying to balance things up it’s really stressful.
Thanks for commenting:

 2 years ago 

Welcome and thank you @bolaji001 for your contribution to the Steem Engagement Challenge - Season 1 - Week 4 program by participating in the Steem Growth Contest organized by Steem Entrepreneurs Community.

Visit at least 5 other contestants and provide meaningful and relevant comments so that the objectives of the program are achieved perfectly - Steem on !

Team verification results :
Verified userYES
#club status#club75
Beneficiaries 20%YES
Voting CSI2.0

Keep up your good work, best regards and good luck !

Thank you so much.
Sure, already on it.

 2 years ago 

Hola @bolaji001: Pues si esa idea de turnar otras comunidades es buena idea, pero al menos yo desconozco los criterios para elegir cual será la comunidad que va a participar, supongo que tiene que ver con dinero invertido para ello, por es un evento.

Yeah, me too I don’t know the criteria for choosing the communities. I just feel it should be rotated among all the communities.

Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate.

 2 years ago 

Very good post you have mentioned many important things I agree with you about allowing us to post more than one a day but about the other communities I think they made like a contest and I guess the other communities didn't know fulfill all the requirements, greetings

 2 years ago 

This is a great post! Thank you for sharing with us.
By reading your post I just came to realise again how important time is.
It looks like you do well with time management, something that not all of us can get right.

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