Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2: Passing Down a Drop of Water for a Thousand Years of Better Life |

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year (edited)

Bersih Pantai_03.jpg
Menjaga kebersihan pantai.

WHEN interviewing a legislator about clean water, he made a statement that I still remember to this day; "Don't live people, even dead people need clean water."

The statement of the deceased council member is very true. All creatures—including dead ones—also need clean water, even if it's the last need. So, the availability of clean water is the main need for all creatures. Countries want to go to war for oil, but now, as efforts to convert renewable energy into environmentally friendly ones are intensifying, countries are going to war for clean water.

Before that awareness had awakened, I had cherished a drop of water since childhood. For example, I took a bath by drawing water from a well when I lived in a village, which of course used up a lot of water. But I collect the wastewater from the shower and use it to water dry flowers or yards.

Until now, I even use the overflow water from the AC to water flowers or water dry soil. So, don't waste it.

Even in using clean water, even though it is sometimes full of abundance, I am very frugal. When taking a shower, I only use enough water. When I was in college, I often reminded my friends to take a shower with enough water, not like someone draining a tub.

When bathing with a ladle, flush your body with minimal water, then rub your palms all over your body to loosen dirt, then flush again several times before using soap. How to rinse the body also with minimal water even though the water supply is abundant.

While living in the student dormitory of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, I once felt the value of clean water. Water was scarce, so we had to get up at 04.00 am to take a shower and then go back to sleep. Then just wash your face and brush your teeth.

Saving clean water must also be started by yourself at home. When brushing your teeth, don't leave the faucet open so that water is wasted. Close the faucet and only open it when rinsing. I do this habit anywhere, anytime, even if I'm staying at a hotel that I've paid for so I can waste water at will.

Some friends call me exaggerating, but I don't think so. A drop of clean water is very precious, we will pass it on to the next generation. We never know how life will be on Earth 50 years, 100 years, or even a thousand years from now.

Don't let future generations curse us for our habit of wasting water. Let's get used to keeping water clean and using it in moderation so that future generations will get much better quality water.

How about @zainalbakri, @asiahasiss, @amryksr, @ikwal, @jal08, @wuland and others? Let's enliven the post about Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 - Water and Life. Thank you very much.[]

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Memungut sampah.

Mengedukasi anak-anak agar mencintai lingkungan bersih.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2: Mewariskan Setetes Air untuk Seribu Tahun Kehidupan yang Lebih Baik

KETIKA mewawancarai seorang anggota dewan tentang air bersih, dia menyampaikan sebuah pernyataan yang saya ingat sampai sekarang; “Jangan orang hidup, orang mati pun membutuhkan air bersih”.

Pernyataan anggota dewan yang sudah meninggal itu, sangat benar. Semua makhluk—termasuk yang sudah mati—juga membutuhkan air bersih, meski kebutuhan itu yang terakhir kalinya. Jadi, kesediaan air bersih menjadi kebutuhan utama semua makhluk. Negara mau berperang demi minyak, tetapi sekarang, di tengah upaya mengubah energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan semakin gencar, negara akan berperang demi air bersih.

Sebelum kesadaran itu sudah terbangun, saya sudah menghargai setetes air sejak kecil. Misalnya, saya mandi dengan menimba air dari sumur ketika tinggal di kampung yang tentunya banyak menghabiskan air. Tapi air limbah dari mandi tersebut, saya tampung dan saya gunakan untuk menyiram bunga atau halaman yang kering.

Sampai sekarang, air limpahan AC pun saya gunakan untuk menyiram bunga atau menyiram tanah kering. Jadi, tidak terbuang percuma.

Dalam menggunakan air bersih pun, meski terkadang penuh kelimpahan, saya sangat hemat. Ketika mandi, saya hanya menggunakan air secukupnya. Ketika kuliah dulu, saya sering mengingatkan kawan agar mandi dengan air secukupnya, tidak seperti orang menguras bak.

Kalau mandi dengan gayung, siram tubuh dengan air minimalis, lalu gosok dengan telapak tangan di seluruh tubuh agar kotoran lepas, kemudian siram lagi beberapa kali sebelum menggunakan sabun. Cara bilas tubuh juga dengan air minimalis meski persediaan air melimpah.

Ketika tinggal di asrama mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe, saya sempat merasakan begitu berharganya air bersih. Air jarang ada, sehingga kami harus bangun pukul 04.00 pagi untuk mandi dan kemudian tidur lagi. Nanti tinggal cuci muka dan menyikat gigi.

Penghematan air bersih juga harus dimulai dari diri sendiri dari rumah. Ketika menyikat gigi, jangan biarkan keran terbuka sehingga air terbuang percuma. Tutup keran dan baru buka ketika berkumur. Kebiasaan itu saya lakukan di mana saja kapan saja, meski menginap di hotel yang sudah saya bayar sehingga bisa memboroskan air sesuka hati.

Beberapa kawan menyebut saya berlebihan, tapi menurut saya tidak. Setetes air bersih sangat berharga, itu akan kita wariskan kepada generasi berikutnya. Kita tidak pernah tahu bagaimana kehidupan di Bumi 50 tahun, 100 tahun, bahkan seribu tahun mendatang.

Jangan sampai generasi mendatang mengutuk kita karena kebiasaan memboroskan air. Mari kita membiasakan diri menjaga air bersih dan menggunakan secukupnya, agar generasi mendatang mendapatkan kualitas air yang jauh lebih bagus.

Bagaimana dengab @zainalbakri, @asiahasiss, @amryksr, @ikwal, @jal08, @wuland, dan yang lain? Mari kita ramaikan postingan tentang Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 - Water and Life. Terima kasih.

Bang Atha_06.jpg
Air untuk masa depan anak-cucu.

 last year 

Dear Ayijufridar what a thought-provoking post you have written ! your message About the value of water & its significance in our lives is something that everyone needs to hear. You have done a great job of highlighting the importance of conserving water and protecting our natural resources. I especially lked how you linked the importance of water to the concept of passing on A better life to future generations . your engagement challenge is a great way to encourage readers to reflect on their own relationship with water and how they can make a positive impact. Thank you for sharing your insights & inspiring us to make a difference!

 last year 

I live in a village with abundant clean water from nature, without having to buy it. At that time, there was no awareness about the importance of saving water, but since I was a child, I have been thrifty about water.

I read about life in other regions or countries where they have to struggle to get clean water. It's a sin if we waste water while other people on the same Earth, struggling for water is like fighting for gold, sometimes even more valuable than gold.

When people are between life and death for a drop of drinking water, a fistful of gold will no longer matter.

Thank you for encouraging me to continue using water as sparingly as possible so that we can pass it on to the next generation. Warm regards @hamzayousafzai.

 last year 

Water is essential for animals and humans to live. Life without me can be called achal. You have written very beautifully. Wish you all the best.

 last year 

There are times, clean water is more valuable than gold. So, let's take care of it.

 last year 

Air adalah sumber utama dalam kehidupan, memberikan edukasi kepada anak kecil untuk selalu menjaga lingkungan sangat bagus untuk menanamkan kecintaan dalam hati mereka terhadap lingkungan. Semoga lewat kontes ini kita bisa mengajak teman-teman di seluruh dunia untuk menghargai setetes air.

 last year 

Terima kasih bang atas undangannya ☺️ semoga sukses ya bang 🎉

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