Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 - Water and LifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year

Credit : Irina Danyliuk from Canva

Water is a source of life for living things on earth which should be a concern for everyone. When viewed from the comparison between water and land on the earth's surface (71%: 29%), it has been illustrated that the existence of water is an integral part of the continuity of life.

On the other hand, when viewed from a medical perspective on living things, namely humans. Water has a vital role in the human body, I will give some examples that are relevant in everyday life.

  1. Febris is a disease that occurs due to an infection process due to germs, viruses or bacteria. In this case, water acts as a regulator of body temperature stability so that it can function optimally. Patients with this condition if referred to the hospital will receive first treatment in the form of iinfusion fluids.
  2. Another case, namely dehydration, dehydration is a condition where the body does not get a balanced intake of fluids, so that the body's functions do not run optimally. Patients with Gastro Enteritis experience excess fluid excretion through feces with a liquid consistency, while the intake is insufficient, the medical treatment that needs to be done is to provide fluid intake via Intravenous.

From the 2 examples above, it can be illustrated that water is a symbol of life and survival. For this reason, water resources should be conserved as an investment for humans and other living things.

1. What is the function of water in life?

As I have described in the opening paragraph, water is a vital necessity for living things, because a water crisis will wreak havoc for the survival of human civilization.

Water is an integral part of all aspects of human life, the most important being human physiological needs, then other daily needs such as bathing, cooking and washing. Then in other sectors, water also encourages increased agricultural production, just imagine how the condition of agriculture is without an adequate supply of water. Agricultural yields will decline sharply and can even cause crop failure.

North Aceh District is currently experiencing a water crisis in agriculture, the damage to the Krueng Pase Irrigation dam has caused the income of people who work as farmers to fall sharply, in the last 2 years the community has had to be patient in this difficult condition, they have to become traditional farmers by utilizing rainwater as a supply water for their farms.

This is really worrying, especially since the rainfall has been very low in recent months. We can learn with the conditions that occur, that water is the most valuable asset in human life.

2.How do we describe the value of a drop of water?

I can describe A Drop of Water as an essential need for living things, even though just a drop of water can provide a source of life, all need it and no one can deny this, a drop of water can have a big impact on humanity if be a big part.

For this reason, as humans who depend on water as a source of life, we should continue to protect and preserve nature as a source of water, use water wisely and protect against environmental pollution, and maintain the balance of biological ecosystems.

Environmental pollution that is happening at this time has had a major impact on living things, many river biota have died, we will find it difficult to find various ecosystems in rivers whose habitats have become extinct due to the use of uncontrolled chemicals.

3. How is the availability of clean water in your area?

If seen at this time, the dependence on clean water is quite high while its availability is very limited caused by very low rain intensity, for users of clean water from dug wells, they will experience quite severe problems, the discharge of water produced through springs will be very low, In general, people can only use it as a source of drinking water. For other needs such as washing and bathing, it will be very disruptive. From the conditions that occur, they generally have to reduce their use of water by limiting the frequency of bathing from 3 times to 1 or 2 times per day.

As water users who utilize the services of water providers from regionally owned companies also experience similar problems, clean water supply companies that process river water into clean water experience difficulties in meeting their clean water needs.

I can only use clean water for a few hours a day, the rest of the time the water supply is stopped because the river water supply is very limited. I respond to this by providing clean water storage tanks so that even in the worst conditions, clean water reserves are still available properly.

Water is more expensive than fuel this is the statement that I can describe in this post, just a lot if you have to buy 1 bottle of aqua medium size (500 ml) you have to pay at the price of 1 Steem / IDR. 3000, while the subsidized pertalite fuel is sold at 1.7 Steem/ IDR. 5000.

When compared with the production costs of the two, of course, petroleum fuel requires quite high production operations, while mineral water does not require large production costs. This means that it can be concluded that Clean Water is more Expensive than Fuel.

Use clean water wisely and maintain the ecosystem

I invite @heriadi, @kouba01 and @sofian88 to be part of the participants in this topic.

Indonesia, April 24, 2023

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 last year 

Hola amigo el agua 💧 el el líquido más importante para la humanidad sin el la existencia de todos los seres vivos estaría limitada, podemos pasar horas sin comer pero sin beber agua no porque nuestro cuerpo necesita de ella para subsistir más que de la comida, las personas no han tomado conciencia de lo importante que es el agua y muchas veces la desperdician o mal gastan y cuando no la tienen están clamando a Dios por una gota de agua te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso y feliz día

 last year 

Loss of water can cause death, but lack of basic food does not kill us instantly


Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by @franyeligonzalez at 5%.

 last year 

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo amiga @franyeligonzalez

 last year 

Benar-benar menarik kontes ini pak, sukses selalu buat kita semua

 last year 

Water certainly is an essential component of life, I can't even begin to imagine life without water.

When viewed from the comparison between water and land on the earth's surface (71%: 29%), it has been illustrated that the existence of water is an integral part of the continuity of life.

Just imagine the ratio of water on earth and yet, we have less than 3% of clean water and still people do not seem to value it at all. We need to be aware of the forthcoming circumstances if we continue this way.

Thank you for such a valuable note to us. Have a blessed day.

 last year 

Water certainly is an essential component of life, I can't even begin to imagine life without water.

When viewed from the comparison between water and land on the earth's surface (71%: 29%), it has been illustrated that the existence of water is an integral part of the continuity of life.

Just imagine the ratio of water on earth and yet, we have less than 3% of clean water and still people do not seem to value it at all. We need to be aware of the forthcoming circumstances if we continue this way.

Thank you for such a valuable note to us. Have a blessed day.

 last year 

Greetings to you my friend and I am happy that you give your point of view with a lot of dedication and motivation and motivated everyone to have a good investment of water for the next generation and you have also Highlight It the importance of the water that how much it is important for daily living and we cannot live without it.

I like your way in which you started your post and you have told the ratio of water and soil individually and yes I agree with you that mostly we have water and in less amount we have soil but it is not necessary that if water is in high amount then water is clean everywhere. Yes I agree that water should be clean but it's unfortunate also on the other hand that we are not having clean water at every place so no worries to think about it because there are many resources available by which you can clean your water and can use it for any purpose which you want like cooking bathing cleaning your body scrubbing and many more things whatever you want as a technology is very advance but if you don't have any advance we can use technology then you can use a most common domestic way which is cleaning of water through boiling.

You wrote very well about the water importance and the saving of each and every drop of water and to take care of it because we should also take care of our next generations so that they may not feel any difficulty while searching for clean water as due to a lot of water we can see that water is reducing so it's our duty and responsibility to be aware of saving the water. I wish you a great success in this engagement challenge

 last year 

Thank you for the feedback, I am happy for what you wrote and at least it is a motivation for me to be able to overcome the clean water crisis problem

 last year 

Your welcome 💕

 last year 

Greetings! Brother
Very sorry to read that you are facing some difficulties in getting pure water. May Allah help you to coming out from this problem ☺️
Good luck for the contest ☺️
You can also visit my post about this challenge.

 last year 

Each region has different problem characteristics and all of them are caused by humans themselves

 last year 

Exactly human creating problems themselves and destroying the peace of other nature and living things.

Sekarang sudah turun hujan pak

 last year 

Ya... Tetapi sifatnya temporary

 last year 

Semoga irigasi krueng pase dapat segera diperbaiki karena sangat dibutuhkan oleh para petani

 last year 

Pendapat yang sangat menarik untuk ditelaah bahwa air berpengaruh pada sektor pertanian salahsatunya masyarakat harus merobah pola tanam dengan menunggu turunnya hujan. saat ini hal ini setidaknya harus menjadi perhatian pemerintah, namun apapun yang terjadi saat ini merupakan sebuah dilema yang perlu di cari solusi yang tepat dan cepat tanpa merugikan para petani

 last year (edited)

Ketidakmampuan dalam memenage sejumlah proyek vital yang berdampak luas terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi rakyat kecil

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