Steem Business - Steemit Engagement Challenge Contest 1 | Business review in your city by @alanasteemit

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago

To speak of companies and commercial premises in my country is to speak of "constancy", not only because of the economic crisis but also because of the permanence in the market despite the fact that Venezuelans have had to adjust their habits and quality of life.

For this contest I compiled several videos so that you can accompany me to visit all the streets where you can find shops, businesses, companies and any other related to the commercial field.

cocinando con pan (6).gif
Gif made on canvas with own photos

I have also compiled photos of 4 commercial establishments that meet what Venezuelans need: quality, good prices, variety and choice.

These photos make up the Gif that you can see in the central image of this participation.

Don't worry, the geographical locations can be found in the last part of the publication.


In the city where I live (Anaco, Anzoategui state of the country Venezuela), there are around 2 thousand commercial premises, all located in several main streets of the city:

  • Miranda Street
  • Sucre Street
  • Portuguese Street
  • Merida street.

The first two are in what is known as "the center of the city".

The last two are in the central part of the city, almost parallel to the streets that I mentioned first.


Miranda Street

Bolivar Street located on Miranda Avenue.

One of the characteristics of Avenida Miranda (which many locals call "Calle Miranda") is that it is made up of many parallel streets, including the one I am showing in the video.

They are all very close and make up the entire commercial area of ​​the city of Anaco.

Specifically on Bolívar street you can find: bakeries, funeral homes, pharmacies, opticians, hairdressers, shoe repair shops, delicatessens, among others.

Miranda street extension.

In the Prolongation of Miranda Street you can find a variety of stores, if you are interested in buying: appliances, clothing, bookstores, greengrocers, shoe stores, hardware stores, including ice cream and haberdashery stores, then you must go through this entire avenue.


Sucre Street

Calle Sucre with Calle Miranda at the end.

If you walk along Calle Sucre you will be able to find commercial premises such as: bakeries, paint stores, places where you can buy food items, restaurants (although few).

If you manage to see the video that I have prepared for you, you will see that at the end of the street a yellow construction is displayed (as if there were several yellow discs one on top of the other) this indicates that we have reached Miranda street, so part of this video includes two very common streets for what this contest requires and so you can see that they are united, parallel streets and that they are very close.


Portuguese Street

Portuguese Street.

Portuguesa Street also welcomes a variety of shops, where you can find: supermarkets, liquor stores, vegetable stores, chicken, meat, cheese, corn, Chinese supermarkets, among others.

If you want to go eat hamburgers, hot dogs or other varieties of fast food then you must come to Portuguesa Street.


Large and small businesses

Every entrepreneur dreams of having a large and successful business, however, in depressed economies, having large businesses requires more strength to stay in the market due to the tax issue that it implies, not to mention the solvency and requirements of the State to comply with legal regulations.

This is why many Venezuelan entrepreneurs no longer dream of starting with something big, they sacrifice size and investment for something more informal, in addition to allowing them to experiment if their product is well received in the market (not to mention the savings in taxes and patents).

Currently, and as a result of the pandemic, many entrepreneurs have decided to start from their homes. A good camera, internet connection, and interaction on social networks are all that is needed to offer their products virtually. They include an amount for the transportation service in their prices. (delivery) and they start to work with the faith that each client will serve as a spokesperson to recommend them to other people.


And speaking of prices and variety

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Modified image in Canva. own photos

Let's talk about the three businesses I've selected for this contest.

The three cover different items, different products and different prices.

We have the first store, in it you can find an option when it comes to wearing something nice without the danger that they will steal from you.

because in my country you can no longer go out in the street with gold garments.

For this occasion I bought a ring for $3, that is equivalent to 5,658 STEEM. You can find chains or necklaces for $2 (3,773 STEEM), they are made of a very light material, they are not gold but with good care they can last.

The second store is for ice cream, which in this country has become a luxury item, however this brand (Cali ice cream), gives you the option of buying a popsicle ice cream for less than a dollar (between $0.70 and $1.20) , that is, the equivalent of 1.32 and 2,263 STEEM.

The third store does sell bakery items, charcuterie, and delicacies.

Although it is a large store, you can find affordable prices, such as 1 kilo of cookies for $7 (13,204 STEEM).

In my case, I buy several grams of cookies and I can take something tasty home, the minimum number of grams to sell is 150 grams.


I hope you liked my participation. I dedicated myself to taking each of the shops and bringing them to him on video, I took photos of three establishments where he was able to buy something to introduce himself to them and I really enjoyed doing it.

I hope you can also enjoy it.

Note: The songs that are part of the video are made up of radio programming (1st song by Paul McCartney) and the hits of Ilan Chester (Venezuelan singer-songwriter) from one of my music collection albums.

Each video has passed and been verified by the verifications that Youtube applies and they are perfect to be published.

 2 years ago 

Je je je, que linda @alanasteemit, hiciste videos para que hiciéramos un tour virtual por la ciudad de Anaco y pudiéramos conocer de cerca estos establecimientos comerciales. Además nos has hablado de algunos de ellos y nos has dado valores de algunas cosas, como nuestras queridas galletas ja ja...
Un post didáctico, que nos permite conocer más de cerquita tu ciudad y valorar a todos estos emprendedores que trabajan por estabilizar la economía de tu ciudad y ofrecer precios buenos y bonitos.

 2 years ago 

Gracias @marpa, yo creo que Anaco es más ciudad de @arnoldog25 que mía, él hizo mas vida aquí, estudió, salió de rumba y está más cerquita de su pueblo natal que yo.

Sin embargo, he aprendido a querer a Anaco como ciudad en la que estoy ahorita, aunque en el fondo del corazón algo me dice que esta será otra ciudad de paso.

Gracias por comentar mi publicación amiga mía.

 2 years ago 

Jajajaja realmente cierto fue mi patiadero por muchos años desde que estaba en el liceo me iba a los liceos de allá a ver a mis amigas jajaja, pero siente tuya anaco


Hellooooo, helloooo, amiga quedó hermoso tu post, excelentes esos vídeos, así podemos dar un mejor paseo por tu ciudad jejeje, definitivamente emprender en Venezuela hoy se hace cuesta arriba, pero las personas que aún están en ello son de admirar, gracias a dios aún están dispuestos a darlo todo por el país.

Saludos y muchos éxitos en el concurso, chauuuu!!

 2 years ago 

Así es tienes mucha razón. Sin embargo las personas se las ingenian para crear, reinventarse y vender. Quizás lo que antes era una zapatería ahora es una tienda de productos de limpieza y poco a poco vas viendo cómo van cambiando los establecimientos.

 2 years ago 

Welcome and thank you @alanasteemit for your participation and contribution to the success of the "Steemit Engagement Challenge" Program initiated the Steemit Team by participating in the Steem Business Contest from the Steem Entrepreneurs Community

May success be with you in life and steem on!

Team verification results :
Verified userYES
Beneficiaries 20%YES
Voting CSI28.8

Keep up your good work, best regards and good luck !

 2 years ago 

Thanks 😘

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