#club100|| Profit Sharing Between Tractor Owners and Agents in Plowing Rice Field

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago (edited)
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Profit Sharing Between Tractor Owners and Agents in Plowing Rice Fields in Lang Nibong Village, Baktiya Barat District

From the results of the study, it can be seen that before 1990, the people of Gampong Lang Nibong still depended on the rainy season because the rice fields were still rainfed. With the construction of irrigation, the rice cropping pattern changes to twice a year regardless of the rainy season. At first the residents of Gampong Lang Nibong still used buffalo or oxen to plow their rice fields which was termed muue. Meanwhile, when harvesting, they still use traditional tools known as ceumeulhe. With advances in technology hand tractor machines began to be used in plowing fields. Meanwhile, for harvesting, a thresher machine is used.


From the results of research in Gampong Lang Nibong, Baktiya Barat District, North Aceh Regency, directly to agents, tractor owners, farmers and workers involved in the implementation of rice plowing cooperation in Gampong Lang Nibong, Baktiya Barat District, by observing and interviewing the author can describe the flow The implementation of cooperation in plowing fields between tractor owners and agents is as follows:

1. Tractor Search

Based on the author's interview with Mr. Adnan, who has been a tractor agent for two years in Gampong Lang Nibong, generally in terms of looking for tractors, agents in Gampong Lang Nibong, Baktiya Barat District look for themselves by going directly to the house of the person in question (the person who owns the tractor) who usually called toke moto and usually has a relationship with an agent.

Searching for tractors directly to tractor owners is the easiest way for agents to offer cooperation in plowing fields to tractor owners. In addition, based on the results of the author's interview with Mr. Saiful, who has been a tractor agent for three years, there are also those who through the intercession of other people, usually the closeness of friendship or brotherhood is also a consideration for agents or tractor owners who will cooperate. For tractors, apart from belonging to the residents of Lang Nibong Village themselves, every season they go to the fields, agents also bring in tractors from outside Lang Nibong Village because of the size of the fields.


2. Agreement Between Agent and Tractor Owner

After the agent met with the tractor owner (toke moto), both parties determined the amount of profit sharing in the implementation of plowing between the agent and the tractor owner, the length of time, also related to the extent of rights and responsibilities between the tractor owner and the payment system for the tractor owner.

Based on the results of research with Mr. Hamid as the owner of the tractor (toke moto), in determining the percentage of profit sharing between the tractor owner and the agent, bargaining often occurs, but based on the results of the author's interview with Mr. Hamid who has been a toke moto since 2010, it can be understood that the amount of profit sharing for tractor owners in general in Gampong Lang Nibong and its surroundings is 40% for tractor owners and 60% for agents.



According to Mr. Adnan as a moto muue agent in Gampong Lang Nibong, Baktiya Barat District, the percentage of profit sharing between toke moto (tractor owner) and agent is 40% for toke moto (tractor owner) and 60% for agents after deducting all capital issued by agent for super moto (workers) salary, operational costs such as fuel oil for tractors, oil, tractor maintenance and repairs in case of damage, tractor engine parts, super moto food and drink costs including expenses for peng ie and rukok for workers (super moto) .

Regarding the agreed time period for the implementation of the profit-sharing cooperation between the agent and the toke moto (tractor owner), based on the results of the author's interview with Mr. Abdullah as the toke moto (tractor owner) who has been working as a toke moto (tractor owner) for ten years and has two tractor units, agents and toke moto (tractor owners) do not use time benchmarks based on months or years, but based on one planting season or often called sigo tron ​​u blang (once down to the rice fields). When the growing season is over, the agent will return the tractor to its owner.

3. Contract and relinquishment of Tractor

The contract is AN expression of words between the tractor owner (toke moto) and therefore the tractor agent (moto agent) that aims to prove the agreement between the 2 parties that the observe of percentage cooperation between the 2 really happens and is formally valid. supported interviews that the authors conducted with tractor homeowners and agents, in general, most of their cooperative practices were in the course of contracts (ijab and qabul).

Based on the analysis with man. Saiful, when seeing primary and checking the condition of the tractor that may be wont to plow the fields, united on the share of the percentage between the tractor owner and therefore the agent, then the tractor owner (toke moto) and therefore the moto agent created AN ijab qabul particularly lafaz ijab from tractor owner (toke moto) Ka lon moto mue ue nyoe keudroeneuh and a qabul answer from the agent Ka lon teurimong”. The statement of ijab qabul was followed by the relinquishment of the tractor to the agent. per him, typically at the time of returning the tractor, the agent provides a deposit of atiny low quantity as a symptom that the cooperation are enforced.



From the analysis results, the contract and tractor delivery typically ensue at the tractor owner's house (toke moto) and frequently the contract is simply a verbal agreement between the tractor owner and therefore the agent, that isn't in the course of witnesses from the tractor owner or agent, as a result of between the tractor owner and therefore the agent they need reciprocally united. apprehend and trust one another. typically each parties solely create receipts indicating that they need received a precise quantity of cash as a deposit from the agent to the tractor owner, generally there's even no proof of receipt and different written proof in the slightest degree.

4. Implementation of Rice ploughing

The process of implementing the cooperation between tractor homeowners, agents and staff begins when the agreement between the tractor homeowners (toke moto) and tractor agents (moto agents), whereas staff (super moto) ar primarily not concerned within the cooperation agreement and percentage. this is often as sent by man. Hasan, United Nations agency has been a tractor employee for over 10 years (super moto) that primarily an excellent moto could be a one who is used by AN agent whose job is to plow the fields with the quantity of wage ANd payment of his wage supported an agreement between himself and therefore the agent that is in fact the quantity of wage the super moto is additionally supported the wage that typically applies during a sure space, for the Baktiya Barat sub-district it's typically Rp. Rp. twenty per meter of tilled field.

Based on analysis with man. Ahmad because the super moto muue in Gampong Lang Nibong, Baktiya Barat District United Nations agency has worked for over 5 years. The wage or wages that typically apply to super moto is Rp. twenty per meter. per him, the quantity of wage has hyperbolic compared to the start once he became an excellent moto muue. per the young man's clarification, the wage was given super conditions for lunch, 2 drinks each day and cash to shop for cigarettes (peng rukok). He additional that though super wasn't really tied to profit-sharing cooperation with agents and tractor homeowners, as a result of super received a wage from the agent, typically the super wage wasn't given fully when ploughing the fields, however was paid fully when harvest. Usually, when ploughing the fields, staff (super moto muue) solely get a deposit from their wages for ploughing the fields.
within the implementation of ploughing the fields, all capital and operational prices ar borne by the agent. The agent spends some cash as operational capital for ploughing the fields like for fuel for tractors, oil changes, spare components, maintenance, food and drink for staff (operators), borne by the agent. The agent additionally bears the whole super moto wage even supposing the payments ar generally solely absolutely paid when harvest.



In the implementation of rice field ploughing, aside from defrayal the whole capital for operations and super moto salaries, agents are tasked with finding paddy fields to be tilled. typically the agents can meet the land owner, or the other way around the land owner can inform or raise the agent to plow his fields. supported man. Faisal's statement to the author, in general, agents straight off plow rice fields whose homeowners are known by agents and rice fields that are tilled by the agents within the previous down season.

In addition to searching for land to be tilled, either by meeting the land owner or the other way around, the land owner meets the agent. The agent is additionally tasked with mensuration the dimensions of the land that has been tilled to work out the quantity of ploughing prices that has to be paid by the land owner. during this measure, agents ar typically motor-assisted by an excellent moto and barely involve the owner of the sphere as a result of the owner of the sphere and therefore the agent already trust one another.

Based on analysis with man. Ramli WHO owns four (four) plots of rice fields with a district a district one (one) area unit in Lang Nibong Village, sometimes agents can visit the land owner's house when gather. the quantity of ploughing prices that apply in Lang Nibong Village is Rp. seventy five per meter. For the full quantity of fees to be paid, he entrusted it to the agent supported the results of the expanse measure administrated by the agent. In general, the whole value of ploughing the fields is paid off, even supposing there are crop failures or disappointing yields.



According to man. Ismail as a farmer in Lang Nibong Village, that features a fairly giant field, that is concerning eight (eight) plots with a district a district to one.5 hectares. He entrusted the ploughing of his entire field frequently to 1 tractor with the nice reason of ploughing the tractor employees. in step with him, the value of ploughing the fields in Lang Nibong Village for the primary stage of ploughing is Rp. seventy five per meter, whereas for farmers WHO raise to be tilled double, that is termed as balek, the fee for the second stage of ploughing is Rp. sixty per meter. The fees for the second stage of piracy, referred to as balek, should be paid when the piracy, whereas the prices of the primary stage of piracy area unit paid when harvest.



Based on analysis with man. Hasan as a employee (super motto), when the harvest season is over and therefore the agent has quoted all the prices of ploughing the fields from the farmers WHO own the land whose fields are tilled, the agent pays off all the remaining super salaries that haven't been paid in step with the initial agreement, that is sometimes Rp. . twenty per meter. in step with him, typically there area unit agents WHO do not pay off all of them, however that is not a haul as a result of the agents and super-agents have understood and forgiven one another for the dearth of regular payment payments.
The distribution of the results of the cooperation between the agent and therefore the tractor owner is given by the agent to the tractor owner when the whole value of ploughing the fields quoted by the agent is collected and so reduced by all the capital issued by the agent for super moto (workers) salaries, operational prices like heating oil for tractors, oil, tractor maintenance, tractor engine elements, super moto food and drink prices together with expenses for peng id est and rukok for employees (super moto), tractor house owners can get four-hundredth portion of internet take when deducting all expenses that are mentioned, whereas agents can get hr because the initial agreement.



According to man. Doini as a tractor owner, in general, from his quite ten (ten) years of expertise as a tractor owner, there have been no important issues that arose throughout the implementation of profit-sharing cooperation between tractor house owners and agents, that sometimes happens in Lang Nibong Village or with agents in different villages. once the tractor is taken out of Lang Nibong Village. The agent and therefore the tractor owner already trust one another, thus there's no dispute concerning the extent of the tilled fields and therefore the portion. the foremost major problem is once there's a failure that's on the far side the power of the farmers to handle it, leading to delays in payment of ploughing prices, thus agents should wait and see in aggregation the prices of ploughing the fields, leading to an absence of portion for tractor house owners. Against these issues, tractor house owners and agents each bear the loss as a joint risk.

From the results of the study, it is over that the observe of sharing the results of cooperation between tractor house owners and agents in ploughing fields in Gampong Lang Nibong, Baktiya Barat District begins with the explore for tractors, agreements between agents and tractor house owners, contracts and relinquishing of tractors and implementation of ploughing. The rice ploughing cooperation in Gampong Lang Nibong, Baktiya Barat District may be a profit-sharing collaboration between the tractor owner and therefore the agent, wherever the tractor owner hands over the tractor whereas the agent provides capital for all operational funds together with workers' salaries, with portion given when harvest with four-hundredth for the owner. tractors and hr for agents, whereas employees don't get portion however get wages per meter of tilled rice field.



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