Contest of July#1 by @sduttaskitchen| Which do you value more: Name or Fame?

in Incredible India2 months ago

Human beings are one of the beings in planet Earth who makes drastic decisions daily. They choose what they want and experience the freedom of nature unlike other creatures. Coming to life itself, there are things we cherish so much and there are others we despise. Fame is one of the wishes man crave and a name is also an interesting wish. In this article, let's find out more.

Between fame and name, I strongly choose a name over fame. I choose not a name but a good name. Fame is something that is meant for the support of the people. But, a good name is a generational transfer which can last to the 3rd or 4th generation. My aim in life is to live the life and create a legacy for my unborn generation. So, a good name van help me in the actualization of that vision.


Which one do I value most: Name or Fame?

Name and fame might be similar in some context but there are differences attached to it. Name is a phenomenon whereby a person is known for his good works or benevolent act. In this case the person might not necessarily be famous but he's known in his ways. On the other hand, fame is a phenomenon whereby a person is known for an acquired position or skills in the labour market. On this situation, the person will be so popular that some people might even idolizes him or her.


The difference between Name and Fame

Name and Fame is really important in our daily life. In this context, I'll focus more on Name. A wise man once said that a name can be either a key or a padlock. He further expatiate that good name is a key and bad name is a padlock. Let's take a practical example; a man went to apply for a job in a reputable company.

The interviewer said his surname and remember the interviewee's grandfather who was a good man. He decided the man the job despite the flaws because of his grandfather's name. But if the person's grandfather was bad, the job wouldn't have been awarded.


Do I think that Name and Fame is essential in our lives?

For me, I'll really work to produce a good name. In my works, I'll remember honesty as a core value in my life. Also charity to other people are in need will help boost my name.

A good name is more valuable than gold and silver combined, is it true? Share your opinion

How will I achieve it?