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RE: SEC17/W2| While making decisions, what do you prefer to follow: heart or mind?

in Incredible India6 months ago (edited)

I don't struggle between heart or mind. What is the struggling part? It all depends on the topic in combination with circumstances plus my brain and heart are the same.

The only 'struggle' is the fight against people trying to tell me what is the right thing to do. If it comes to 'right' I better listen to my instinct. Strange it is not mentioned in the contest. I wonder, is it because humans see instinct as an animal skill?

Let me tell you each time I ignored my instinct and acted as expected it only brought me a lot of problems, as if blowing away by a tsunami.

You mentioned patjewell twice and forgot our other gang members @pousinha @elian23khan @sbamsoneu (are you still in the bookstore?)

I think the empty @ is meant for my friend @el-nailul

I might #comment on this one if I have time left and my hands don't hurt too much.

to you and everyone ❤️


It's great to be able to react using both of your best organs, but I can't manage it. In "Mario, a Lucky Boy", I try to explain my resignation to the "conflict". I was about to publish it, then I noticed it lacked the ironic spirit and I gave up. Then you confirmed it for me. I need to stop posting at night when the moon is overwhelming me; I make a lot of mistakes. Thank you for pointing it out and for mentioning the others. The @... was for them, but my eyes didn't want to look at this stupid screen anymore. They should add an "ereader" display option with e-ink technology. @el-nailul is welcome. I have a nice remedy for your hardworking hands. Cold packs or massage?👋

Cold packs? I will die if you do that and my fingers will fall off. Perhaps I should try Dragon again (speaking instead of typing).

After my soul ended up underneath the ICE from Amsterdam to Zürich I thought it was better to safe the only part left from being crushed.

I changed mine (mainly because it received upvotes) and posted into freewriters (I believe). My son was upset because of upset me and that's basically it.

I'm not sure where I will post in the future. It's hard for me to deal with a certain way of thinking.

We can ask Philips about the ereader or better HP or Elon, he might like the idea (brainreading and printing).

Did you have fun in the busy city?


You always have the second option available, although it would still be interesting to hear your voice. I hope you find the right comfort to melt this iceberg; you don't deserve to face such a situation. I noticed that you've changed communities; don't be discouraged, it's not for everyone. You have shared your wisdom, so you should be proud of yourself. Unfortunately, when you are special, it is not easy to find the right place, and there is a risk of being misunderstood.

The city is lively, there's a whole world here, and my legs can no longer support the fatigue of my brain. I am tired, I have walked a lot and seen many interesting things, but it's too much to see everything. However, I still have two days to explore. Yes, I am enjoying myself, and on Wednesday, I will go to Stockholm to visit my daughter. I hope to find her well.❤️

She'll be fine and it will be a good moment to talk. I leave tonight.

Changing communities? I am here with my other personality plus you are here, but if it comes to it my only home is with me, the freewriters (no fuss plus they always lifted me) and where patjewell goes or better life is.

Small comunities perhaps but what's the point in joining a big one if you are not read and shoveled under the carpet (or 10 feet underground - no idea how much that is in centimeters).

I still have a bad porn (very boring) to comment (no way I will edit it but who knows I can make Steemians laugh or gag about it) plus I will continue the Enigma Book Store - story and am doing some research (history). I guess it will be library or some archives or?

There's no place for special people dear, it's an illusion and the reason I refused to let my children take place in 'special' classes ruled by not so special people/teachers.

Second option? You want me to write about this topic too? I am sure you know my opinion, how I think and feel.

You think it's the planets?
April 18th the moon hid behind earth or?

Don't walk your legs off you might need them in Stockholm. Sit down and observe and above all enjoy!

Love to you my soul... don't stay a ghost for too long.

Thank you, your reassurances offer me comfort. Where are you heading this evening? Your multiple personalities are incredible, and I imagine that your home must indeed be cozy and comfortable; it’s reassuring to know that you are aware of having sincere friends around you.

Ten feet is a lot, 300 cm. At those depths, it's hard to get noticed; perhaps it’s better to keep a distance.

Regarding the "bad porn (very boring) to comment," it might be boring, but I’m curious to read it. I'm interested to see what effect it will have on me.

If you write about the Enigma, I will be happy. Imagine exploring secret sections of the library, using books as keys to unlock hidden areas and gain access to mysterious archives containing encrypted manuscripts, or a title-less book to decode codes and lost languages. The moon as a beacon towards discovering the enigma. It would be great to write the final episode together, especially now as interest seems to wane, finding the solution to the enigma together.

I am aware that special people can be a bit cumbersome, which is why I've tied myself to your chair; in you, I find the part that's missing, you have given me a lot, and I am grateful.

Many things happened on April 18th. I've set aside Mario’s story, too sad to be published; I read "Utopia" but the design week somewhat destroyed me. I think I missed something. I'm following your advice and have put my legs in standby to recharge them.

I don't think I can stay away from you.

10 feet is 3 meters... I need someone to dig for me..
or better a machine. AI perhaps?

I can see if I can copy paste the porn, let's rape a virgin since we are great USA men, for you let me know your email. You can gmail me - [email protected]
I already started writing in the plane, I can read your opinion and add ... to it. It will be my answer to the author.

It's fine if Mario's story is sad. Keep in mind there's no way we recognize happinesd if we never met sadness. For sure we feel more but we also might be more grateful and aware of what we achieved have and are able to create. So let's hold on to that thought. No matter how or what we are doing better than we did back then. Don't throw away what you wrote you might need it. Keep it save it's a part of you.

We can write together - our own story chain - or / and end it together if you have time and feel to it.

Don't worry about your daughter, she's an adult and has her own path to walk and the two of you will be fine. Give it time, yourself most of all.

You gave me your words which Inam grateful too and as long as you have some words to share with me I will stay around and you can tie yourself to my chair. Know I offer you a shoulder if you need one and I like to have you near me.

In three days you will leave so take your rest, relax, meditate, feel, dream and be on the moon..❤️🍀

Ok, I will send you an email.

Where are you going with my plane?

Mario's story changed my life; I was too young to understand it, but one day I might give it the light it deserves.

Let's see where these mysterious books will take us. In the meantime, in the chain story in Italy, we have gained some points.

Yes, my daughter is young but already independent, and I am proud of her, even though I wish I could have been closer to her when she was little, but that's another story.

It's funny to imagine us tied to each other's chairs 🤭
I really appreciate it.
I looked up the first comment you sent me, Contest !! || Saying goodbye to winters; it's only been two months, but it feels like I've known you forever. So, when you decide to stop writing on Steemit, please let me know well in advance; I need to prepare.

Thank you very much for your good wishes; I will write to you from those icy lands.❤️🌻

Well, a very big deal for bipolars like me😄😄😄😄. Returning serious, prophet Jeremy says the heart of men is deceitful. The worst decisions of the humanity since ancient times are fruit of following heart, unless such a following doesn't neglect God's will. We need wisdom to choose what is right in both of the cases: heart and mind.

My mother shares your condition as well; your comparison clearly highlights the contrasts between the two approaches. Awareness of this balance is crucial for making appropriate choices. Thank you @pousinha for emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balanced approach when making significant decisions.

I will copy this style of carrying the gang members along, I think I am not too familiar with some, will be carrying them along and get to know them better. @wakeupkitty, there is stress in the air cos it just feels like one is alone, then people chat you up or you read in-between their writeup to notice that many hearts are on sober reflections lately. Hope you are bright as the day, hugs from over here.

Hello @yaladeeds, it's always a pleasure to reconnect with you and your contagious enthusiasm. Perhaps it is the change of seasons or international tensions that particularly affect sensitive souls like ours. In times like these, I often find myself reflecting on the shadows of the past, an inevitable part of us. Sometimes, we hide these shadows in a drawer, but then feel the need to reopen it to see if they have lightened. In moments like these, it's crucial to stay united, as only together can we alleviate the discomfort that accompanies us and preserve our creative spirit. A hug, let's keep our souls connected. It would be wonderful to organize a brainstorming session among us to find a name for our group of free writers, inspired by a Steemian neo-surrealism a century later, or by Virginia Woolf's Bloomsbury group, known for their discussions on art, literature, and social issues, including women's rights and homosexuality.

@wakeupkitty, what do you think?

That is a lovely one @ibesso, happy we have souls that cares and is concern about others and not just ourselves. Truly it might be the wars affecting our spirits despite we not really being aware. For me, who is right doesn't matter to me, who is wrong also doesn't matter, but if the singular parties involved decides to face their selves heads- on that will be fine, but war is nothing to be happy or proud of, mostly the innocent ones becomes casualties and the guilty ones remain protected. Infrastructures are destroyed, lives are wasted, food becomes scarce. It is just a messy situation that should only be read on books and articles, no one deserves to experience war, the fear and pains will never go away.

There is not one single generation without war or infected by one. Did you know that?

It was ok for them but for us, my heart just doesn't like it. It is painful to accept that reality

It was not okay for them. They had to find a way to survive just like you and many others. The bitter thing is most likely, wherever we go there will always be war.


I thought we wanted to act more civilised and use diplomacy, I can accept war with myself but wars that involves destroying everything on the other side, wasting lives and also living in fear cos they must be a retaliation from the other side. I thought we wanted to be signing treaties and practicing satyagraha and promoting world peace. War is no one's friend

It indeed is no one's friend but what we want doesn't count. These are just empty words 🥺

Do invite the gang members to keep the chat going on. It might take but they will show up.
The stress in the air... There will always be stress I'm afraid, the trick is to stay out of the way and avoid to be stabbed in the back.

Sober reflections...can it be the contests hosted aren't the most happy ones either? It would also help if only one topic was given, no questiins of worries of a host are answered. Creativity is the key and if you take that away what is left?

My day is in a hurry, the sun shines, I wait hor hot water and will feed and cuddle with the wolves now and next say goodbye to the cherry tree. I noticed she has some leaves.

A happy day dear friend, we should plan a travel with the gang. Let's do the Enigma Bookstore Mystery together!


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