Steem engagement challenge-S10/W1| I do believe in God and Evil power exists.

Hi friends, how are you all, I hope you are fine and so am I.

pixabay edit by.canva

On this occasion I would like to participate in the contest on Season 10 Week 1, and this contest is very interesting to be able to join and participate with the INCREDIBLE INDIA community created by @meraindia with an interesting topic, namely

Do you believe in God and evil forces exist?

It is clear that this topic is interesting to discuss and of course the steemians have different opinions, but in my opinion God is clear and I believe in him, and even for evil forces in this world.

All right, friends, from this explanation, let us enter into some of the contest questions in this community, which I can share based on my knowledge and experience below.

Do you believe in God and evil forces? Explain?


As religious people, we are obligated to believe in God, and I really believe in this, especially with regard to divinity, because all power and authority in this universe belongs only to God, so no human being can acknowledge and defeat God's power and that is impossible. existence. As creatures that live on this earth we should be submissive and obedient to all the commands of God, do all the good and stay away from all the prohibitions that have been forbidden by God.

Knowing that this evil power, I admit that it must exist, and the source of this evil power comes from Satan and the devil who always come and tempt people to do evil and disobey God's commands.

So it is very clear that for every evil force that comes from the devil, jinn and demons it has been written in many books that we can read, and in my opinion all religions must have a story about that evil power that can always influence the human world, and invites to actions that are can break.

Have you ever felt a supernatural power? Describe.


I remember a few years ago about supernatural powers, and I thought that was strange, because one evening a few years ago, I was coming home from the market where I used to hang out, and when I got to my house around midnight, I went straight to to the door of my house to enter. But briefly I heard the splash of water from the well beside the house, like someone who was fetching water and taking a bath.

At first from my mind, Why is there someone taking a bath in the well beside my house, while it was the middle of the night, my mind started working and felt that this was strange. Then I tried to approach the sound even though my heart was a little scared.

It was true, the bucket that I used to collect the water seemed to move on its own, and scared me, and that's when I started to think that around this well there were some supernatural powers that had not been revealed.

Share your perspective on the power of God and Evil.


God is the creator of his creatures, and I also believe in the power that is owned so that no creature is able to match the power of God. alive, but all of that is only for us to obey and worship him.

However, evil also arises from creatures who deny God who always bring and invite people to continue to fight against God and continue to tempt humans to do evil, so this is what we must understand in this life so that we can maintain our faith in God and keep away all temptations from evil that comes and leads to evil.

That's for my description in this challenge contest, I hope it's useful

I Invited my friends to be able to participate in this contest @waterjou @patjewell @elrazi and @munaa

Thank you very much

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Warm regards


Saludos amigo @ustazkarim gracias por participar en el reto de la primer semana.

Si existe el bien también el mal, Dios aprecia aquellas personas que hacen el bien y aborrece lo malo,es una lucha que incluso está antes d ela humanidad.

En algunas ocasiones nos da un presentimiento cuando sentimos algo que es sobrenatural y en es momento es algo misterioso y difícil de explicar, tal cual lo presenciaste tu en el sonido del agua del baño.

Amigo suerte y bendiciones para tí en el reto.

gracias señor por visitarnos, de hecho en esta vida estamos rodeados de fuerzas malignas, pero como humanos debemos ser capaces de evitar cosas malas

Fue un honor poder apoyar tu publicación amigo, que tengas un buen día.

 last year 

God is the creator of his creatures, and I also believe in the power that is owned so that no creature is able to match the power of God.

God is a subjective experience. It is an unshakable truth for those who have lived through that experience.

What a nice post! Gosh I hate AI and these detectors!

If you check on you will get a complete different outcome than
I got a high percentage on a diary post I wrote... I could just pull up my shoulders.
I am starting to wonder if it will not be best for us to check our posts on three different AI detectors and then to post the results at the bottom of our posts.

actually I don't believe that every use of Al is really real with the results detected, because I once found my post which I wrote myself stated to use Al, maybe I don't know the working system,

@irawandedy is a boffin when it comes to AI.
I know he can explain it much better to you than me.

right, maybe I don't understand much about this, thank you brother for this advice

 last year 

Thank you for invite me @ustazkarim, good luck...

I love your blog borther. It is very brief, concise and to the point. Glory is always to God. He gives us peace, love, harmony. He is the God of goods.

However evil spirits do exist, and as per you said, they are coming from satans, devils, and other bad creatures.

As a Muslim I have a strong believe on God, and I am proud of it

thank you, indeed we must believe in the existence of God and also the evil forces of creatures such as jinns, devils and demons

 last year 

Hola. Excelente tu publicación. Tienes una noción perfecta de quien es Dios y sabes también quien es el hacerlo del mal.
Éxito y bendiciones.

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