SEC-17/W6|Do you believe history repeats itself?

in Incredible India3 months ago

Hello all steemian friends
This is my participation in :-

contest, SEC17/W6|Do you believe history repeats itself?
hosted by @meraindia in Incredible India

Do you believe history repeats itself through genes? Justify.

Yes, I accept the belief that through genes, genetic qualities come into a human being and also influence the character and behavior of any human being. But it is not absolutely necessary for this to happen, someone's upbringing, his environment, his society, his education, change his basic character and behavior.


That is why I also believe that what we learn from our education and society is also capable of changing our character and work behavior.
But some things are encoded in us humans by genes which are impossible or very difficult to change.

Which habits transfer to you from your parents, or your children (if any) get the same from you?

Mostly we are able to pass on some of our habits to our children through genetic traits, for example, if one of the father or mother gets angry a lot, then the same defect can come to the child also.

And sometimes these genetic traits are seen even in the 3rd generation, skin texture, height, obesity, age of hair, facial similarity, intelligence, agility, playfulness, or calm nature.

But apart from this, we also inherit some diseases through genetic inheritance, like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

That is why in many insurance forms this question is asked whether the applicant's father or mother has a previous history of any diseases.

Share any of your habits that make you smile, proud to believe the proverb.

There are no special special habits in me which I can reveal here to prove myself a hero, yes it is true that I have a very balanced nature, I like to listen to others, I always like to respect the feelings of others.

I like to help the poor, the needy, the destitute, the helpless [except professional beggars] and women. I have helped all such people in my work and life when needed. I have never seen night or day in helping people. I have always believed that helping a truly needy person does not make one poor.

If this is considered a good habit of mine then I am proud of myself.

Do you believe history somehow carries the legacy of our previous generation? Share your opinion.

Yes, I completely believe to this point, there is a saying in our country that you will reap what you sow, its mantra is that God will give us the results according to the work we do in life.

But there is another aspect to it too, whatever behavior we adopt in our life, our children also follow the same, because parents are role models for children.

As I have said above, apart from genetic qualities, the upbringing and values we give to our children will decide their future. Barring a few special cases, in most cases we are the guides and destiny makers of our children.

And taking this matter further, it can be said that we cherish the heritage of our previous generation and prepare our children by giving them a mixture of our policies and principles. And further our children also carry forward the cycle or chain of this inheritance.

That is why it is said that we should always give good values and environment to our children and try to keep them away from their bad habits and bad deeds.

I also want to invite here :
@haidee @yancar @naka05 and @pea07

Thanks for reading my post .

Your friend .

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

আপনার জন্য অনেক শুভেচ্ছা রইলো।
আমার মতে আপনি একদম সঠিক কথাই লিখেছেন যে ,আমরা আমাদের জীন এর মাধ্যমে পূর্বপুরুষদের কাছ কিছু জিনিস পেয়ে থাকি। আবার কিছু জিনিস আমাদের শিক্ষা ,আসে পাশের পরিবেশ থেকে পাই। এর মাঝে কিছু জিনিস পরিবর্তন করা সম্ভব ,কিন্তু জেনেটিকালি আসা কিছু জিনিস পরিবর্তন করা অসম্ভব।

বাবা-মায়ের স্বভাব ,চেহারা ,অসুস্থতা ,চুল ,চোখের রং এসব কিছুই আমরা উত্তরাধিকার সূত্রেই পেয়ে থাকি।
আমরা মানুষ হিসেবে কেউই একদম পারফেক্ট না। তবে আপনি মানুষের কথা মনোযোগ দিয়ে শুনে থাকেন ,মানুষকে সাহায্য করেন ,আসলে এই জিনিসগুলিই থাকলেই চলে এবং অবশ্যই গর্ববোধ করা যায় নিজেকে নিয়ে।

আপনি বিশ্বাস করেন যে জেনেটিক বিষয়গুলি ছাড়াও আমরা আমাদের সন্তানদের যা শিখাবো সেটাই তাদের মাঝে থেকে যাবে। তাই তাদের ভালো ভাবে শিক্ষা দেয়া উচিত।

আপনি প্রতিটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর খুব সুন্দর ভাবে দিয়েছেন। প্রতিযোগিতায় আপনার সফলতা কামনা করছি।

 2 months ago 

হ্যালো ম্যাডাম, @sayeedasultana
প্রথমত, আমি খুব খুশি যে আপনি আমার পোস্টটি পছন্দ করেছেন এবং এর সাথে একমত হয়েছেন। আমি আমার সমস্ত হৃদয় দিয়ে আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ জানাতে চাই.
সম্মান ও সম্মানের সাথে।

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