Willpower has no age, chase your dreams.

in Incredible India11 months ago

Movies are part of our entertainment but if anyone questions me about which kind of film I prefer then my answer would be suspense movies and then those movies that lug some social messages.

Nowadays I do not get time to watch movies but those who are close to me aware that after waking up in the morning till night my television kept on.

Even when I went to take a shower at that time also I kept it on, now why I am sharing all these things with you?

My television somehow realised that I am not alone!

However, today one Hindi movie was telecasted on a channel which I already watched earlier but as the film is based on an athlete and the story is very inspirational so again I watched the movie.

The name of the film is "Panga." The meaning in English of panga is a fight.

(Pictures are clicked while watching the film)

I am going to share the story of the film to justify the title of my post.

The story is surrounded by the life of an international kabaddi captain who leaves the sport after marriage.

She got a job at the railway because of her performance. She is a happy mother of a seven years boy and a dedicated wife beside a government job holder.

But, one day she realised she has a happy family but she is not happy inside, and the behaviour of her senior in the office changed!

Her husband understands and when their son asked the reason behind his mother's emotions then his father replied we are the reason for your mother's emotions.

Then she explained how he met with her mother and how she was a champion of kabaddi.

After listening to the talent of her mother the boy told her mother to start again her favourite sports the boy set an alarm for his mother and pushed her to go for the exercises.

Not only that, the son set the keto diet for her mother.
Here you can see the family break the taboo, behind every successful man there is a woman;
You would get to see that behind a successful woman, there are two men!

(Richa Chadda- marvelous actor of hindi cinema)

However, in the film, you can also get to learn the proper meaning of true friendship(Richa Chadda played the role).

What happens, in the end, is to know you have to watch the film but the message this film wanted to convey was very clear and that is Willpower has no age, chase your dreams.

I do believe in the same. Often we bar age, and after marriage we think a woman's carrier is finished;
but we have so many examples where women not only come back and fulfilled their dreams after marriage.

We have some athletes who are physically disabled and some are above ninety years old!


That proves setback is easy, but it is the challenge;
when we decided to come back that makes us exceptional.

In the film, there was a supportive husband, son and mother but above all if we do not want to grow those supports are useless.

Those who get family support that is the cherry on the cake but if anyone is determined to chase the dream then no hurdles can stop them.

Most women love to be a dependable, and comfortable life;
A few have some aims and a tiny have the grit to chase those dreams.

It is easy to swim with the flow of water;
but when someone swims against it that makes a difference.

What do you think? Share your opinion through comments.



 11 months ago 

আপনি একজন সাহসী নারীর গল্প আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করেছেন! যে নারী বিয়ের পরেও তার স্বপ্ন পূরণ করেছে! তার লক্ষ অর্জনের জন্য তার স্বামী এবং তার ছেলে,,,, তার পেছনে সাপোর্ট দিয়েছে! এটা জানতে পেরে অনেক বেশি ভালো লাগলো।

আপনি ঠিকই বলেছেন,, সাঁতার কাটা সহজ,,, কিন্তু স্রোতের বিপরীতে গিয়ে সাঁতার কাটা অনেক বেশি কঠিন! আর আমার জীবনেও ঠিক তেমনটাই হয়েছে! আমি যখন অনলাইন জগতে কাজ করা শুরু করি! তখন আমার জীবনে নেমে আসে অনেক সমস্যা।

আমি কখনোই বলবো না যে,,, আমার জীবনের সেই সমস্যা গুলো শেষ হয়ে গেছে! আমার জীবনের সমস্যা গুলো প্রতিনিয়ত বেড়েই চলেছে! কেউ কেউ বলছে আমি কেন আমার অনলাইনে টাকা দিয়ে! আমার ছেলেদের ভরণ পোষণের দায়িত্বটা নিতে পারি না! কি বলবো তাদেরকে তবুও চেষ্টা করে যাচ্ছি।

আমার চেষ্টা কবে শেষ হবে,, তারপরও নিশ্চয়তা আমার কাছে নেই,, বা সঠিক সিদ্ধান্ত আমি কাউকে দিতে পারবো না! তবে আমার চেষ্টা আমি কখনো থামিয়ে রাখবো না! আমি জানি কষ্ট করলে একদিন মিষ্টি ফল পাব! সেই আশাতে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছি।

অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে,, এত সুন্দর একটা অনুপ্রেরণামূলক মুভি আমাদের সাথে এত সুন্দর ভাবে এক্সপ্লেইন করার জন্য! আমি চেষ্টা করব মুভিটা দেখে আরো নতুন কিছু শেখার জন্য! আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল,, ভালো থাকবেন।

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