The connotation of an exemplary person depends on time, heart, and demeanor.

in Incredible Indialast year

Greetings everyone,
Often we follow the ideology of a few people;
but do we ever presume what is the difference between them and us?

In my perspective, three things make us different from each other.
Time, heart, and behavior or demeanor.

Let me explain how?

  • Time:-
    Time always decides with whom we will meet, and simultaneously if we use it appropriately;
    it not only secures our present but the future too.

Let me share with you a story here to apprehend my viewpoint in a more promising way.



One day an astrologer predicted to a farmer's son;
that he will get an immense quantity of gold somewhere inside a field.
After hearing this prediction, the farmer's son halted his study;
and was not ready to dwell in their crop field with his father.

Day by day, the situation evolved, most insufficient as his father was old and unskillful to labor solely to grow crops.
In that village, there was a noble person(Sai Baba);
who was passing the house and heard the argument between father and son.

He stopped and asked the reason behind their conflict;
the farmer informed the story to that noble person.
Then the noble person answered that his son rightly said and also informed that the wealth;
has been repressed inside their crop field.

After hearing that, the son went to their field and started plowing the crop field.



But after furrowing half of that crop field, when the farmer's son didn't get any wealth, he asked that noble person where the wealth was hidden;
if that noble person informed the correct place, he could directly plow that place to recover the wealth.

The nobleman replied to get the wealth;
the boy had to plow the entire field because the man was unaware of the correct place.

After concluding plowing, when the seedlings of rice started growing, then that nobleman answered that for a farmer, crops are the real treasure. You earn your wealth by spending your time appropriately with hard work.

The story might be heard by many of us;
but often, we forget and think everything will come to us automatically.



Time plays the most profitable function in our life if we know how to operate it.



  • The heart:-
    Often, we use a proverb:- 'Heart stays on the left, but always says right(correct).'

Sometimes we need to carry judgements with the help of our minds;
but friends, only our hearts direct us toward noble activities, and Who will we remember?

Those who listen to their hearts always come forward and stay beside those people who are in need;
they do not estimate everything before benefiting others as our minds accomplish.

Now it is up to us! We want to reminisce decades inside other hearts by helping selflessly those who are in need;
or only listening to our minds to acquire everything for ourselves.

Our minds are calculative, but our hearts always help us to be honorable people from the inside. We must initiate every relationship
and noble activities through the heart.



  • Behavior or demeanor:-
    Our behaviors determine who will remember us.
    Time and heart are incomplete until we learn how to behave with people.

Because time and tide wait for none also do not stay in the same position;
they always revolve. What goes around comes around, and we are all aware.

One thing that I always believe is that we must not hurt or harass anyone for trim things;
because our demeanor portrays how we are as human beings.



We can hide from humans by hiding our emotions and actions;
but our thought processes that work inside actually define us.

Lastly, I would like to convey that we must try to improve our behavior from the inside to become a temperate person.

The analysis of time, heart, and behavior;
that I shared today is entirely my philosophy, as I cited.
So several can collide but do share your perspective towards the same.


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We are the hope!

 last year 

Amiga es tienes razón no podemos escondernos de nuestra emociones o la acciones que realicemos porque al final nuestro pensamiento no nos define como personas. Es una linda historia la que nos compartes quería amiga. Saludos y bendiciones.🤗

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