Incredible India monthly contest July| Three things that bring a smile to my face.steemCreated with Sketch.

in Incredible Indialast year

Greetings friends,
Today I am here to participate in the contest announced inside the community. Post Link

I always endeavour to discover the inner meaning of each word but positively. Similarly, I also try to find the meaning of a smile according to my thought process.

S- Sweet.
M- Moment.
I- Imply.
E- Everyone.

Sweet moments, that always imply love for everyone.

That is the definition of a smile according to my perspective.

Now, let's find out the answers that were asked in the contest.

1. Share which three things bring a smile to your face and why?

Though the reality is at eight years and five months I lost the last reason for my smile.

But then I changed my philosophy and interpretation;
bring smiles to other faces also can bring smiles to our faces.

However, as the contest announced now so I would love to share my present reasons of smile.

  • Surprises.
  • Understanding.
  • Self-satisfaction.
Surprises: -

I love surprises that bring a smile to my face.
The surprises don't mean gifts but I also love the surprise presence of those people who are close to my heart.

Because gifts can destroy with time but moments always remain the same in our hearts.

understanding: -


It is about personal life or professional life, when people respect, understand and act honestly;
That virtue also brings a smile to my face.

That is an understanding that enhances bonding which lasts longer. In any place, understanding should be maintained by both sides.

Often we relinquish valuable relationships because of misinterpretation.

When people can comprehend the situation and respect the relationship and situations with honesty a time smile also appears on my face. Before, I also cited that I can take black-and-white truth but can't take colourful lies.



When I can perform my responsibilities by giving 100℅ in both in my personal life and professional at that time self-satisfaction brings a smile to my face.
It is not that I conduct with any concealed preference but I try to stay beside whoever and whenever people need me besides them.

When I was going through the most worse situation of my life, I didn't get anyone besides me.
But when one of my relatives informed me about his problem, I did not keep those time in my mind and I promise to stay beside him. When he came over to that situation;
I felt self-satisfied because the almighty had allowed me to keep that promise.

2. Share with us if there is any surprising story hidden behind your smile.

There are several incidents but I would mention two among them.

The first one was when I was doing exercise on my rooftop and all of a sudden I received a call from @sampabiswas.

Sampa:- where are you?
Me:- I am on my rooftop.
Sampa:- Who locked the door while going upstairs?


Me:- How did you know?
Sampa:- Come downstairs!
Me:- after reaching downstairs, I have seen she was standing in front of my closed door.

That was a day I was so happy to be surprised!


The second incident was when I received a surprise birthday cake on my birthday from my close one.
When we stay alone small things matter the most.

3. Have you ever been the reason to bring smiles to other faces? Share the story if you did the same.


There are various stories of when the almighty allowed me to be the reason for another smile.
But still today one incident somehow let me think about who was that boy!

Though I shared the incident earlier but still that was one of the most surprising yet satisfying moments of my life.

I was in the queue at a sweet parlour in my area, which is quite famous so always surrounded by customers.

When my number came and I informed the attendee to give me curd, all of a sudden a child came and request me to buy 100gm of sweet curd for him.

I smiled! And informed the attendee to give him the 100gm of sweet curd.
It was a matter of rs. 20(Indian money) and according to the steem price it was about 1.30 steem.

Not a big deal! But then after getting that curd the satisfaction I feel after catching a glimpse of the smile on that child's face was priceless.

That was all about from my side, as per the regulation of the contest, I would love to invite @stef1, @franyeligonzalez and @waterjoe to participate in this contest.



 last year 

Hi dear friend I'm glad to read you, indeed giving makes us happy. I like your 3 reasons for smile, I love good suprise it shows that the person who gives think about us. Then carrying out our responsibility exceptionally do Gives us a sense of fulfillment and happiness. You're a great woman even when you lost your reasons for smile some years ago, you still pick up yourself and be happy again and even be the reason for others to smile. I admire your strength!

 last year 

Thank you so much my dear friend for going through my post and sharing your kind words. I hope I will also get a chance to read the reasons behind your smile.

 last year 

Sure I will drop my entry soon. I'm sending hugs 💕

 last year 

প্রথমেই আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ,,, প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য।

আপনি খুশি হওয়ার পেছনে তিনটা কারণ আমাদের সাথে উল্লেখ করেছেন। এরপরে আমি দেখতে পেয়েছি,, সম্পা দিদি যখন আপনার বাসায় এসে দেখল তালা দেয়া! তখন আপনাকে কল করেছিল এবং আপনি নিছে এসে তাকে বন্ধ দরজার সামনে দেখতে পেয়ে,,,,, অনেক বেশি খুশি হয়েছিলেন।

এরপরে আমি দেখলাম আপনি ১০০ গ্রাম মিষ্টি দই এর কথা বলেছেন! আসলে কিছু কিছু মানুষের কাছে এই 100 গ্রাম মিষ্টি হয়ে মূল্য অনেক বেশি! অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে এত সুন্দর করে প্রত্যেকটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেয়ার জন্য! আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল! ভালো থাকবেন।

 last year 

You have mentioned the great point of understanding and self satisfaction, these are really important and they definitely add to your happiness. ☺️

Hi friend

It’s really true that small things really matter when we are away from our loved ones. And you are such kind hearted person that you got the thought of helping the kid. Everything is not about money, you have done a really great job!

Have a great day! 😊


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