"Incredible India monthly contest April #01|My favorite hobbies."

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)

The definition of HOBBIES for me;
happy-oriented by being innovative, enthusiastic, and stress-free.

H- Happy.
O - Oriented.
B- By.
B - Being.
I - Innovative.
E - Enthusiastic.
S - Stress-free.

Hobbies are something that always permits me to come out from the emphasis;
also assists in preoccupying my intellect to forget a few rememberings and people that repeatedly dishearten me from the innards.

However, the views of others can be several;
but this is my mode of glimpsing at hobbies.

1.What are your favorite hobbies?

My first hobby or I would prefer to say passion, is reading books(especially detective stories);
and my second hobby, of course, cooking.

What are the reasons behind choosing these hobbies in your favorite list?

  • My first hobby gives me a thrill from the inside and also obliges me to amass knowledge about various subjects.

  • My second hobby is delighting others, as we all know about the proverb, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Hahaha! But I do not cook to win the heart of man;
but for those who love to eat.

I started as a food blogger, and that proves my fondness for cooking;
I endeavor to comprehend all sorts of queasinesses of the globe.

We can be cheerful when we not only attempt to assemble ourselves happy;
but to drive others delighted too.

3.Do you ever think of including any of your hobbies as a profession? Describe.

Yes, during the first lockdown, when I was going through my economic crunch;
At that time, I was planning for a cloud kitchen.
@sampabiswas, @piudey, and myself were devising the identical.

Later when I started working on this platform;
Eventually, the plan didn't shape up as we thought.

But still, I adore prepping meals for my brother, nephew, and anyone if they request me for any delicacy that, at some point in time, drives them happy.

We all need to follow some hobbies, and it is also true that with time some people include their hobbies in their profession.

I do agree that when we love to do something and include them in our career, we can give our 100%.

While selecting those things as professions, those were picked because of the critical circumstances;
or because of the pressure of parents.


Life is short. Hence, we must try to accomplish something for ourselves that not only give us identity;
but also nourish pleasure from the inside.

I believe we all have one gender, which is humanity;
and for that reason, everyone should get the parallel prospect to accomplish their passion and hobbies.

Stay happy by following your hobbies.

I would love to invite @pelon53, @adeljose, @kouba01, @goodybest, and @petface to participate in this contest.

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 last year 

আপনার প্রিয় শখ দেখে আমি অনেকটা অবাক হলাম! আপনি বই পড়তে,,, এবং রান্না করতে বেশ ভালোবাসেন! যদিও বিষয়গুলো সম্পর্কে আমি আগেও অবগত ছিলাম! কিন্তু তারপরেও আপনার পোস্ট থেকে পড়ে,, আরো অনেক বেশি কিছু জানতে পারলাম! আপনার শখ সম্পর্কে।

আসলে আমরা প্রত্যেকটা মানুষ ভিন্ন! প্রত্যেকটা মানুষের শখ ভিন্ন! ঠিক তেমনি আপনার শখ আমাদের থেকে অনেকটাই ভিন্ন! তবে আপনার শখের মূল্য আমার কাছে অনেক বেশি।

বিশেষ করে রান্না করতে আমিও পছন্দ করি! তবে আজকে আপনার পোস্ট পড়ে যা বুঝলাম! আপনি আমার থেকে অনেক সিনিয়র! রান্নাবান্না করতে আমার থেকেও অনেক বেশি ভালোবাসেন।

অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য! এবং আপনার শখ সম্পর্কে আমাদেরকে অবগত করার জন্য! আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল,,, ভালো থাকবেন! আর অবশ্যই নিজের শরীরের দিকে খেয়াল রাখবেন।


 last year 

Tiene toda la razón la vida es corta y se debe aprovechar al máximo para logra todos los objetivos que queremos alcanzar en nuestra vida. Saludos y bendiciones.🤗

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
haha this is savage

I had guessed your hobby but I was expecting cooking to be your 1st hobby.

Reading thrilling literature is food for soul. You feed your soul before stomach It sounds very fulfilling.

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