Steem engagement challenge-S12/W2|I would love to prefer(A Metropolis lifestyle)

in Incredible Indialast year

Hello friends,

It's week two already and am excited about it because I would be sharing with you on my selection between metropolis and village

Which lifestyle do you prefer, A Metropolis or A Village? And Why?
prague-7172594_1280.jpgA city source

I prefer a metropolis.

A metropolis is basically a developed city, town or state. Developed with all the necessary amenities to go with with it such as electricity, good roads, good water, beautiful buildings and the rest.

A metropolis lifestyle is basically living life in the developed town or city. How you go about your daily life here.

City life reflects to urban lifestyle while village life is that of a rural lifestyle. Life in both lifestyles has its ups and downs.

I prefer metropolis lifestyle because it exposes me to the amazing power of civilization, given me the opportunities to explore.

Life in the big city is quite different from life in the village, a lot of factors make city life more accommodating to that of the village;

•Education In the city, we have enough chances for a better education. You see good schools that have all the facilities for conducive learning in the city but the village education is not so.

•Good medical facilities In the cities, you can find good and well-equipped hospitals ready for service. Even the poor can get free medical check ups and most of these hospitals have good and trained doctors and nurses who are ready and willing to serve the masses.

•Employment opportunities Employment opportunity is the greatest advantage gotten from the city. People with different qualifications can easily get a job that suits their field of study but in the village, the only available job there is farming and no one would love to do that after spending years in school.

•Amusement and recreation The city provides us with recreational centers where we can enjoy life with friends and family. The cinema, the restaurants, the amusement parks, etc all these places can serve as site seeing and hang-out for a better refreshment.

Share some good side and challenging sides of your choice

The good side of a metropolis

•Upgraded infrastructure and social amenities

In the city, you find a lot of social amenities like good roads, electricity, piped water, good hospitals, etc.... These social amenities help to live a healthy life. Some health cases may arise in the rural area and the only solution would be to go to the city and get it done, so you see, the metropolis is still the best.

•Opportunities Oh!, we have lots of opportunities in the city. Opportunity to meet and develop pleasant attitudes, meet new friends, interact with people, and visit places you have never dreamt of. Lifestyle in the city is so enjoyable and more entertaining. Even varieties of job opportunities are available in the metropolis.


•Transportation Transportation in the city is very easy to get. We have train transport, air, water and road transport. You either choose which you prefer to go with. You have various options for transportation in the city unlike in the village. The transportation in the city makes things easier and faster.

The bad side of a metropolis

•Less privacy The city is overcrowded with people. I live in Lagos state which has an overpopulated result in my country. I usually do not have my privacy at night because most times, they party all night and play loud music which causes noise in the neighborhood.

•High cost of living Wow! This is what the city is known for. Everything is so high in my city when I compare the cost of some items in my village to that of the city, we have a clear difference and it can never change because it has been so. The cost of houses is so outrageous in the city. Demands are so high, hence the economy gets higher day by day.

•Problem of Traffic congestion Because the city is always crowded with People and their cars, we experience the problem of traffic and example is my city Lagos Nigeria. There is always traffic and we find it hard every day going to work or coming back.

industry-1752876_1280.webpAir pollutionsource

•Different types of pollution is found There are lots of pollution experienced in the city or a metropolis ranging from air pollution, water pollution and the rest.

Do you think lifestyle and environment often influence thought processes? Describe

Yes, the environment we find ourselves in today, can influence our thought system or pattern. Often, the space we inhabit shapes the way we act and the way we think.

Usually, when I'm surrounded by nature, maybe a forest or water fonts, I feel more at ease and inspired. The beauty and gentleness of the environment reflect quality thoughts and a sense of peace.

On the other hand, when I'm in a busy city just like my city, my thoughts are nothing more than the immediate task at hand. The busyness of the environment cannot grant peace to develop good thoughts, it will always direct the thought to where it shouldn't go.

But that's not all, living in a city gives me great exposure to life, and how things are done in this present 21st century.

Have you not noticed that kids raised in the village and kids raised in the city are different. They do not think alike. Sometimes, those in the village have a thinking pattern that is backward. Even their dressing seems somehow. When they enter they city for the first time, they hardly fit in.

I invite my friends @ninapenda @princa @lhorgic to join this contest.


Holaa @ruthjoe 😋 yo prefiero mil veces la metropolis por todas las oportunidades que ofrece y todo lo que se puede hacer para el pueblo de visitas😁😎. Suerte en su reto.

 last year 

Wow it actually means we both are in the same boat. Thank you for your best wishes

Metropolitan cities are indeed supported by high technology, good and complete facilities. We are very happy to experience it all. However, the metropolis also has various bad sides, one of which is air pollution which comes not from vehicle fumes but exhaust fumes from factories and rubbish. The solution must be wise of course. Interesting post and good luck.

 last year 

It is definitely true that what has an advance must definitely have a disadvantage too. No wonder the city had it's bad sides after having some beautiful benefits.

Am glad you love my post

 last year 

শুরুতেই জানাচ্ছি আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ এই প্রতিযোগীতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য ৷ আপনি শহরের জীবনধারাকে পছন্দ করেছেন ৷ আসলে যারা শহরের বসবাস করতেছে তারাও অনেক সুবিধা ভোগ করে থাকে ৷শহরের পরিবেশ হয়তো অনেক পরিষ্কার তবে এটা মানতেই হবে গ্রামের মত বিশুদ্ধ বাতাস আর কোথাও পাওয়া যাবে না ৷

আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইলো ৷ ভালো থাকবেন সুস্থ থাকবেন ৷ 🙏

 last year 

Yes you are right..I can manage with the air in the city that's why I live there..
Thank you for your best wishes

 last year 

Thanks so much @heriadi

Who wouldn't want to enjoy life in the city, there are just so many advantages in the city. I still love the serenity and peaceful living in the village though...but I no dey go😃😃😃

 last year 

Hahahah! This is really so funny. If you like something then you should go for it na

Greetings @ruthjoe

Many of us choose to live in a city for the advantages and benefits, living in a city allows you to know and experience new things, and adding to that you are up to date with the latest news and trends of the day.

Good development of your post, I wish you a lot of success!

 last year 

That's true, living in the city offers you an opportunity you can't find else where..
Thank you my friend

 last year 

Greetings friend,
Wow you explained the advantages and disadvantages of the city in a reasonable way. Yes, I believe that cities have many advantages compared to villages but we face many disadvantages.

As we live in the city to get the good sides. But if we want to live in the city, we have to live with traffic, expensive housing.

Thank you so much for sharing with us your beautiful publication. I wish you the best of luck and success in the competition.

 last year 

Am glad you love my publications.
Thank you so much

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