Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5| The three significant reasons behind environmental pollution.
Hello all steemian friends
Greetings from me to everyone who reads my post this time, and this time I will write a contest Steemit Engagement Challenge season 10 week 5, the theme that I will raise is "What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution?" created by the Incredible India community from the account @meraindia with a few questions asked:
What are the three important reasons behind environmental pollution? Describe. |
Environmental pollution is not a new thing in our environment. There are many cases of environmental pollution which cause great harm to living things.
The first is air pollution. Air is one of the important elements in the life of living things. Because air is very much needed for breathing and of course you need quality and good air, good air is air that has not been mixed with other materials such as factory smoke mixed with chemicals such as carbon dioxide and transportation fumes and also those caused by forest fires or volcanic eruptions as a result. air pollution occurs plus the narrowness of green land in urban areas, causing trees to not function to store oxygen.
The second is water pollution is the entry of a substance or other component into the water so that it makes the water polluted and the water quality decreases. Water pollution can result from factory waste, household waste and agricultural waste. This agricultural activity can also cause water contamination due to the manufacture of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and others.
The third is soil pollution caused by chemicals that are disposed of directly, pollution can also be caused by inorganic waste that cannot be broken down. The cause of soil pollution can also be from various other things, such as family waste and agricultural activities, namely from the use of artificial fertilizers, pest control substances so that plant growth is disrupted.
How do we prevent environmental pollution? |
There are many ways to prevent environmental pollution, By not throwing garbage in rivers or other water sources that can damage the environment so that floods can occur, Carrying out waste management properly, using environmentally friendly materials and others planting trees on every available land and also most importantly now protecting forests by selectively cutting forest trees, reforestation, preventing forest fires, and establishing national parks .
Share your thoughts on how environmental pollution impacts all living things, including humans. |
Environmental pollution is of course very impactful for all living things, including the occurrence of disasters where such as the frequent occurrence of floods caused by people who throw garbage carelessly into rivers resulting in damage to roads, buildings and others due to severe flooding and forest fires due to human actions that do not plant the trees that have been cut down have returned so that many living things have died, as many animals living in the forest have perished and even rare animals have occurred and there are no shady trees that have been scorched by fire or the extinction of various species of flora and fauna
Have you ever taken part in keeping your environment clean? |
Of course, I once tried to keep my environment clean, namely by no longer throwing garbage into the river because in the past many people threw garbage into the river because there were no cars to transport garbage, and by recycling waste that could be recycled and replacing fuel with fuel that was Environmentally friendly so no air pollution
Share one message that all humans must remember to keep the environment healthy. |
Keep your environment healthy and clean because if nature is angry, humans can no longer do anything, maybe they can only surrender, pray and ask for forgiveness for their greed, that's why the natural environment is currently one of the things that needs attention. Many people are finally starting to feel worried about the potential dangers for humanity and other living things in the future, because the earth is our mother. Despite our desire to hurt our mother, she will always love us forever.
so for my contest post this time thank you for everything, in this case I invite my friends @hotspotitaly,@anroja @ikwal, @rahmat31 ,@waterjoe and @irawandedy to participate here, thanks for everything.
my post the twitter
প্রথমেই আপনাকে জানাই অনেক অনেক অভিনন্দন সুন্দর এই চ্যালেঞ্জে পার্টিসিপেট করার জন্য। অবশ্যই পরিবেশ দূষণ সম্পর্কে আপনি যে পয়েন্টগুলো তুলে ধরেছেন সেগুলো অতি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
পরিবেশ দূষণ আমাদের কাছে নতুন কিছু নয়, আমরা সবাই জানি আমাদের পরিবেশ দূষিত হচ্ছে। কিন্তু কে কার কথা শুনে, যে যার মত পরিবেশ দূষিত করে চলেছে।
কিন্তু এটা ভাবি না এই পরিবেশ দূষণের কারণে আমাদের মানব শরীরের কি পরিমাণে ক্ষতি হচ্ছে। আমরা ঠিকভাবে শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস নিতে পারছি না, ঠিকভাবে কোন কিছু করতে পারছি না। নানান রোগে আক্রান্ত হচ্ছি দিনের পর দিন।
তারপরও আমরা এই পরিবেশ দূষিত থেকে এতোটুকু পরিমাণে বিরতি নিচ্ছি না। যদি আমরা এই পরিবেশ দূষণ কিছুটা দূর করতে পারি, সেটা আমাদের জন্যই মঙ্গল কর।।
চ্যালেঞ্জে অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে ৷ আপনি বেশ সুন্দর ভাবে পরিবেশ দূষণ সম্পর্কে অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য সংক্রান্ত আলোচনা করেছেন ৷ প্রতিটি প্রশ্নের উত্তর আপনি বেশ সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করেছেন ৷ তারপর মনে রাখতেই হবে পরিবেশ সুস্থ রাখা আমাদের মানব জীবনের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ৷ কারন এতে পরিবেশ দূষণ দিন দিন বৃদ্ধি পেলে এর প্রভাব আমাদের উপর ফেলতে পারে ৷
ভালো থাকবেন সুস্থ থাকবেন ৷
what do you mean?
Greetings dear friend. Hope you are enjoying the sweet moments of your life.
We should use environment friendly materials and plant more trees. It will help us reduce pollution. This is a very solid point. Today human is using all the modern equipment which are highly harmful to the environment. The chlorofluorocarbons gas emitted from refrigerators directly effects ozone layer. It's cause ozone depletion. Other gadgets such as Air-conditioner, auto vehicles, radio active rays are also responsible for for environmental pollution.
The best thing to avoid it is to create awareness amoung people. The government should declares it a legal crime.
It's very nice to read your post.
Best wishes in the contest.
thank you friend for visiting my post
What an implicit article you have here, dear friend.
Indeed keeping our environment clean is one of the priority we humans must engage at daily basis, and if we don't take the responsibility it will lead to contamination of different kinds of diseases
yes, yes, that's true, friend. In fact, we have to take good care of the environment so that it doesn't cause contamination of various types of diseases.