Steem engagement challenge-S12/W2|I would love to prefer - "A Village lifestyle"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Incredible India10 months ago (edited)

Steemit Engagement Challenge |S12-W2|

Hello to all steemians of this community

I am here again to participate in steemit engagement challenge season12 week2 in #increadibleindia Community. I am excited to publish my article of this week's engagement challenge with the title of - "I would love to prefer - "A Village lifestyle" Let's start,


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Which lifestyle do you prefer, A Metropolis or A Village? And Why?

"Man built the city, God built the village" - this is an old proverb.


I prefer Village lifestyle. I love village, I spent my childhood in a village. As much fun and excitement as my childhood was, today's city kids have no idea about those joys. I prefer to live in the serene environment of my village rather than the sophisticated mechanized life of the city. There is no traffic jam on the village roads, no robbers, no food with formalin, these are the reasons why I like living in the village.

Share some good side and challenging sides of your choice.

Some Good side of my choice.


  • Village air, water is pure. Because there are no diesel and petrol powered vehicles in the village like in the city, there is no polluting substance in the air. By not mixing the factory waste with the water, the water is also pure.
  • All the fruits and vegetables of the village are organic and do not contain any formalin which is very important and positive for health.
  • Everyone in the village is very cordial and helpful. If someone in the village is in danger, the whole village helps him.
  • The green and pleasant environment of the village will keep you enthralled.
  • Crime rates are much lower in villages and road accidents are much lower than in cities.
  • The cost of everything in the village is relatively low so rural life is perfect for enjoying the beautiful life at a low cost.

Some Challenging sides of my choice.


Although there are many benefits of living in a village, there are some challenges that the village people have to face. Below I am writing about these

  • Medical facilities are less in villages. Most of the time one has to go to the city to seek medical care.
  • The education system in the village is not that developed. All students have to go to cities for higher education.
  • As there are no factories and industries in the village, it is very difficult to provide employment here.

Do you think lifestyle and environment often influence thought processes? Describe.


Of course, I think lifestyle and environment often influence our thought processes. An wise man say, When you look at the vast sky, it helps you to be generous. Living a village life will also simplify your thinking. Again, the city's polluted environment, mechanics, jam make your mood rough and many people suffer from various health complications. In a word, what happens in your surrounding environment, your thoughts will become like that. That's why experts say a healthy environment helps you lead a healthy life.

I would like to invite my friends @pelon53 @mainuna @pathanapsana @enamul17 and for participating in this creative contest .

Thanks everyone for reading my post

Amiga comparto a cabaldad tu eleccion, no cambio la vida tranquila, serena y hospitalaria del pueblo pir ciydad y menos si es tan lindo como el que muestra tus imagenes. Exitos en tu entrada. Saludos.

Thanks a lot my friend.

Los pueblos son muy bonitos tienen un aire fresco naturaleza, tranquilidad y la gente es amable ud usa fotos lindas, yo prefiero metropolis😎. Suerte.

 10 months ago 

প্রথমেই আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য। দুইটা বিষয়ের মধ্যে আপনি গ্রামীন জীবন বেছে নিয়েছেন।

গ্রামের মেঠো পথ ধরে হেঁটে চলা। গ্রামের সবুজ শ্যামল প্রকৃতির মাঝে নিজের খানিকটা সময় একান্ত পার করা। গ্রামের তাজা সবজি তাজা মাছ খাওয়া এর মধ্যে আনন্দ থাকে অন্যরকম। আমিও গ্রামে বাস করি,,, তাই আপনার সাথে আমিও একমত পোষণ করছি।

অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে,, প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করে প্রত্যেকটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর সঠিকভাবে দেয়ার জন্য। আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল। ভালো থাকবেন। সৃষ্টিকর্তা অবশ্যই আপনার সহায় হবেন।

আপনাকেও অনেক ধন্যবাদ এত সুন্দর একটি মন্তব্য করার জন্য।

 10 months ago 

Here @peoa7 I am very glad to see that you have participated in the contest. And you have presented the rural life and the city life very well with separate pictures, why rural life is on your list of favorites. The pictures in your post are absolutely real. Your photography is also beautiful. All in all amazing. I liked it very much.
How satisfied I feel. I am also attracted to rural life. Best wishes to you.

Thanks a lot for your comment and best wishes, I appreciate.

 10 months ago 

Welcome my dear friend.staywell.Best wishes to you

 10 months ago 

When we talk about the world of work, we think about cities, but instead we don't develop the potential of rural areas.

Yes, we all want ready made opportunity but don't want to create our own business. Thanks a lot.

Hi @pea07.

Hey that proverb you mention at the beginning, I've heard it anyway, but I don't remember where I heard it.

Hey, you make a good choice of why to live in the village, and you are so right!

By the way, the photos you show are very nice!!!

Success in your participation!

Your village looks beautiful judging from the pictures I see. A village is always most preferred place for many people to run to for family bonding, exciting quality value time and fun.

Everyone in the village is very cordial and helpful. If someone in the village is in danger, the whole village helps him.

Indeed love is one of the many values which makes the village life unique and good. It's a good thing you free up in the village as you've enjoyed a lot of things from the village.

Thanks for sharing with us

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