SEC17/W5 | Do you believe in reincarnation? | Reincarnation from an Islamic perspective.

in Incredible India3 months ago (edited)

Reincarnation from an Islamic perspective.

Hello Steemit friends, on this occasion I was compelled to give my opinion on an interesting topic, namely Reincarnation. Is it true that dead humans can come back to life, is it true that humans can come back to life in a more perfect form or in someone else's body, and does reincarnation really exist. We will discuss all of these topics from a religious perspective.

# 📚 Reincarnation #

💡 Do you believe in reincarnation? Justify your belief.

Reincarnation is very popular among Hindus and Buddhists, they believe that reincarnation is true, according to their belief reincarnation is the soul of a person who has died and then reborn in a new life.

Whereas according to Islam reincarnation as described above does not exist and violates Aqidah, in Islam people are obliged to believe in the existence of the Day of Judgment. Doomsday is the day when the heavens and earth are destroyed, then all humans are resurrected or revived to their original state to be held accountable for their life in the world.

If during their life in the world they have done a lot of good, then they will live eternally enjoying life in heaven forever, once again I emphasize that life in the afterlife will never end and will be enjoyed forever without any restrictions.

But if those who during their life in the world commit crimes and things that are prohibited by religion, they will be placed into hell, getting a torment that is really very painful to be burned with a very hot fire.

The torment of hellfire is very painful and painful, people who get tormented in hell will be revived and then burned until what is left is just like dust, then revived and burned again until what is left is just dust, and so on.

Some book references that I have read explain, if the heat of hellfire falls to the earth with the size of a zarrah seed (an object that is very small and very light) then the earth will not be able to withstand it, the earth will be destroyed into pieces into grains of dust. But can you imagine how severe the torment in hell with a very large and hot fire? People who are in hell will also live forever receiving never-ending torment. May we all be shunned by the torment of hellfire.

From the explanations and descriptions above, we can conclude that Muslims believe in reincarnation not in the context of life in the world, but reincarnation in the context of life facing the afterlife where everyone is held accountable for their deeds, those who do good get eternal life for eternity in heaven, and those who do evil while in the world get torment in hell for eternity.

💡 Do you believe we regain our connection through reincarnation? Describe.


If we refer to the concept of Islam, all people will be brought back to life after the time of the Day of Judgment, when the Day of Judgment comes the entire heaven and earth will be destroyed into dust without remaining.

Then the angel will blow the trumpet, the sound of this trumpet will wake up all the people around the world from their graves. The people who rise from their graves will be brought back to life as full human beings, with faces like their faces, bodies like their bodies, and bodies like their bodies when they were young, 25 years old.

In their right hand is a white notebook, in which are written all the records of the contents of the good deeds they have done during their lifetime in the world, while in their left hand is a black notebook in which are written all the contents of the sins they have committed during their lifetime in the world.

image.pngSourceAll actions while in the world will be accounted for, which is heavier between the scales of goodness vs. sin.

So Muslims believe the relationship of life after reincarnation only depends on the efforts and practices during the lifetime in the world, humans are only held accountable for everything they have done, the court in the afterlife is not like the judge in the world can be visited to be able to win or defeat certain parties.

💡 Do you like to be born just like what you are in this life

If I may choose, I don't want to be born again in a life like today, I just want to be revived in a life in the afterlife that lasts forever and ever, for all time.

But what is a question mark for everyone, is the next life in the paradise of Allah SWT or Hell? May we all be kept away from the torment of hellfire.

💡 Or would you wish to adopt any other person's life if there is a reincarnation? Explain the reasons behind your choice.

If reincarnation is true, I wouldn't want to adopt someone else's life, because I'm quite happy with the life I've been through at the moment. I am happy with the family that I have, I have a father and mother who always support me to continue to be enthusiastic in pursuing education, he always teaches the importance of education and knowledge in order to be able to face all kinds of life problems.

If reincarnation is true, I will also improve my life from childhood to adulthood in order to be able to organize a glorious future, always maintain health, always spend a lot of time studying and achieving achievements, and always spend time learning religious knowledge and multiplying worship.

# 📚 Conclusion #

Muslims believe that reincarnation does not exist, but they believe in the existence of the Day of Judgment, not reincarnation. Muslims believe that after the Day of Judgment, all humans will be revived in the same body, with the same face, where everyone will be held accountable for their actions while living in the world, those who have done good will get a new life in heaven forever and those who have done evil while in the world will be punished in hell forever.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @sduttaskitchen @fadia @chant @sriiza @kouba01

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Greetings to this contest,
It good to read to read about your views on this topic, that as a Muslim you fo not believe in reincarnation but that everyone would be called out on the day of judgement to give account of their works when they were on earth, I must say that is quite similar with my beliefs system. I am a christian, we do not believe in reincarnation too. Success in the contest

 3 months ago 

Senang rasanya anda membaca postingan ini, ya masalah kepercayaan dan keimanan menurut keyakinan setiap orang pasti berbeda-beda, namun yang paling penting jangan saling menyalahkan.

You are right sir


I don't believe in reincarnation but I know there's life after death where we all will stand to face judgement, nice article I wish you success 🎉 steem on

 3 months ago 

Saya senang Anda telah membaca postingan ini, dan kita semua setuju bahwa akan ada kehidupan setelah kematian untuk mempertanggungjawabkan semua yang telah kita lakukan selama masa hidup di dunia. Semoga anda juga beruntung pada kontes

Hola miftahulrizky, he quedado impresionada con la buena explicación que has dado, tiene mucho sentido para mi como lo planteas, mas allá de coincidir contigo en la resurrección a través del día del juicio final, es tu punto de vista con total seguridad, tu firme creencia que así sucederá y de acuerdo a ese criterio espero quedar en el lado de los buenos, éxitos

 2 months ago 

Pertama sekali saya ucapkan terimakasih karena anda telah tertarik membaca postingan ini dan memberikan komentar positif. Semoga kita semua di hari kiamat dibangkitkan kembali dengan membawa buku catatan putih (catatan kebaikan selama hidup di dunia) untuk dapat masuk dalam surga.

Interesante tu respuesta a esta dependiendo de su creencia, noto que menciono algo muchas veces, y es el tormento que tendrán las almas malvadas al ser juzgados, y aunque no quiero entrar en contexto con esto se me hace extraño esto, al igual que la biblia cristiana noto algo de obligación en seguir determinadas reglas, si no serás condenado... Ser bueno o malo depende de la persona, sabemos diferenciar entre el bien y el mal, pero la teoría del infierno siempre me pareció algo con que asustar a la multitud con todo respeto. Aun así no creo en la reencarnación del todo porque nunca la he vivido. Saludos amigo y suerte en el concurso! ⟵⁠(⁠๑⁠¯⁠◡⁠¯⁠๑⁠)

 2 months ago 

Reincarnation doesn't exist so you don't have to believe in it. Heaven and hell do exist, but they weren't created to scare people, why?
Because the courts of this world are not necessarily as fair as those in the afterlife, there are still many people who commit crimes but are still free to roam, if they are arrested and sentenced to prison it is also not proportional to the actions they commit, prison law always has a gap to make remissions.

Yo no creo en ninguna de las dos amigo, es simple el infierno y el apocalipsis está echo para que la gente se mantenga en la religión, o no te da como miedo salir de ella porque sabes que serás juzgado? Y incluso aunque la reencarnación nos sea real, hay más pruebas de gente reencarne, que de gente que ve un "infierno"

 2 months ago 

You've shared a very impactful post. I was able to some leanings from the Islam and its belief system. Interesting! Its obvious that the issue of reincarnation resonates on religious line or traditional affiliations. In either case it is dependant on our exposure in all of rhis religious dominance. Thanks for sharing.

 2 months ago 

Semoga apa yang telah anda pelajari dalam tulisan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi anda. Terimakasih juga telah memberikan komentar positif pada postingan ini

Para los cristianos fundamentalmente la reencarnación no existe. Lo que dice la Biblia es que cuando llegue el fin del mundo todas las personas serán resucitadas y serán juzgadas según sus obras. Saludos.

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