SEC17/W2| While making decisions, what do you prefer to follow: heart or mind?

in Incredible India5 months ago



Hello friends, is Your girl, I am here to talk about my decision, at times is good we have control over our emotions, we shouldn't act when we are angry, we should be very careful with what we say when are angry. Before I go on I will love to invite my friends to join me, @inspiracion, @iyoti-thelight and @ngoenyi


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When it comes to decisions making most people count on their emotions and intuition, while some people choose to use logic and reasoning.
The people that makes decisions base on their heart believes in what their minds tells them, they believe so much in their inner feelings knowing that it will allow them make a better decision.

Then for those who choose take decisions base on their mind tend to emphasize on logic and reasoning. They carefully look at the good and bad of each option, they analyze the possible outcomes and they make their decision based on facts and evidence.

In real life, the best attitude to decision making usually fall on finding a stand between the heart and mind. By looking into both emotional and rational factors, one can easily make a good decisions properly. It is necessary to give ear to minds and emotions.



The heart and the mind plays an important roles in making decisions, in reality the mind depends on reasoning, logic and analysis, it is in this situation that the heart brings in emotions,

In making decisions the mind plays an important role because it helps us give thought to the good and bad, It helps us to make an educated choices based on facts and evidence.
On the other hand, the heart brings in emotional judgement and understanding, it links us with our own feelings and the feelings of others. Our heart helps us to make right decisions that are in order with our beliefs and desires.

In the aspect of making decisions, alot of people choose to listen to their heart though some people depend on their mind. Making decisions between the heart and the mind can depend on individual.



Physically I see myself to be a two side squared, some time I can be so emotional and some time I can be so practical so my beliefs is that if I can balance between these two aspects is important for making good respectful decisions and pave way through various situations effectively.

At some point I am an emotional person who does not joke when it comes to relationships, empathy, and understanding towards one another. I try to understand the feelings of those around me and I do see myself involving with people that need my help. I believe that emotions play an important role in human interactions and can create sudden understanding into the true nature of a situation.

There are situations I find myself being very practical who values logic, reason, and efficiency. I work hard to make decisions that fact with evidence, rather than allowing my emotions to take decisions alone, my believe is that being practical is very important expercially when it comes to problem-solving and when I wanting to achieve goals in a rational manner.


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My suggestion For the youth is that they should work hard to strike a balance between their emotions and practicality expercially when they are about to make decisions. It is important to pay attention to your heart and follow your passions, but it is also important to think critically and also considering the effects of your actions. By adding both the emotional and the practical approaches, the young ones can make well educated decisions that can help them with their values and goals.

Know more about me


Making is a very key to that we must not joke with because you go a long way end up with in life and destiny also. If we make right decision with affect our life positively and if we make one decisions it affect our lives negatively at the end of the day the most important things for us to make right decisions. Any decisions for me we should make sure that it end up in the right way so that we will not later end in regret but we will be grateful that we make those decisions. I have seen a lot of people because they are not able to make wise decisions, they later end up in making wrong decisions for their life's and Destinies which should not be so actually.

That is really what differentate us from others and which we must always learn and learn daily also. Whether we actually make use of our heart or we make use of our mind the most important in his first to make wise decisions for likes for our families for our future and for where we see ourselves years to come. In fact I've come to discover that the most important thing that matters is when we usually do things after our mind agrees to do it.We must be calculative and make sure that at the end of the day, we make right decisions for our lifes and families because that is the most important thing that actually matters.

I have come to discover that our hearts tend to be more emotional than our mind, our mind thanks to make right decisions far much more than our heart because our mind is much more logical practical calculative because it also involves the brain. Like we always know the powerhouse of human beings is demanded as a tax every tendency to make right decisions. You want to make right . decisions tend to make use of Your Mind much more than your heart. I will like to round up by saying that you can actually make the right decisions.

Thank you so much

 5 months ago 

শুভেচ্ছা রইলো।
আমাদের প্রতিদিন অনেক ধরণের সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে হয়। এক্ষেত্রে আপনি একদমই ঠিক বলেছেন যে ,কিছু মানুষ সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহন করার সময় তাদের আবেগের উপর জোর দিয়ে থাকে , আবার কিছু মানুষ তাদের লজিক ব্যবহার করে সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়ে থাকে।
তরুণদের জন্যও আপনি চমৎকার পরামর্শ দিয়েছেন। তারা যেন কোনো কিছু করার পূর্বে তাদের আবেগ ও ব্রেইনের চিন্তাভাবনার মাঝে ব্যালেন্স করার সাথে সাথে প্রচুর পরিশ্রম করে ।
ভালো লাগলো আপনার লেখা পড়ে।
প্রতিযোগিতায় আপনার সফলতা কামনা করছি।

Thank you for your wonderful comments

 5 months ago 

ম্যাম আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিযোগীতায় অংশ নেয়ার জন্য।আপনি দারুনভাবে আমাদের বুঝিয়েছেন যে, সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহনের ক্ষেত্রে মন এবং হৃদয় উভয়েরই বিশেষ প্রয়োজন রয়েছে। আপনি দুটি দিক নিয়েই দারুন কিছু যুক্তি উপস্থাপন করেছেন। সব মিলিয়ে আপনার লিখাটি পড়ে আমি দারুণভাবে অনুপ্রানিত হলাম।

এছাড়াও তরুনদের উদ্দেশ্যে আপনার বার্তাগুলো ছিলো বেশ কার্যকর। তরুনরা যেহেতু সহজেই ভুল করে বশে সেহেতু আপনার কথাগুলো মাথায় নিলে হয়তো ভুল করার সম্ভাবনা অনেকাংশে কমে যাবে। ভালো থাকবেন সবসময়। শুভকামনা রইলো।

I appreciate you my friend

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

La base de la vida radical en el equilibrio porque, cuando accionamos de manera equilibrada, tenemos mejor visión de la vida. Partiendo de esto, estoy convencida que una decisión anclada a estos parámetros, es el camino hacia el éxito.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica.. un fuerte abrazo💚

Thanks my friend

I think most of us always tend to tend to deviate to both sides, like the emotional and mental side, but it is important that we know how to control these organs when making decisions because we do not want to make them by impulse or a simple emotion.

Greetings @mesola

Thank you so much

Thank you so much

 4 months ago 

Emotions and thinking are two different things; they can be used separately or together. In situations like, love ❤ you can only use emotions because you don't have any control on it, sometimes.

Logic is used when you are dealing with stranger or doing a business.

  • Both are used in some situation where emotions and logic is important.

Best of luck for the contest.

You are very correct, thank you for stopping by

Dear steemit fellow Greetings! I am also listen my heart at the time of making decisions about relationships, but if I have to make decisions about any business activity, I hear to my mind. I think heart and mind both are essential for making decisions. Best of luck

Thank you for stopping by

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