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RE: SEC17/W1|El cielo y el infierno ¿fantasía o realidad?

in Incredible India2 months ago

In your society, beliefs and theories shape your understanding of the world around you. The concept of heaven and hell is one that has been deeply ingrained in many cultures and religions. While some may question the existence of these places, faith often guides our beliefs. It is believed that our actions on Earth determine our fate in the afterlife, with karma playing a significant role in the outcomes we experience. Living a moral and chaste life is seen as key to ensuring a positive outcome in both this life and the next. While some may view these beliefs as antiquated or unfounded, for many, they serve as a guiding force in their day-to-day actions and decisions.


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 2 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

Así es y fíjate, hay creencias donde aseguran que el cielo o infierno está acá en la Tierra y dependiendo de nuestro estilo de vida es que se sabrá cómo viviremos.

Respetando todas las teorías que existan, lo importante aquí es que optemos por hacer las cosas bien ya que, eso nos conduce a vivir tranquilos.

Agradezco mucho tu apoyo, un fuerte abrazo💚

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