in Incredible Indialast year (edited)


Hello Steemians, it is with great joy that I consider myself fit for this contest and hoping to win and also learn from other. As we all know alot of people have different perspective to life and that is very much okay, so today, I will be sharing with everyone here my perspective towards success and I believe you will learn from my little cent.


Steemians, please permit me to take you on this journey of sharing my own definition of success. I want to define Success in two different forms so we can really understand how I see it to be.

Firstly success according to me is "the ability to afford anything without bothering anybody". Please, don't be confused, permit me to explain. Being successful is not really about having the billions of money on your account, but then, it also confers to you being able to afford 'anything' at 'anytime' without having to to bother a second party. You are only successful when you can get what you want without being a burden to others, you can as well count yourself to be successful when you are able to accomplish a task without others seeing you as a liability. Being able to get things at your disposal gives you this sense of accomplishment that even on worst situations, you can Carter for yourself without mounting some sort of pressure on others. You can be a student and still be a successful student, that is why I said, it is being able to afford anything without bothering others.

In addition, let me site instances such as a student who can write his or her test, do assignment and write exams on his own without involving himself or herself in malpractice of any sort is a successful student, this therefore means he or she is able to get a good grade without depending on a fellow colleague to help write the exams before he can achieve a good grade. This same ideology applies to working class individuals, those who can take up the challenges in the office, perform task with or without supervision, these set of people are successful workers. How about a business man or woman, who has grown his business through roll over profits or loans alone without depending on help from government or relatives, he or she can be said to be a successful business man or woman.


Secondly, Success could be defined as "a sense of accomplishment on every step". Please still give me the opportunity to break this down. A successful person is one who in all odd finds a sense of accomplishment in every step of his or her life. Being successful has to do with the conditioning of the mindset, when our mindset is conditioned in a state where we find peace in every thing both big and small we are able to acquire.

Moreso, Successful people celebrates even the least of the things they can accomplish while hoping and working on better and greater things. Also, if ones mind is conditioned to accept every defeat of life, the success syndrome will have little or no effect because even if the person is winning, the state at which the mind was conditioned will make the eye go blind towards it. Successful people finds joy even in the midst of storms and believe it will never be forever. The little goals they can achieve, they are happy for it and look forward to get more things done, even if they fail, they count it as an experience and still move forward, hoping to do better next time.



YES, I do consider myself a successful person because I have come to realize that every win is a step towards my destiny. I remember when I was dependent on my parents for the least thing as data subscription, but right now, I have moved out of my parents house, rented an apartment and I am living very comfortably, even when i don't have large amount of money on my bank account. I have this sense of accomplishment that comes with being independent, living a life you don't have to consistently depending on a second party for survival. Moreso, I am successful person because I am no longer where I used to be few years back, I could get what I do dream of getting without having to beg others for it. This alone has given me the boldness to say "I am successful".



These are few of my advise to my friends and Steemians who wish to be successful in life;

• Keep doing the things you find joy in doing.

• Don't be cajoled to thinking less of yourself, you're more than just what you can think of.

• Condition your mind towards positivity and keep distance from negative energy and people who looks down on your small wins.

• Do not forget to celebrate every win in life, both big and small, remember the sacrifice you had to put through just to accomplish that thing.

• Failing doesn't equals to being a failure, every fall you have on your way shouldn't keep you on one spot, just learn your lesson and keep going.

• Pray for a life of contentment and develop self discipline, this will help you see the best in yourself and equally encourage you to do more.

• Be motivated by every success you are able to accomplish, don't just settle for less, there are more to be accomplished.

• Every disappointment is a bliss, don't let it get into you.

• Lastly but not the least, don't be overwhelmed with the things you have already accomplished, it will blind you towards tomorrow's opportunities.

Dear Steemians, thank you for this great opportunity to share my own slcent on being successful, thank younfor taking your time out of yiur busy schedule to read this, it is my joy to have you learn one or two from this piece. My sincere appreciation goes to @piya3 for inviting me to this wonderful community, I must say I have learnt alot and hoping to learn more as we grow together. Thank you so much

 last year 
  • Welcome to the community my friend. I am very very happy to see your interesting writing in our community.

  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have responded to my invitation.

  • Your definition of success in one word is awesome to me. One's point of view is actually one of a kind. But I respect your perspective on success.

  • Moreover, I saw that you consider yourself a successful person. Undoubtedly you are absolutely right in your place because a person who believes about himself is definitely successful.

  • In addition, your self provided the pastas for friends in the event of success has been wonderful.

  • Thank you once again for participating in this contest beautifully. Best wishes to you. Also looking forward to your next write-up.

 last year 

First of all, thank you for participating in this quality contest.

You have nicely defined the definition of success by dividing it into two parts. Very good but as a suggestion I would like to tell you that it would look best if you make a paragraph with a gap of three to four lines or five lines in a row.

The mark down was pretty good. Hope you continue to create this beauty, it will increase the quality of your writing and the beauty of viewing. Also, be sure to take note of the tips the moderator has given you. The message you give to your friends to succeed is really great. Best wishes for you. (thank you)

Thank you so very much for the observation and kind suggestions, I have made the necessary corrections and promise to do even more better.

 last year 

thank you dear brother 🥰

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