SEC17/W6|Do you believe history repeats itself?

in Incredible India2 months ago


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Do you believe history repeats itself through genes? Justify.

I believe that certain traits and predispositions can be repeated across generations through genes, but it is essential to qualify this idea. It is true that genetics plays a role in the transmission of certain physical characteristics and even personality traits. For example, eye color or certain medical predispositions are clearly hereditary. Yet attributing the repetition of family history solely to genes would be reductive. The behaviors, life choices and decisions we make are strongly influenced by our environment and our upbringing, which are not written in our DNA.

Additionally, it is important to consider that the interaction between our genes and our environment is complex and dynamic. So while I may inherit my family's tendency to be persistent and resilient, how I develop these traits depends largely on the experiences I have and the education I receive. Genes provide a sort of backdrop against which our lives are painted, but they do not dictate the final picture. In short, I believe that although our genes can influence certain lines of our history, they are not the only authors of our destinies. The repetition of family patterns across generations is therefore less a question of genetic inevitability than of cultural and educational transmission.

Which habits transfer to you from your parents, or your children (if any) get the same from you?

My parents passed on several valuable habits to me, but two of them particularly stand out: a love of reading and a respect for education. From a very young age, I often saw them immersed in books, which aroused my curiosity and my desire to learn. This passion for reading opened doors to worlds and ideas that I would never have known otherwise. Today, I strive to pass on this love of books to my children, by reading them stories every evening and encouraging them to explore libraries and bookstores. I hope that they find in books, as I did, an inexhaustible source of knowledge and inspiration.

Furthermore, punctuality and responsibility are values that my parents instilled in me very early on, teaching me to respect my commitment and the time of others. These principles have become an integral part of who I am and influence how I manage my professional and personal relationships. I consider these traits not only as signs of respect for others but also as essential assets for success in life. By instilling these same values in my children, I prepare them to become respectful and reliable adults, capable of navigating life's challenges with integrity and respect for their commitments.

Share any of your habits that make you smile, proud to believe the proverb.

A habit that always makes me smile is that of preparing a big family meal every Sunday, with the famous Tunisian couscous as the main course. This culinary tradition, which I inherited from my parents, reminds me of the lively lunches of my childhood, where the whole family gathered around this dish rich in flavors and stories. Every week, I enjoy selecting the ingredients, mixing the spices, and seeing the couscous take shape, knowing that this ritual brings my family together in joy and delicacy. This moment is precious to me because it transcends simple food to become a celebration of our cultural and family heritage.

I am particularly proud to maintain this tradition because it perfectly illustrates the proverb which says that “family is where life begins and love never ends”. Every Sunday, when I see my children and my wife sharing this dish that rocked my own childhood, I feel deep satisfaction and immense gratitude. Couscous is not just a meal; it is a bond that unites generations, a symbol of love and continuity in our family. By continuing this tradition, I nourish not only stomachs but also hearts, strengthening the foundations on which our family life is built.

Do you believe history somehow carries the legacy of our previous generation? Share your opinion.

I firmly believe that our history is deeply marked by the contributions of the generations that came before us. Political decisions, technological innovations and cultural traditions inherited from our ancestors have a significant impact on the way we live today. The traces left by our ancestors are manifested either by the maintenance of certain customs, or by the reaction to these same practices. So even when we think about innovating or introducing change, we are often guided by the foundations laid by previous generations.


Furthermore, the influence of our predecessors is also felt in the values they transmitted to us. Whether we choose to follow these values or question them, they are the foundation on which we build our lives. This is seen in the traditions we continue, the lessons learned from our history and even in our approach to contemporary challenges. These elements are not isolated, they result from a long series of events and decisions taken well before our time. For this reason, I believe that each generation inherits not only the physical environment of its ancestors but also their failures, achievements and aspirations which shapes the future based on their heritage.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @hamzayousafzai, @suboohi, @ngoenyi to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,



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Genes provide a sort of backdrop against which our lives are painted, but they do not dictate the final picture.

I completely agree. While our genetic makeup certainly influences certain aspects of who we are, it doesn’t define us entirely. Our personal experiences, the environment we grow up in, and the choices we make are equally, if not more, significant in shaping our identities and destinies.

Every week, I enjoy selecting the ingredients, mixing the spices, and seeing the couscous take shape, knowing that this ritual brings my family together in joy and delicacy.

This weekly ritual sounds beautiful and heartwarming. It's amazing how cooking and sharing a meal can create such strong family bonds and preserve cultural traditions. Preparing couscous together not only nourishes the body but also strengthens the familial and cultural ties that make these moments so special.

Political decisions, technological innovations and cultural traditions inherited from our ancestors have a significant impact on the way we live today.

Absolutely. The legacy of our ancestors shapes much of our current reality, from the laws that govern us to the technologies we rely on daily. Recognizing the contributions of past generations helps us understand the context of our current challenges and achievements, and it can guide us in making informed decisions for the future.

Good luck

Hello @kouba01 like you I also believe some traits come from our genes, like our eye color and behaviors, but our upbringing is also important.

You learned to love reading and be responsible from your parents ya that's good. Cooking a family meal every Sunday makes you happy and brings you together. Our history shapes who we are today. Thanks for sharing,wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

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