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RE: SEC17/W6|Do you believe history repeats itself?

in Incredible India2 months ago

Genes provide a sort of backdrop against which our lives are painted, but they do not dictate the final picture.

I completely agree. While our genetic makeup certainly influences certain aspects of who we are, it doesn’t define us entirely. Our personal experiences, the environment we grow up in, and the choices we make are equally, if not more, significant in shaping our identities and destinies.

Every week, I enjoy selecting the ingredients, mixing the spices, and seeing the couscous take shape, knowing that this ritual brings my family together in joy and delicacy.

This weekly ritual sounds beautiful and heartwarming. It's amazing how cooking and sharing a meal can create such strong family bonds and preserve cultural traditions. Preparing couscous together not only nourishes the body but also strengthens the familial and cultural ties that make these moments so special.

Political decisions, technological innovations and cultural traditions inherited from our ancestors have a significant impact on the way we live today.

Absolutely. The legacy of our ancestors shapes much of our current reality, from the laws that govern us to the technologies we rely on daily. Recognizing the contributions of past generations helps us understand the context of our current challenges and achievements, and it can guide us in making informed decisions for the future.

Good luck

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