Steem engagement challenge-S10/W3| I do believe marriages are made in heaven.

in Incredible India11 months ago (edited)


Edited with PicsArt

Hello everyone and thanks @meraindia for this wonderful opportunity to partake in the awesome contest. Now let’s delve right in


Marriage is a special bond between two individuals, acknowledged by society, that brings together their rights, responsibilities, and commitments. It is often built upon love, companionship, and a shared aspiration for a lifelong partnership. The happiness and success of a marriage can be influenced by various factors, shaping it into a beautiful journey or presenting challenges along the way.

Do you believe marriages are made in heaven? Share your opinion.


The belief that marriages are made in heaven suggests that there is a special force or destiny that brings two people together as partners in life. It means that there is a predetermined plan or connection that helps people find their perfect match.
And this worked for me actually because the lady I actually got married to wasn’t exactly who I had planned initially from the unset, the lady I had dated for long and did my best trying to get married to did something really horrible that could have led to my demise but thank GOD it didn’t happen that way, and I was still trying to make it work until my now wife came along, and every single thing I was working hard to get to put things aright worked out effortlessly afterwards her arrival, and after all was said and done I got married to my wife.
We’ve been married for a few years now, and I never expected I would get such peace and happiness that I have now, and that was when I concluded that this was meant to be.

For those who hold this belief, it can provide a sense of comfort and reassurance that their marriage is ordained or blessed by GOD. It may also provide a sense of purpose and meaning to their relationship, as they perceive it to be part of a larger plan beyond their own understanding.

However, it's important to note that not everyone shares this belief. Many people view marriage as a result of personal choices, mutual compatibility, and shared values. They believe that successful marriages are built through love, commitment, and effort rather than being predestined or arranged by GOD.

Basically, whether marriages are believed to be made in heaven or not is a personal belief influenced by culture, religion, and individual perspectives. It's a subject that leads to both a philosophical and spiritual conversations, and people will have varying opinions based on their own experiences and beliefs.

Which marriage do you prefer, arranged or love? Why?


Marriage as a result of love is often considered better than an arranged marriage for several reasons. When two individuals choose to marry based on love, there is a foundation of emotional connection, compatibility, and shared values. This deep emotional bond can strengthen the relationship and lead to a more fulfilling partnership.

In a love-based marriage, there is a greater likelihood of mutual understanding, respect, and support between partners. They have the freedom to express their true selves and make decisions together based on their own preferences and desires. Love provides a strong motivation to work through challenges and conflicts, fostering growth and resilience in the relationship.

Additionally, love-based marriages tend to promote personal happiness and well-being. When two people marry out of love, they are more likely to experience emotional satisfaction, fulfillment, and a sense of companionship. This can contribute to a healthier and more positive overall life experience.

While arranged marriages can work for some individuals and cultures, they may involve less choice and agency for the individuals involved. In such cases, compatibility and emotional connection may take time to develop, which can lead to challenges and adjustments in the early stages of the marriage.

Ultimately, love-based marriages offer the freedom to choose a life partner based on personal connection and shared affection. They provide a solid foundation for building a lifelong partnership filled with love, happiness, and personal growth.

According to you what is the definition of a happy married life?


A happy married life is when two people love and support each other, trust and respect each other, and talk openly and honestly with each other. They share their lives together, have similar values and goals, and handle problems by listening to each other and finding solutions together. It's a relationship filled with love, happiness, and a sense of belonging, where both partners grow and feel supported in their journey through life.

Share some reasons behind the increase in mental distance and separations.


There can be several reasons behind the increase in mental distance and separations in relationships. It's important to note that each situation is unique, but here are some common factors that may contribute:

1. Lack of Communication

This is one major area a whole lot of couples take for granted a lot, and it’s quite sad. Insufficient communication or poor quality communication can create emotional distance between partners. When feelings, needs, and concerns are not effectively expressed and understood, it can lead to misunderstandings and a sense of disconnection.

2. Unresolved Conflicts

Unresolved conflicts can build up over time, causing resentment and eroding the emotional bond between partners. If conflicts are not addressed and resolved in a healthy manner, they can contribute to a growing sense of dissatisfaction and distance, and just slowly the bond begins to dissolve, and you must understand that bad marriages don’t get destroyed in a day, it’s a gradual or slow fade

3. Changing Priorities and Values

Over time, individuals may experience personal growth and changes in their priorities and values. If these changes are not aligned or communicated within the relationship, it can create a sense of disconnect and make it difficult to maintain a strong emotional connection.

4. Stress and Life Challenges

External stressors such as work pressures, financial difficulties, or health issues can take a toll on a relationship. When partners are overwhelmed by these challenges, they may become emotionally distant as they struggle to cope with the demands of daily life.

5. Lack of Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy, such as sharing thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities, is crucial for maintaining a close connection. If emotional intimacy is lacking or declines over time, it can result in a sense of emotional distance and disengagement.

To address these issues, it is important to prioritize open and honest communication, actively work on conflict resolution, and regularly assess and align personal priorities and values within the relationship. Seeking professional help, such as couples therapy, can also provide guidance and support in navigating these challenges and rebuilding emotional closeness. Remember, every relationship is unique, and it is essential to understand the specific dynamics and circumstances at play in order to address them effectively.



A happy marriage is important because it brings love, support, and companionship. It makes people feel happy, stable, and connected to each other. In a happy marriage, people grow together, understand each other, and feel fulfilled. It's a safe and loving environment to raise children and share common values. A happy marriage also makes people healthier, less stressed, and more satisfied with life. Overall, it brings joy, fulfillment, and a strong emotional bond between partners, creating a lifelong partnership filled with love and happiness.

this is who I am


Many times two people in the union called marriage keep going and waxing strong because of the strength in love. A love marriage is preferably.

You’re absolutely right my friend and thanks for your wonderful comment 😊✌🏽

Thanks so much @steemcurator09 I’m indeed grateful 😊🙏🏾

 11 months ago 

You have said it all. Whether one believes in marriages that are made in heaven or earth, each individual will still need to work hard to sustain the marriage.

I agree that it is best to marry out of love and not an arranged one. This is the best anyways but some cultures and believes may not allow that.

About your first love, well, I can say that a it is best to separate while courting than after marriage. In any case, what matters most is that you are happy with your wife. I wish you both success in your marriage journey

Yes, you’re absolutely correct ma, and thanks so much for your awesome comment, I’m grateful ma 🙏🏾😊


Thank you for sharing your particular experience and perspective on the belief that marriages are made in heaven. It's intriguing to hear how your own journey led you to the conclusion that your marriage was meant to be. Your story highlights the unanticipated twists and turns that can occur in relationships and how sometimes the path we initially envisioned may not be the bone that ultimately brings us happiness.

Yes I totally agree with you @faridi1 , you’ve indeed said it all, thanks a lot for your comment 😊🙏🏾

Hello dear, @israelakhere

  • Marriage is a very important thing for all of us. Which you have brought up some fantastic information in this regard. Everything happens by the command of Almighty Allah. The sun sets, we rise, we can walk, we can talk, everything happens by His command. In the same way marriage also happens. One thing that feels better is that we understand each other. Also, the biggest factor behind the increase in emotional distance and separation is trust, which is very valuable in every relationship.


I absolutely agree with you my friend, though it’s ordained by the Almighty, we also need to do our best by putting in some effort as well. Thanks for your comment 🙏🏾😊


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