SEC17/W5 | Do you believe in reincarnation?

in Incredible India4 months ago

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Do you believe in reincarnation?

Hello everyone, I am quite happy to be back in Week 5 through my published participation. Hope this is an interesting post that keeps you entertained.


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In our religion, as a Muslim, it is clearly explained that indeed anything that has a soul/life will certainly experience and taste death by the permission of Allah. No one can escape from this reality, fate will not change for a second the determination of the destiny that will be experienced by someone. Death will not make anything soulless or Alive can come back to the world, live only once and we are quite sure about it. The journey of human life as a soul and living creatures can not be separated from the destiny of when he was born and when a person will experience a certainty, the secret belongs to God and only he knows.

So the question arises, Can a person come back to life with the term called reincarnation?
Belief will not make someone interpret it wrong, which ultimately sometimes makes us wrong in understanding it.

Do you believe there is a reincarnation? Justify your belief.

Belief makes me believe that reincarnation in terms of impossible to happen, but life back after death is true in my teachings and beliefs as a Muslim.

Reincarnation in Islam can be interpreted as the resurrection of humans at the end of the day, not to live a new life with new hopes and circumstances, but to account for all the things that happen to their lives in the world. Later when the hour has come humans will be resurrected in the field of Mahsyar, a place that has been promised by God as the first human being until the end of time will gather to account for their actions at the end.

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Intiya reincarnation in Islam is the time when people see what they have done in the world so that all their actions while in the world can be accounted for before God Almighty.

Do you believe we get back our relationships through reincarnation? Describe.

Since reincarnation does not occur again in the world, there will be no return to life that connects a person with other people in the world. Something that has died is cut off from the world, except for some things that bring benefit or harm from what people do in their lives in the world.

Indirectly in accordance with what I explained at the beginning there is no such thing as living back to the world, or in other words, there is no human reincarnation to live back to the world, let alone get back in touch with people who are still alive.

Do you like to be born just like what you are in this life;

Or would you wish to adopt any other person's life if there is a reincarnation? Explain the reasons behind your choice.

Islam teaches us to be grateful and accept destiny as a decree that has been given by God. Some destinies can be changed according to effort and prayer, but Aja also destiny that can not be changed anymore, for example, the destiny of birth to the world and also the destiny of death. That is why I believe that being born according to God's destiny is not necessary for us to think, we just have to be grateful and continue to do good for our lives in the world.

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So because of this, there is no reason for me to dream of someone else's life, it would be nice for me to be able to achieve and strive to be able to achieve that life.

In the end, I believe that reincarnation exists, but not a return to life in the world. Instead of living again at the end of time as a form of accountability for what we have done in the world.

So many of my simple posts on this occasion, I invite @waterjoe, @pea07, and @alee75 to participate, best regards to all of you.

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 4 months ago 

Saludos amigo yo también creo que después de esta vida vamos a reencarnar pero no como eramos antes de morir no mucho menos encontrarnos con las personas que conocíamos
En la biblia dice que después de esta vida podemos reencarnar en otro cuerpo ya sea un insecto, un mamíferos o un ave pero no nos acordaremos de nuestra vida pasada

 4 months ago 

I think if we talk about scientific definition of death then it simply means that there is no cell which is a building block of human body is alive and is able to take oxygen from the environment which is necessary for survival that's why when you are died then how can you reborn again because after death gradually a person starts to decay. As we both are Muslims that's why our believes are similar....

Good luck 🍀

 4 months ago 

Bagi kita umat muslim, reinkarnasi adalah suatu hal yang sangat mustahil terjadi, dan kita baru akan di bangkit kan kembali di hari akhirat, semoga saja kita bisa selalu menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik sehingga di hari akhirat kelak kita dan orang-orang yang kita cintai di bangkitkan menjadi orang-orang yang bahagia. Semoga kita sukses di kontes ini 😊

 4 months ago 

Aamiin...Aamiin, harapan terbaik untuk kita semua tentunya.

Terima kasih bang ikwal, telah berkomentar di sini.

I appreciate it how you relate the dogma of religion to the concept of reincarnation. After all both are abstract concepts, so I think the discourse on whether reincarnation exists or not will continue till the end of the day.

What an enjoyable post to read, cek gu. Keep it up!

 4 months ago 

At least we are not too busy looking for the truth until the end of time about whether it is true or not, even though it is already in the heart as a foundation of belief.

Too much watching may have an effect on the director's reincarnation pattern, and high-level delusions and I enjoy my low-level writing as an illusion so that the sleeping 'Dormant Gembel' does not happen to me, do you agree big Sister?

Nice to see you back, so I can study your publications. I hope your lecture went well.

I agree that everyone should have a strong foundation of spiritual beliefs as it can also work as a very personal guide in life.

Hahaha, actually 'Dormant Gembel' was based on what's inside this little brain of mine. And honestly when I mentioned 'visionary people', you were one of the people that came to mind back then. Believe it or not.

I have to learn consistency from you and other great Steemians. What makes me even more impressed is that you're still the same person, open-minded and willing to learn even from someone 'shallow' like me.

Alhamdulillah my academic activities are going smoothly so far. Even tho studying isn't as exciting as I thought it would be. I fortunate enough I didn't drown in my own expectations, so I just enjoy it.

How about yourself? How are your teaching activities going? Or perhaps you've already become a school principal by now?

 4 months ago 

I'm glad to hear your comments, I'm just trying to prepare for a good future so as not to be too busy in old age.

Thank god you are still Realistic in carrying out your academy activities, I believe you can achieve everything in life. You're pretty smart and shrewd as far as I know, both are needed to look good in the skits of this world.

I am still a teacher with the lowest IQ, the principal is probably too big for my specifications.

Thank you sister Firyfaiz, I like this kind of casual chat, it's hard to find comments like this because generally it just passes like the wind.

Noo... u r the best one so far. And if you say that you were the teacher with the lowest IQ, what about those 'teachers' who refuse to be criticized? I guess they were at the IQ jongkok level.

And i can't guarantee that i will be a successful person someday because i have to continue learning just to survive day by day. 🤣

What an exciting comments right there🙌

The issue with the word reincarnation is that even though it actually exist, I have come to discover that it is mostly used by many for the wrong and evil purposes that it should not be used for

 4 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Siento que se ha confundido mucho el nuevo ciclo de vida después de la muerte con la reencarnación y, tengo esta sensación porque, conversando con personas que aseguran haber visto que alguien reencarnó, hacen énfasis en el proceso a la vida posterior a la muerte.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Hello @fantvwiki,
I understand that your belief as a Muslim do not support reincarnation same as mine too. They say justify your answer, so people would still say otherwise and try to justify their answers. But it is advisable to always hold on to our beliefs irrespective of What others think. And I love the part your doctrine teaches you to always be thankful and grateful, that's why you would still love to come back or to born again as you if reincarnation were to happen. I commend you for that.

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