Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W1|Do you believe God and evil power exists?

in Incredible Indialast year

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Hello stemians that I respect. It's a beautiful day as beautiful as everyone's heart here. In the Incredible India community. The mercy of Allah SWT without limits to all inhabitants of this earth.

I invite you to read my participation in this engagement challenge Contest. Do you believe in God and evil forces exist?

Do you believe in God and evil forces? Explain?

Say "He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah is the place to ask for everything. (God) neither begotten nor begotten. And there is nothing equal to Him."
QS. Al Iklas 1-4

قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ
اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ
وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ

That is the basis for us Muslims that we believe in God. ( Allah) . It is not valid as a Muslim if you still have doubts about the existence of Allah SWT. God created and rules the entire universe. Allah is One, One about His essence, One about His attributes, and One about His deeds.

Another thing is that we also have to believe in evil forces which include the existence of the devil and devils who will always influence us to have doubts about the existence of God, have doubts for us who want to do good deeds and want to leave evil works.

Have you ever felt a supernatural power? Describe

For now I have to say never, because there is nothing to doubt about my health and others. But some of the friends I met, let's say he has a sixth sense to see something unseen. They say that I have a supernatural power hidden within me. However those were just words making me not really sure what he was saying. I am fine and have never felt any turmoil about my body, behavior and life. My life goes on as normal as the people around me live.

But I can't deny that it exists, even now is contested in various ways.

I often watch YouTube channels about that. One of them belongs to Kang Ujang Busthomi Cirebon


But that is only to make people realize that it is not the right way for a problem solution. Most of those who approach the world of supernatural powers are due to dissatisfaction. Feel disadvantaged and feel weak. Most of them are people who are empty of faith.

Share your perspective on God's power and evil

Image by Gerd Altmann fromPixabay

We are encouraged to always pray. In fact, we also pray for the good of people who have died. A child is praying for their late father and mother. Undoubtedly they will receive the rewards and benefits of the prayer. We need to understand that, only with God's power will happen. Humans only need to ask with sincerity, and God is the one who has the power to give a mark on everything.

Crime. Certainly can not be separated from the bad behavior of individuals or a group. They always try to win the lust that is being controlled by the devil and devil, whereas in Islam it has been stated that both are real enemies. For those who have low faith, this is very vulnerable to occur. Moreover, they are experiencing severe stress due to something desired not achieved. But for true Muslims will consider it as God's trials. And people are patient who will win it. Because they realize that,

"God does not burden someone but in accordance with his ability. He gets (reward) from (virtue) he does and he gets (torture) from (evil) he does. (They pray)," O our Lord, do not you do our law if we are if we are Forgot or we made a mistake. "

Maybe this is only my description of the existing Soalan. I hope everyone will be happy to read it.

I want to invite @beautiful12 @yenny47 @ikwal @silawana @muzack1 @lianem and @elrazi, to participate in this contest.

Best regards


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You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 last year 

"God does not burden someone but in accordance with his ability.

Allah bahkan tidak akan mengubah kehidupan seseorang dari hambanya, melainkan dia ingin mengubah diri sendiri. Dan siapa saja dari manusia yang hendak diberikan kebaikan, maka dia akan diberikan hidayah dijalannya.

Kita semua percaya tuhan dan percaya kepada semua firmannya.

Seperti yang anda bicarakan tentang ghaib, bahwa kita percaya dengan hal itu tapi bukan berarti kami meyakini terhadap sesuatu yang berdasarkan dari kehidupan jin, karna hal itu akan berdampak buruk pada keimanan kami.

Anda telah merangkainya dengan sangat bagus disini temanku @f2i5

Semoga anda beruntung 👏 dan semoga harimu menyenangkan 😀

Sin sin duda existe un creador el del universo y la tierra con un poder incomparable.
También existe las fuerzas del mal pero que este no tiene más poder que Dios
Gracias por tu invitación feliz día

You have prepared your post very well because you started your post with Surah Ikhlas and it is very good that we start everything we do with the name of Allah. Indeed, there is no doubt that Allah Almighty has created us and we have no doubt about him.
Good luck


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