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RE: SEC-17/W6|Do you believe history repeats itself?

in Incredible India4 months ago

Suppose if mother has blue eyes then her generation can also have blue eyes but it's not mandatory.

Understanding how traits like eye color can be passed down from parents to children sheds light on the complexity of genetics and the variability in inherited characteristics.

My parents always include exercises especially walking in their life and their physical activities because they don't like to be totally free and for that reason I am also addicted to walk as well as I really love to remain busy in my tasks so this trait has also transferred in me from my parents.

It is pleasing to see how parental behavior can shape our own habits and preferences, highlighting the importance of positive role modeling in childhood development.

Suppose if today I am going to give some money to charity to needy person then in future it would bring smile at my face so it means that the time of giving Charity to a person was my history and my past and it was my habit that has bring smile at my face so this is how I relate it with that proverb.

I think the acts of kindness and generosity not only benefit others but also bring personal fulfillment and joy, creating meaningful memories and shaping our sense of self and purpose over time.

All the best

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