Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W1 | I Do Believe In God & Evil Power Exists

in Incredible Indialast year


I Do Believe In God & Evil Power Exist

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With my pleasure to invite some of my dearest Steemian Mrs. @dederanggayoni @sailwana @solperez @suboohi Mr. @solaymann @dove11 join this challenge

1. Do You Believe God & Evil Power Exists ? Explain !

Without no doubt, as a moeslem I do believe God & evil power exists in this universe. In my faith, Islam, we believe that we only have one God in this world, He is exist even if unseen.

We can felt it by our heart, when we do worship such as sholat a.k.a. Prayer, when we want to do everything in everywhere, everyplace, when we want to ask something by make a du’a, when we have a bunch of matters, sorrowful or joyful and so on. We definitely do believe & can felt that God, Allah SWT always beside us.

There is one of Kalamullah said in Surah Al-Qaf ayat 16, ”... and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein”. No wonder, this Surah explain that God, Yaa Rahim exist absolutely.

There is Allah SWT who created this earth, us as His creatures, plants, animals, stars, sky, sun, moon and all of the things on this planet. Believe in God is one of The 6 Pillars of Iman, which one that mention it in the first number.


Without no doubt, as a moeslem we do believe God, Allah SWT exist on this planet & in our heart

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I do believe also that evil power exist on this earth due to the fact that if we believe to God, Allah SWT, it means we believe also that He created human include jin, satan & evil on this planet.

Evil is something unseen, mystic, metaphysical, magic and give bad furthermore negative things to our life, I meant human & this world.

2. Have You Ever Felt Any Supernatural Power ? Describe !

I don’t know exactly, this is true or not. However I personally believe that I have felt supernatural power in my life. One day when I stay at my boarding house and watched television, there is a house lizard was staring at me.


House lizard is one of animals which one had supernatural power in my faith

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Let me tell the truth that exactly I just realized the house lizard staring at me in a few seconds. Exatly it staring me from several minutes ago.

It was happened till several times when I was living out in the big cities. I had severe headache almost every dusk for a few months. I frequently had a nightmare & mostly is all about snake. After that happent, coincidentally I read some articles from social media which one talk about some of animals that we believe in my religion & faith, Islam. There are snake, house lizard, gecko, scorpion, centipede and so on.

And what happened to me, they told me & explain it on those articles. Some of real Ustadz on social media also had explain concerning that. So that's why it seems to me that I have felt supernatural power in my life. However I try to closer with Yaa Hayyun, God to fought with something bad & unseen in my life.

Alhamdulillah after I move from that city and broke up with my boyfriend, I never felt it anymore. I meant, all the praise only for Yaa Malik, my condition is great, didn’t have nightmare anymore or severe headache when at the dusk.

3. Share Your Perspective About The Power Of God & Evil !

With my pleasure as a moeslem to say that I do believe that the power of God, Allah SWT too much in my life till I couldn’t count it even if I want to count. Since I was didn’t exist on His earth, therefore I exist in my lovely mom’s belly till I was born on this universe.

And yazz, now till I am adult, Allah SWT gave a bunch of His Power to me, many blessings, a plenty of ni’mah a.k.a. fortune, breath, a good life, brain, lovely friends, strength and so forth.

Yep, as a moeslem we do personally belive that the power of du’a when we make a du’a is one of the power of God.

By make a du’a, InsyaaAllah we do believe that Yaa Mujiib, our God will ijabah or answer our du’a in our life by His way.

He knows that which one the things is good for us as His creature and which one not good for us. In other hands, du’a is one of The Power of God, by make communication, interaction, closer between human & God


Du’a is one of The Power of Yaa Mujiib, our God by make communication, interaction, closer between human & God

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The power of evil is when they disturb the human in this universe by send or make something bad or negative things to the human. In my religion, Islam that we extremely believe there are jin, satan, evil, devil and the genks who always interfere or bother us since prophet Adam as until today.


However we do believe that God Power is stronger than evil power

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Mainly in country, Indonesia evil identic with shaman, santet, metaphysical and etcetera by using evil power. However as far as I am concerned, we could find them also in some places & unpredictable without use anything such as in our house, in the vacant house or room, doll, in jungle or forest or woods, in the river, lake, dirty places and so on. Yeah, we believe those are °their (read : evil) favorite places to stay or perhaps live.

However please bold my statements for this moment that in my point of view from long time ago & I have heard one of Ustadz said that if we do believe to The God Power, Yaa Malik, Allah SWT Power, the evil power will lose. Yazz, due to the fact that evil is God creatures also so that’s why if we do our logic, it’s extremely imposible The Creator will lose with what His created. InsyaaAllah if you do believe to Yaa Malik, evils are gonna lose !

Big thank you to the founder, admin and moderator whom made this challenge in this lovely community. May God blessed your life.

Warm regards,



This contest is very interesting and different from the others, thank you very much in advance for inviting me and I hope I have time to take part in this contest. There is nothing in God's power that rivals it in this world and in the hereafter, we believe that so whatever other form of power is nothing. Let's draw closer to Allah by believing and fearing Him.

 last year 

MasyaaAllah, I do totally agree with your lovely comments, my beloved sista. Well, I hope so, I meant I can't waiting for you join this lovely challenge 😊
Let's break a leg, sista 💪🏻🥳

OK, I hope you can come along

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