SEC -S10/W4| Do you think advanced technology somehow hampers our natural thought process?


Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying life with the blessings of Allah Almighty. I am happy to take part in the exciting challenge hosted by Incredible India community' Contest Steem engagement challenge-S10/W4| Do you think advanced technology somehow hampers our natural thought process? So, without any further delay, let's dive right in!


Do you think advanced technology somehow hampers our natural thought process?

I think too much technology intercourse can sometimes make our thinking process slower and less natural. We become more reliant on devices to do our thinking for us, and we do not exercise our thousands time better own brains as much. It is like having a calculator do all the math easy calculation for us instead of doing it in our heads.

When we constantly fully dependent on technology, we may also loose some of our cognitive creativity & problem-solving skills. Instead of coming up with our own ideas or solutions to the problem , we often turn to search engines or apps for answers. It is like having a recipe book tell us exactly how to cook instead of experimenting and using our own cognitive in the kitchen.

Additionally, technology can be a source of distraction as well mental disturbance . We spend so much time on our devices, & scrolling through social media or playing games, that it takes away from our ability to focus & think deeply about things.

Should we depend entirely on these advanced technologies, or should we also use our intellect?

We should not dependent only on advanced technologies; we should also use our own creativity as well . Our brains are powerful & capable of critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. By engaging our intellect, we can come up with unique creative ideas and solutions that technology may not provide accurately .

Moreover, using our intellect helps us develop important skills such as reasoning, critical analysis, & decision-making. These skills are essential for personal growth & success in various aspects of life. Technology is a tool that can support & enhance our abilities, but it shouldn't replace our intellectual capabilities. It is important to find a balance and leverage both our own thinking & the benefits that technology brings.

Are you supporting or against the usage of advanced technologies?

Yes, I am definitely in favor of using advanced technologies and infact i love it . Let me explain why in simple terms. Advanced technologies help us in many sectors in many ways . They make our lives easier & more convenient. For example, we can use smartphones to connect with people around the world & access information instantly.

Moreover, advanced technologies also help about significant improvements in various sectors. They enhance healthcare by enabling accurate diagnoses & more effective treatments. They also improve transportation systems , making commuting faster and more safer. They also contribute to the conservation of our environment through innovations like renewable energy sources & efficient waste management.


Share the advantages and disadvantages of advanced technologies.

Advanced technologies have both advantages and disadvantages like naturally . On the positive side, they make technology our lives easier and more convenient. For example, smartphones enable us to connect with people instantly & access information at our fingertips. Technology also improve efficiency in various industries, such as in sectors healthcare & transportation. However, technology are drawbacks too.

Over Reliance on technology can lead to limiting human interaction and dependency. Additionally, advanced technologies may create privacy concerns as our personal data becomes more vulnerable to cyber threats in digital worlds . It is important to strike a balance & use technology responsibly for the overall well-being of society.

With Best Regards


Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it is time for me to move on. Take care & I hope to see you all again very soon , Best of Luck .

Your gorgeous friend Hamad khan

As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten


Accurately written. Technology is a good thing but there is a need to limit it's use. Getting dependent on technology will obviously affect our lives. I loved the way you added the example of calculator to support your stance.

 last year 

অবশ্যই ঠিক কথাই বলেছেন প্রযুক্তি এমন একটি হাতিয়ার।যেটি আমাদের সক্ষমতাকে সমর্থন ও উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করে।

তবে পুরোপুরি প্রযুক্তির ওপর নির্ভরশীল হওয়াটা একেবারেই উচিত নয়, প্রযুক্তির পাশাপাশি নিজের বুদ্ধিমত্তা নিজের কৌশল সবকিছুই কাজে লাগাতে হবে। তাহলেই আমরা একটি ভালো জীবন এবং আমাদের জীবনের সফলতার পথে এগোতে পারবো।

যতটুকু পরিমাণে আমাদের এই লাইফে প্রযুক্তির প্রয়োজন রয়েছে। ততটুকুই আমরা ব্যবহার করব। তার অধিক ব্যবহার করলে সেটা আমাদের ক্ষতি করতে পারে।

আরে ঠিক বলেছেন একেবারেই যে আমাদের এখন কোন কিছু জানার ইচ্ছে হলেই সার্চ বক্সে গিয়ে সার্চ করে দেখি, বা আমরা যদি কোন কিছু রান্না না করতে বসি, আমরা রান্নার বই নিয়ে পড়তে বসি যে কিভাবে রান্না করতে হবে। কারণ সবগুলোই ওই বইতে দেওয়া থাকে। আমাদের নিজের বুদ্ধি কে আমাদের নিজের কৌশল কে আমরা কাজে লাগায় না।

তাই প্রযুক্তির উপর পুরোপুরি নির্ভরশীল না হয়ে নিজের উপরও নির্ভরশীল হওয়া দরকার।

Our brains are powerful & capable of critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

I agree with you my good friend,most people tend to look down on our thinking ability but truth be told our intellect is the first technology and it still the most powerful one at that but it needs to be developed and constant learning can help us developed it.

Good luck friend in this contest



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @muzack1

 last year 

It is like having a calculator do all the math easy calculation for us instead of doing it in our heads.

Wonderful presentation by you. I can agree with you too much of technology can affect human natural thinking. Do you know that I can't even do any simple maths witout using a calculator.

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